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    Biden Denounces Storming of Capitol as a ‘Dark Moment’ in Nation’s History

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    Georgia Runoff Updates

    Warnock and Ossoff Win

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    Trump's Speech Helped Set Violence at the Capitol in Motion

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    Georgia Runoff Updates

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    Disturbios y violencia en el Capitolio: el fin de la era Trump

    #masthead-section-label, #masthead-bar-one { display: none }The Presidential TransitionliveWatch With AnalysisCertification UpdatesFact Check: Congressional DebateUpdates on UnrestAdvertisementContinue reading the main storySupported byContinue reading the main storyWashingtonDisturbios y violencia en el Capitolio: el fin de la era TrumpLuego de que el presidente Donald Trump hizo un llamado a sus seguidores para que no aceptaran su derrota electoral, los partidarios enojados irrumpieron en el Capitolio, suspendiendo la validación de las elecciones por parte del Congreso y protagonizando el violento final de su presidencia. Simpatizantes del presidente Trump frente al Monumento a Washington.Credit…Jason Andrew para The New York Times6 de enero de 2021Actualizado 20:36 ETRead in EnglishWASHINGTON — Durante años, los críticos del presidente Donald Trump que hicieron advertencias sobre los peores escenarios fueron tachados de alarmistas. Pero parece que la peor situación se materializó el miércoles cuando los partidarios del mandatario irrumpieron en el Capitolio de Estados Unidos, suspendiendo el proceso de validación de su derrota electoral y obligando a la evacuación del vicepresidente Mike Pence y los miembros del Congreso.En medio de una escena inolvidable, que evocó a los golpes de Estado y levantamientos en países autoritarios de todo el mundo, una turba atravesó las barricadas de seguridad, rompió las ventanas y entró en tropel al Capitolio. Mientras los legisladores huían, los agentes de la policía lanzaron gases lacrimógenos dentro de la ciudadela de la democracia estadounidense y sacaron armas para proteger la Cámara de Representantes en un enfrentamiento violento. Los alborotadores llegaron al estrado del Senado, donde poco antes estuvo el vicepresidente, y a la oficina de la presidenta Nancy Pelosi, donde uno se sentó en su escritorio.La inusitada invasión del Capitolio se produjo poco después de que Trump incitó a sus admiradores, en un mitin, a marchar a la sede del Congreso para protestar por la validación de los resultados de las elecciones que perdió, sugiriendo incluso que se uniría a ellos, aunque no lo hizo. Aunque no los instó de manera explícita a entrar por la fuerza en el edificio, les dijo que le estaban robando la presidencia y que nadie debería tolerar eso, lo que enardeció a la concurrencia provocando el estallido de violencia que poco después sucedería en el otro extremo de la avenida Pensilvania.Solo después de que la situación empeoró, Trump finalmente hizo un llamado a la calma. “Pido a todas las personas que están en el Capitolio de Estados Unidos que sean pacíficas”, escribió en Twitter. “¡Sin violencia! Recuerden, NOSOTROS somos el Partido de la Ley y el Orden: respeten la Ley y a nuestros grandes hombres y mujeres de azul. ¡Gracias!”.Pero, inicialmente, no les dijo que abandonaran el Capitolio o que permitieran que se reanudaran los procedimientos, al punto que incluso los propios asesores de Trump le imploraron que se pronunciara. “Condene esto ahora, @realDonaldTrump”, escribió en Twitter Alyssa Farah, quien acaba de renunciar como su directora de comunicaciones. “Eres el único al que escucharán. ¡Por nuestro país!”.Mick Mulvaney, quien se desempeñó como jefe de gabinete de Trump en la Casa Blanca, y luego se convirtió en un enviado especial, hizo un llamado similar. “El tuit del presidente no es suficiente”, escribió. “Él puede detener esto ahora y debe hacer exactamente eso. Dígale a esta gente que se vaya a casa”.Momentos después de que el presidente electo Joseph Biden apareció en televisión en vivo para deplorar la “sedición” en el Capitolio y pedirle a Trump que se presentara ante las cámaras, el presidente lanzó un video grabado en línea que ofrecía mensajes contradictorios. Reiteró sus quejas contra las personas que eran “tan malas y tan malvadas”, incluso cuando les dijo a sus seguidores que era hora de retirarse, sin condenar sus acciones.“Sé que están heridos”, les dijo. “Nos robaron una elección. Fue una elección arrolladora y todos lo saben, especialmente los del otro lado. Pero hay que irse a casa ahora”. Y añadió: “Los amamos. Son muy especiales”.Los críticos del mandatario lo responsabilizaron por alentar la respuesta violenta, al decirles repetidamente a los estadounidenses que le habían robado las elecciones cuando no fue así. “Esto es lo que el presidente ha causado hoy, esta insurrección”, dijo Mitt Romney, senador republicano por Utah, a un periodista cuando lo trasladaban junto con otros legisladores a un lugar seguro que las autoridades pidieron que no se revelara.Los partidarios de Trump irrumpieron por un extremo del Capitolio, luego de un mitin donde habló el presidente.Credit…Jason Andrew para The New York TimesAdam Kinzinger, representante republicano por Illinois y otro gran crítico del presidente, fue aún más lejos, y acusó a los simpatizantes de Trump de buscar el derrocamiento violento del gobierno. “Esto es un intento de golpe”, escribió en Twitter.The Presidential TransitionLatest UpdatesUpdated 6 de enero de 2021 a las 22:17 ETHe looted Speaker Pelosi’s office, but says he paid for his trophy.Video: Protesters linger as law enforcement surrounds the Capitol building.Congress resumes vote-counting as leaders on both sides repudiate siege.Los aliados republicanos del presidente, que tratan de obstaculizar el conteo de los electores de Biden con la esperanza de ayudar a Trump en su intento por aferrarse al poder, denunciaron la violencia sin flaquear en sus esfuerzos.