Met Police and Lambeth sued by Black activists for human rights breach
Lambeth Council and the Metropolitan Police Service have expressed regret after being found guilty of breaching the human rights of 34 Black activists following a landmark legal battle.The authorities imposed an illegal ban of a scheduled broadcast of a speech by controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan on the topic of transatlantic slavery reparations at a public event in 2017 – and further prohibited all of the Nation of Islam members from discussing the issue.During a High Court hearing on Monday, the judge declared that both parties had “unlawfully infringed the claimants’ rights act under the Human Rights Acts 1998, namely article 9 and article 10.”The Africa International Day of Action event was given permission to be held at Kennington Park in south London, but the authorities imposed the restrictions on topics of discussion citing concerns because of controversy surrounding Minister Farrakhan.The claimants argue that this was a “blanket” ban of their right to free speech and launched a civil claim in the High Court for breach of their Human Rights Act, under article 9 which denotes religious, social and political expression, and Article 10 which entails freedom of speech rights.Both the Met and Lambeth Council accepted liability, settling out of court, and tens of thousands of pounds in damages will be paid to the claimants who are comprised of members of the Nation of Islam.Minister Farrakhan, 86, has previously made offensive remarks about Jewish communities and has been banned from entering the UK since 2002.Though organisers assured the authorities that the religious leader would only speak upon the topic of reparations, the Met and Lambeth Council disallowed both the minister and anyone in attendance from addressing the issue.On the day, officers attended to ensure compliance.Speaking to The Independent, solicitor Andre Clovis, who represented the claimants, said: “My clients only wanted to speak about reparations for the historical and ongoing effects of slavery. “They wanted to discuss self-help and others in the black community wanted to hear what Minister Louis Farrakhan had to say on that subject alone. This is not controversial, in fact it is discussed and debated in the black community, in some of our most prestigious universities, between historical and political experts and on the political stage domestically and internationally.“Lambeth Council and the Metropolitan Police in removing the claimants’ ability to speak their minds, sought to suppress their ability to think about matters of central importance to their very being.” More