NYT Crossword Answers for Nov. 8, 2024
Evans Clinchy opens our solving weekend.Jump to: Tricky CluesFRIDAY PUZZLE — This is Evans Clinchy’s seventh puzzle in The New York Times, and today’s crossword is in what seems to be his sweet spot: All of his contributions have been Friday or Saturday grids.Maybe Mr. Clinchy sticks to the hardest days of the week because he enjoys that tough puzzle cage fight between constructor and solver. I know that I went a couple of rounds with his clues, but ultimately found his crossword very satisfying to solve.Tricky Clues14A. In today’s puzzle, the “bread” in [French bread] is slang for money, so the answer is EURO.23A. The [Big brothers?] are ABBOTS, who lead the other monks in monasteries.31A. If you are passing through a RIDGE, you are taking [… the high road?].43A. I was hoping that [Bump above a belt] wasn’t a reference to beer bellies, and I was not disappointed. It’s a much smaller bump: The answer is OUTIE.3D. The “flight” in [Pricey flight options, perhaps] is not about riding on an airplane. It’s a selection of CRAFT BEERS served in small glasses at a tasting.4D. You can’t have tomfoolery without TOMFOOLS, or [Doofuses].11D. When people take a daily [Constitutional], they are taking a WALK.40D. Someone who is [… on a roll] might be a person who is doing well. In this puzzle, Mr. Clinchy is referring to people who are on a list of registered voters, also known as a VOTER roll.Constructor NotesMy original clue for 15-Across was, [He wrote in his 2023 memoir, “The movement for trans liberation affects us all”].Poignant words, especially at times like these.Join Our Other Game DiscussionsWant to be part of the conversation about New York Times Games, or maybe get some help with a particularly thorny puzzle? Here are the:Spelling Bee ForumWordle ReviewConnections CompanionImprove Your Crossword SolvingWork your way through our guide, “How to Solve the New York Times Crossword.” It contains an explanation of most of the types of clues you will see in the puzzles and a practice Mini at the end of each section.Want to Submit Crosswords to The New York Times?The New York Times Crossword has an open submission system, and you can submit your puzzles online.For tips on how to get started, read our series “How to Make a Crossword Puzzle.”The Tipping PointAlmost finished solving but need a bit more help? We’ve got you covered.Spoiler alert: Subscribers can take a peek at the answer key.Trying to get back to the main Gameplay page? You can find it here. More