“La violencia debe terminar, los que atacaron a la policía y violaron la ley deben ser procesados, y el Congreso debe volver al trabajo y terminar su tarea”, dijo Josh Hawley, senador republicano por Misuri y líder del esfuerzo de bloqueo de las elecciones, en una declaración.Aunque Washington ha sido el escenario de muchas protestas a lo largo de los años, incluidas algunas que se volvieron violentas, la convulsión del miércoles no se parecía a nada que haya visto la capital durante una transición de poder en los tiempos modernos, llegando a interrumpir literalmente la aceptación constitucional de la victoria electoral de Biden. Una presidencia que ha provocado hostilidad y divisiones durante cuatro años parece que termina con una explosión de ira, desorden y violencia.“Nunca nos rendiremos”, declaró Trump en su “Marcha para salvar América”, en el parque Elipse, poco antes del levantamiento, durante su último esfuerzo para justificar su intento fallido de revertir las elecciones democráticas con falsas afirmaciones de fraude que han sido desacreditadas por las votaciones, los jueces e incluso su propio fiscal general. “Nunca cederemos. Eso no pasará. No se concede cuando se trata de un robo. Nuestro país ya ha tenido suficiente. No lo soportaremos más, y de eso se trata todo esto”.Mientras la multitud en el Elipse coreaba: “¡Lucha por Trump! ¡Lucha por Trump!”, el presidente arremetió contra los miembros de su propio partido por no hacer más para ayudarlo a aferrarse al poder por encima de la voluntad del pueblo. “Hay tantos republicanos débiles”, se quejó, y luego juró vengarse de quienes considera que no han sido suficientemente leales. “Serán los primeros”, dijo.Se refirió a Brian Kemp, gobernador republicano de Georgia, que lo enfureció al no intervenir en las elecciones, llamándolo “uno de los gobernadores más tontos de Estados Unidos”. Y también atacó a William Barr, el fiscal general que no quiso validar sus quejas electorales. “De repente, Bill Barr cambió”, se quejó.Otros oradores, incluidos sus hijos Donald Trump Jr. y Eric Trump, criticaron a los legisladores republicanos por no defender al mandatario. “Esta reunión debería enviarles un mensaje a las personas que no hicieron nada para detener el robo”, dijo Donald Trump Jr. “Este ya no es su Partido Republicano. Este es el Partido Republicano de Donald Trump”.“Nunca nos rendiremos”, dijo Trump en el mitin del 6 de enero de 2021.Credit…Pete Marovich para The New York TimesPara muchos republicanos, ese es el problema. Incluso cuando la presidencia de Trump se estaba perdiendo, los republicanos se tornaron cada vez más en su contra, enfurecidos por las elecciones de segunda vuelta del martes en Georgia que parecían favorecer a los demócratas y los votos que obligaban a los legisladores a declararse a favor o en contra de los resultados de una elección democrática.Incluso Pence y Mitch McConnell, senador republicano por Kentucky y actual líder de la mayoría del Senado, quienes han sido algunos de los partidarios más leales de Trump durante los últimos cuatro años, finalmente rompieron con él de manera decisiva. Pence rechazó la petición del mandatario de que use su papel como director del recuento del Colegio Electoral para rechazar a los electores de Biden. Y McConnell pronunció un enérgico discurso en el que repudió el esfuerzo de Trump por revertir las elecciones.“Si estas elecciones fueran anuladas simplemente por las acusaciones del bando perdedor, nuestra democracia entraría en una espiral de muerte”, dijo McConnell en un discurso antes de que los alborotadores invadieran el Capitolio.Pence rechazó al presidente, minutos después de que lo presionara públicamente para que hiciera lo que incluso Jay Sekulow, abogado del mandatario, dijo que el vicepresidente no podía hacer: rechazar a los electores de los estados indecisos que perdieron los republicanos.“Espero que Mike haga lo correcto”, dijo Trump en el mitin del Elipse. “Yo espero que sí. Eso espero porque si Mike Pence hace lo correcto, ganaremos las elecciones”.Minutos después, Pence divulgó una carta en la que decía que no tenía el poder para hacer lo que el presidente quería. “Conferir al vicepresidente una autoridad unilateral para decidir las contiendas presidenciales sería completamente antitético” al diseño constitucional, escribió.Y agregó: “Creo que mi juramento de apoyar y defender la Constitución me limita al momento de reclamar una autoridad unilateral para determinar qué votos electorales deben contarse y cuáles no”.Como Pence no quería ni podía detener el conteo, los partidarios del presidente decidieron hacerlo ellos mismos. Y, durante varias horas, lo lograron.Peter Baker es el corresponsal principal de la Casa Blanca y ha cubierto las gestiones de los últimos cuatro presidentes para el Times y The Washington Post. También es autor de seis libros, el más reciente de ellos se titula The Man Who Ran Washington: The Life and Times of James A. Baker III. @peterbakernyt • FacebookAdvertisementContinue reading the main story More

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    Trump’s Real Claim to Fame

    AdvertisementContinue reading the main storyOpinionSupported byContinue reading the main storyTrump’s Real Claim to FameWhen it comes to the president, there can never be enough losing.Opinion ColumnistJan. 6, 2021, 8:32 p.m. ETCredit…Brendan Smialowski/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesDonald Trump’s worst nightmare has come true: He’s going to be remembered by history as the Biggest Loser.Think about it. He lost the election. Then he threw his energy into the campaigns of two Senate candidates in Georgia, both of whom lost. Then he returned to Washington, where his supporters delayed the certification of the election with a thug-like assault on the nation’s capitol.When the first horrific videos showed Trump throngs storming the suddenly evacuated Senate, the president of the United States responded with “stay peaceful.” Which is certainly good advice, but hardly of the emotional intensity he uses when howling about himself.Trump followed up with a video to his supporters. “I know your pain, I know your hurt,” he said while urging them to go home in peace. Great start! Which he instantly followed up with LoserSpeak.“We had an election that was stolen from us,” he added. “It was a landslide election and everyone knows it. Especially the other side.”You see now that within a couple of sentences, Trump has managed to turn his call for calm with a couple of jabs that would tend to convince some people that breaking through the windows and doors of the nation’s capitol was an excellent and righteous plan.All this happened while Congress was attempting to certify the election of Joe Biden, a normally feel-good ritual that, as Chuck Schumer noted, was turned into “an act of political courage.”While we never thought of Trump as a guy who’d bring us together, his post-election behavior has been so appalling that most of the Senate found itself in a kind of bipartisan revulsion.“I’ve served 36 years in the Senate. This will be the most important vote I’ve ever cast,” said Mitch McConnell as he prepared to support the certification of Biden’s victory.Even Mike Pence refused to do his bidding. Trump, listening to the advice of allies like Rudy Giuliani, was convinced that the vice president had “the absolute right” to throw out the election results. (“If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election.”) Pence thought otherwise. Not totally clear whether his opinion was really based on constitutional law or a vision of four years more of White House meetings with his current boss.Some of the Republicans, of course, were raring to get on the Trump bandwagon. We have to take a moment here to mention Senator Ted Cruz’s contribution in demanding an official audit of the election before anything else could happen.Cruz reminded his colleagues that was exactly what happened after the controversial election of 1876, adding that recent polling shows that 39 percent of Americans believe the election “was rigged.” This is a reasonable rationale if you want to base major decisions about a presidential election on “recent polling” and the fate of Rutherford B. Hayes.Trump is apparently incapable of doing anything but claiming he won. Over and over again. “Big difference between losing and … having it stolen,” he told a crowd in Georgia this week. “We win every state, and they’re gonna have this guy be president?”The Georgia elections were a kind of prelude to Wednesday’s disaster. Trump was in theory there to help two Republican candidates in their big Senate campaigns. But he was absolutely useless except when it came to tooting his own horn.“I’ve had two elections. I won both of them. It’s amazing,” he told one crowd, before launching into an attack on Georgia’s “incompetent governor” and “crazy secretary of state,” both of whom happen to be Republicans.And the Republicans lost in Georgia, making Democrats the Senate majority. It’s not clear that Trump could have helped the cause if he’d been a slightly more selfless campaigner. But his I-was-robbed message was certainly not the one you’d send to encourage voters to go to the polls.“I mean I could go on and on. … I could just go on forever,” Trump said in another I-won speech in front of the White House. Damned straight. It’s becoming increasingly clear that he is probably going to spend the rest of his life explaining how he actually won re-election “in a landslide.”Be thankful you’re not one of the family or Mar-a-Lago regulars. Thanksgiving dinners will probably feature a half-hour disquisition on the Arizona vote, and the distribution of gifts at Christmas will be a reminder that some people don’t get the rewards they really deserve.Things are tough in America right now, but in a couple of weeks he’ll be out of the White House. At least we have something Trump-related to look forward to.The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. We’d like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Here are some tips. And here’s our email: The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter (@NYTopinion) and Instagram.AdvertisementContinue reading the main story More

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    Trump Is to Blame for Capitol Attack

    AdvertisementContinue reading the main storyOpinionSupported byContinue reading the main storyTrump Is to Blame for Capitol AttackThe president incited his followers to violence. There must be consequences.The editorial board is a group of opinion journalists whose views are informed by expertise, research, debate and certain longstanding values. It is separate from the newsroom.Jan. 6, 2021, 8:01 p.m. ETCredit…Samuel Corum/Getty ImagesPresident Trump and his Republican enablers in Congress incited a violent attack Wednesday against the government they lead and the nation they profess to love. This cannot be allowed to stand.Mr. Trump’s seditious rhetoric prompted a mob of thousands of people to storm the U.S. Capitol building, some breaking onto the House and Senate floors, where the nation’s elected representatives had gathered to perform their constitutional duty of counting electoral votes and confirming the election of Joe Biden as president.It is fitting that some carried the Confederate flag as they attacked the seat of American government and forced the suspension of congressional debate. They shattered windows and broke doors, clashing with overwhelmed security forces as they shouted their support for Mr. Trump and their defiance of the lawful results of the 2020 election. One woman was killed. The nation’s leaders were sent scurrying for shelter.Explosives were found in the Capitol and multiple locations around Washington. Pro-Trump protests also shut down statehouses around the country.Mr. Trump sparked these assaults. He has railed for months against the verdict rendered by voters in November. He summoned his supporters to gather in Washington on this day, and encouraged them to march on the Capitol. He told them that the election was being stolen. He told them to fight. He told them he might join them and, even as they stormed the building, he declined for long hours to tell them to stop, to condemn their actions, to raise a finger in defense of the Constitution that he swore to preserve and protect. When he finally spoke, late in the day, he affirmed the protesters’ anger, telling them again that the election was stolen, but asking them to go home anyway. It was the performance of a man unwilling to fulfill his duties as president or to confront the consequences of his own behavior.The president needs to be held accountable — through impeachment proceedings or criminal prosecution — and the same goes for his supporters who carried out the violence. In time, there should be an investigation of the failure of the Capitol Police to prepare for an attack that was announced and planned in public.This is not just an attack on the results of the 2020 election. It is a precedent — a permission slip for similar opposition to the outcomes of future elections. It must be clearly rejected, and placed beyond the pale of permissible conduct.The leaders of the Republican Party also bear a measure of responsibility for the attack on the Capitol.Many in the G.O.P. have participated in the vigorous retailing of lies about the election. They have sought to undermine public confidence in democracy, questioning the legitimacy of Mr. Biden’s victory without providing any evidence for their claims. Their statements led some of those who trust them to conclude violence was necessary.Few have been as explicit as Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, who earlier Wednesday suggested, “Let’s have trial by combat!” But even as extremists boiled up around the Capitol, lapping against the security barriers, Republicans in the House and the Senate were chipping away at democracy from the inside.Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, invoked the 1877 commission that resolved the disputed presidential election of 1876 as a model for what he described as addressing reasonable doubts about the 2020 election. There is no factual basis for such doubts about the 2020 vote, but Mr. Cruz’s choice of analogy is historically resonant. In the 1876 election, white Democrats used widespread political violence to prevent Black people from voting and then demanded the end of Reconstruction as the price of the survival of a compromised Republic — ushering in an era of racial terror and cementing the exclusion of Southern Blacks from participatory democracy.The modern Republican Party, in its systematic efforts to suppress voting, and its refusal to acknowledge the legitimacy of elections that it loses, is similarly seeking to maintain its political power on the basis of disenfranchisement. Wednesday’s insurrection is evidence of an alarming willingness to pursue that goal with violence.It is clear that some Republican leaders are starting to fear the consequences of enabling Mr. Trump. Before the attack started, Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, decried efforts by his fellow Republicans to overturn the results of the election. But his eloquence was the very definition of a gesture both too little and too late. They who sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.Other politicians have had firmer convictions. Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney tweeted, “What happened at the U.S. Capitol today was an insurrection, incited by the President of the United States.”The Constitution requires Congress to count and announce the results of a presidential election on Jan. 6 of the following year. While the mob was able to put that process on hold, it will not be able to prevent it, or Mr. Biden’s inauguration in two weeks.But the attack is a reminder of the fragility of self-government.Jan. 6, 2021, will go down as a dark day. The question is whether, even as Mr. Trump’s time in office ends, America is at the beginning of a descent into an even darker and more divided epoch or the end of one. The danger is real, but the answer is not foreordained. Republican politicians have the power, and the responsibility, to chart a different course by ending their rhetorical assaults on American democracy and rising in defense of the nation they swore oaths to serve.The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. We’d like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Here are some tips. And here’s our email: The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter (@NYTopinion) and Instagram.AdvertisementContinue reading the main story More

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    Have Trump’s Lies Wrecked Free Speech?

    AdvertisementContinue reading the main storyOpinionSupported byContinue reading the main storyHave Trump’s Lies Wrecked Free Speech?A debate has broken out over whether the once-sacrosanct constitutional protection of the First Amendment has become a threat to democracy.Mr. Edsall contributes a weekly column from Washington, D.C. on politics, demographics and inequality.Jan. 6, 2021The president in Georgia on Monday.Credit…Erin Schaff/The New York TimesIn the closing days of his presidency, Donald Trump has demonstrated that he can make innumerable false claims and assertions that millions of Republican voters will believe and more than 150 Republican members of the House and Senate will embrace.“The formation of public opinion is out of control because of the way the internet is forming groups and dispersing information freely,” Robert C. Post, a Yale law professor and former dean, said in an interview.Before the advent of the internet, Post noted,People were always crazy, but they couldn’t find each other, they couldn’t talk and disperse their craziness. Now we are confronting a new phenomenon and we have to think about how we regulate that in a way which is compatible with people’s freedom to form public opinion.Trump has brought into sharp relief the vulnerability of democracy in the midst of a communication upheaval more pervasive in its impact, both destructive and beneficial, than the invention of radio and television in the 20th Century.In making, embracing and disseminating innumerable false statements, Trump has provoked a debate among legal scholars over whether the once-sacrosanct constitutional protection of free speech has itself become a threat to democracy by enabling the widespread and instantaneous transmission of lies in the service of political gain.In the academic legal community, there are two competing schools of thought concerning how to go about restraining the proliferation of flagrant misstatements of fact in political speech.Richard Hasen, at the University of California-Irvine Law School, described some of the more radical reform thinking in an email:There is a cadre of scholars, especially younger ones, who believe that the First Amendment balance needs to be struck differently in the digital age. The greatest threat is no longer censorship, but deliberate disinformation aimed at destabilizing democratic institutions and civic competence.Hasen argues:Change is urgent to deal with election pathologies caused by the cheap speech era, but even legal changes as tame as updating disclosure laws to apply to online political ads could face new hostility from a Supreme Court taking a libertarian marketplace-of-ideas approach to the First Amendment. As I explain, we are experiencing a market failure when it comes to reliable information voters need to make informed choices and to have confidence in the integrity of our electoral system. But the Court may stand in the way of necessary reform.Those challenging the viability of applying free speech jurisprudence to political speech face a barrage of criticism from legal experts who contend that the blame for current political crises should not fall on the First Amendment.Robert Post, for example, contends that the amendment is essential to self-governance becausea functioning democracy requires both that citizens feel free to participate in the formation of public opinion and that they are able to access adequate accurate information about public matters. Insofar as it protects these values, the First Amendment serves as a crucial tool of self-governance. In the absence of self-governance, government is experienced as compulsion, as being told what to think and what to do. That’s not a desirable situation.Post added: “As we try to adapt the First Amendment to contemporary issues, we have to be clear about the values we wish to protect, so that we don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.”Toni M. Massaro, a law professor at the University of Arizona, who with Helen L. Norton, a law professor at the University of Colorado, co-authored a December 2020 paper “Free Speech and Democracy: A Primer for 21st Century Reformers,” makes a related point in an email:Free speech theorists have lots to be anxious about these days as we grapple with abiding faith in the many virtues of free expression while coping with the undeniable reality that it can — irony runs deep — undermine free expression itself.Massaro added:Those who believe in democracy’s virtues, as I do, need to engage the arguments about its threats. And those who believe in the virtues of free speech, as I also do, need to be cleareyed about the information distortions and gross inequalities and other harms to democratic and other public goods it produces. So our generation absolutely is up at bat here. We all need to engage the Wu question ‘is free speech obsolete?’ lest it become so through inattention to the gravity of the threats it faces and poses.Helen Norton, in a separate email, expanded on the different vantage points in the legal community. On one side are those “who privilege democratic self-governance” and who are more likely to be concerned “about whether and when speech threatens free speech and democracy.” On the other side arethe many, past and present, who privilege individual autonomy and are more comfortable with the premise that more speech is always better. I’d describe it as a difference in one’s preferred theory of and perspective on the First Amendment.Other legal scholars emphasize the inherent difficulties in resolving speech-related issues:Rebecca Tushnet, a law professor at Harvard, wrote by email:Those are some big questions and I don’t think they have yes-or-no answers. These are not new arguments but they have new forms, and changes in both economic organization and technology make certain arguments more or differently salient than they used to be.Tushnet described the questions raised by those calling for major reform of the interpretation and application of the First Amendment as “legitimate,” but pointed out that this“doesn’t mean they’ll get taken seriously by this Supreme Court, which was constituted precisely to avoid any ‘progressive’ constitutional interpretation.”In certain respects, the divide in the American legal community reflects some of the differences that characterize American and European approaches to issues of speech, including falsehoods and hate speech. Noah Feldman, a law professor at Harvard, described this intercontinental split in a March 2017 column for Bloomberg,U.S. constitutional tradition treats hate speech as the advocacy of racist or sexist ideas. They may be repellent, but because they count as ideas, they get full First Amendment protection. Hate speech can only be banned in the U.S. if it is intended to incite imminent violence and is actually likely to do so. This permissive U.S. attitude is highly unusual. Europeans don’t consider hate speech to be valuable public discourse and reserve the right to ban it. They consider hate speech to degrade from equal citizenship and participation. Racism isn’t an idea; it’s a form of discrimination.The underlying philosophical difference here is about the right of the individual to self-expression. Americans value that classic liberal right very highly — so highly that we tolerate speech that might make others less equal. Europeans value the democratic collective and the capacity of all citizens to participate fully in it — so much that they are willing to limit individual rights.Tim Wu, a law professor at Columbia and a contributing opinion writer for The Times, is largely responsible for pushing the current debate onto center stage, with the 2018 publication in the Michigan Law Review of his essay, “Is the First Amendment Obsolete?”“The First Amendment was brought to life in a period, the twentieth century, when the political speech environment was markedly differently than today’s,” Wu wrote. The basic presumption then was “that the greatest threat to free speech was direct punishment of speakers by government.” Now, in contrast, he argued, those, including Trump, “who seek to control speech use new methods that rely on the weaponization of speech itself, such as the deployment of ‘troll armies,’ the fabrication of news, or ‘flooding’ tactics.”Instead of protecting speech, the First Amendment might need to be invoked now to constrain certain forms of speech, in Wu’s view:Among emerging threats are the speech-control techniques linked to online trolling, which seek to humiliate, harass, discourage, and even destroy targeted speakers using personal threats, embarrassment, and ruining of their reputations.The techniques used to silence opponents “rely on the low cost of speech to punish speakers.”Wu’s conclusion:The emerging threats to our political speech environment have turned out to be different from what many predicted — for few forecast that speech itself would become a weapon of state-sponsored censorship. In fact, some might say that celebrants of open and unfettered channels of internet expression (myself included) are being hoisted on their own petard, as those very same channels are today used as ammunition against disfavored speakers. As such, the emerging methods of speech control present a particularly difficult set of challenges for those who share the commitment to free speech articulated so powerfully in the founding — and increasingly obsolete — generation of First Amendment jurisprudence.I asked Wu if he has changed his views since the publication of his paper, and he wrote back:No, and indeed I think the events of the last four years have fortified my concerns. The premise of the paper is that Americans cannot take the existence of the First Amendment as serving as an adequate guarantee against malicious speech control and censorship. To take another metaphor it can be not unlike the fortified castle in the age of air warfare. Still useful, still important, but obviously not the full kind of protection one might need against the attacks on the speech environment going on right now.That said, Wu continued, “my views have been altered in a few ways.” Now, Wu said, he would give stronger emphasis to the importance of “the president’s creation of his own filter bubble” in whichthe president creates an entire attentional ecosystem that revolves around him, what he and his close allies do, and the reactions to it — centered on Twitter, but then spreading onward through affiliated sites, Facebook & Twitter filters. It has dovetailed with the existing cable news and talk radio ecosystems to form a kind of seamless whole, a system separate from the conventional idea of discourse, debate, or even fact.At the same time, Wu wrote that he would de-emphasize the role of troll armies which “has proven less significant than I might have suggested in the 2018 piece.”Miguel Schor, a professor at Drake University Law School, elaborated Wu’s arguments in a December 2020 paper, “Trumpism and the Continuing Challenges to Three Political-Constitutionalist Orthodoxies.”New information technologies, Schor writes,are the most worrisome of the exogenous shocks facing democracies because they undermine the advantages that democracies once enjoyed over authoritarianism.Democracies, Schor continued, “have muddled through profound crises in the past, but they were able to count on a functioning marketplace of ideas” that gave the public the opportunity to weigh competing arguments, policies, candidates and political parties, and to weed out lies and false claims. That marketplace, however, has become corrupted by “information technologies” that “facilitate the transmission of false information while destroying the economic model that once sustained news reporting.” Now, false information “spreads virally via social networks as they lack the guardrails that print media employs to check the flow of information.”To support his case that traditional court interpretation of the First Amendment no longer serves to protect citizens from the flood tide of purposely false information, Schor cited the 2012 Supreme Court case United States v. Alvarez which, Schor wrote, “concluded that false statements of fact enjoyed the same protection as core political speech for fear that the government would otherwise be empowered to create an Orwellian ministry of truth.”In the Alvarez case, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote thatthe remedy for speech that is false is speech that is true. This is the ordinary course in a free society. The response to the unreasoned is the rational; to the uninformed, the enlightened; to the straight-out lie, the simple truth.Kennedy added at the conclusion of his opinion:The Nation well knows that one of the costs of the First Amendment is that it protects the speech we detest as well as the speech we embrace.Kennedy cited Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.’s famous 1919 dissent in Abrams v. United States:The best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market.In practice, Schor argued, the Supreme Court’s Alvarez decisionstood Orwell on his head by broadly protecting lies. The United States currently does have an official ministry of truth in the form of the president’s bully pulpit which Trump has used to normalize lying.The crowd at the president’s rally on Monday night.Credit…Damon Winter/The New York TimesAlong parallel lines, Sanford Levinson, a law professor at the University of Texas, argued in an email that “today, things are remarkably different” from the environment in the 20th century when much of the body of free speech law was codified: “Speech can be distributed immediately to vast audiences. The ‘market of ideas’ may be increasingly siloed,” Levinson wrote, as “faith in the invisible hand is simply gone. The evidence seems overwhelming that falsehood is just as likely to prevail.”In that context, Levinson raised the possibility that the United States might emulate post-WWII Germany, which “adopted a strong doctrine of ‘militant democracy,’ ” banning the neo-Nazi and Communist parties (the latter later than the former):Can/should we really wait until there is a “clear and present danger” to the survival of a democratic system before suppressing speech that is antagonistic to the survival of liberal democracy. Most Americans rejected “militant democracy” in part, I believe, because we were viewed as much too strong to need that kind of doctrine. But I suspect there is more interest in the concept inasmuch as it is clear that we’re far less strong than we imagined.Lawrence Lessig, a law professor at Harvard, was outspoken in his call for reform of free speech law:There’s a very particular reason why this more recent change in technology has become so particularly destructive: it is not just the technology, but also the changes in the business model of media that those changes have inspired. The essence is that the business model of advertising added to the editor-free world of the internet, means that it pays for them to make us crazy. Think about the comparison to the processed food industry: they, like the internet platforms, have a business that exploits a human weakness, they profit the more they exploit, the more they exploit, the sicker we are.All of this means, Lessig wrote by email, thatthe First Amendment should be changed — not in the sense that the values the First Amendment protects should be changed, but the way in which it protects them needs to be translated in light of these new technologies/business models.Lessig dismissed fears that reforms could result in worsening the situation:How dangerous is it to “tinker” with the First Amendment? How dangerous is it not to tinker with the doctrine that constitutes the First Amendment given the context has changed so fundamentally?Randall Kennedy, who is also a law professor at Harvard, made the case in an email that new internet technologies demand major reform of the scope and interpretation of the First Amendment and he, too, argued that the need for change outweighs risks: “Is that dangerous? Yes. But stasis is dangerous too. There is no safe harbor from danger.”Kennedy described one specific reform he had in mind:A key distinction in the law now has to do with the state action doctrine. The First Amendment is triggered only when state action censors. The First Amendment protects you from censorship by the state or the United States government. The First Amendment, however, does not similarly protect you from censorship by Facebook or The New York Times. To the contrary, under current law Facebook and The New York Times can assert a First Amendment right to exclude anyone whose opinions they abhor. But just suppose the audience you seek to reach is only reachable via Facebook or The New York Times?The application of First Amendment protection from censorship by large media companies could be achieved by following the precedent of the court’s abolition of whites-only primaries in the Deep South, Kennedy argued:Not so long ago, political parties were viewed as “private” and thus outside the reach if the federal constitution. Thus, up until the late 1940s the Democratic Party in certain Deep South states excluded any participation by Blacks in party primaries. The white primary was ended when the courts held that political parties played a governmental function and thus had to conduct themselves according to certain minimal constitutional standards — i.e., allow Blacks to participate.Wu, Schor and others are not without prominent critics whose various assertions include the idea that attempts to constrain lying through radical change in the interpretation of the First Amendment risk significant damage to a pillar of democracy; that the concerns of Wu and others can be remedied through legislation and don’t require constitutional change; that polarization, not an outdated application of the First Amendment, is the dominant force inflicting damage on the political system.In one of the sharpest critiques I gathered, Laurence H. Tribe, emeritus professor at Harvard Law School, wrote in an email that,We are witnessing a reissue, if not a simple rerun, of an old movie. With each new technology, from mass printing to radio and then television, from film to broadcast TV to cable and then the internet, commentators lamented that the freedoms of speech, press, and assembly enshrined in a document ratified in 1791 were ill-adapted to the brave new world and required retooling in light of changed circumstances surrounding modes of communication.” Tribe added: “to the limited degree those laments were ever warranted, the reason was a persistent misunderstanding of how constitutional law properly operates and needs to evolve.The core principles underlying the First Amendment, Tribe wrote, “require no genuine revision unless they are formulated in ways so rigid and inflexible that they will predictably become obsolete as technological capacities and limitations change,” adding thatoccasions for sweeping revision in something as fundamental to an open society as the First Amendment are invariably dangerous, inviting as they do the infusion of special pleading into the basic architecture of the republic.In this light, Tribe arguedthat the idea of adopting a more European interpretation of the rights of free speech — an interpretation that treats the dangers that uncensored speech can pose for democracy as far more weighty than the dangers of governmentally imposed limitations — holds much greater peril than possibility if one is searching for a more humane and civil universe of public discourse in America.Tribe concluded his email citing his speech at the First Annual Conference of the Electronic Freedom Foundation on Computers, Freedom and Privacy in San Francisco in March 1991, “The Constitution in Cyberspace”:If we should ever abandon the Constitution’s protections for the distinctively and universally human, it won’t be because robotics or genetic engineering or computer science have led us to deeper truths but, rather, because they have seduced us into more profound confusions. Science and technology open options, create possibilities, suggest incompatibilities, generate threats. They do not alter what is “right” or what is “wrong.” The fact that those notions are elusive and subject to endless debate need not make them totally contingent upon contemporary technology.Jack Balkin, a law professor at Yale, takes a different tack. In an email, he makes a detailed case that the source of the problems cited by Wu and others is not the First Amendment but the interaction of digital business practices, political polarization and the decline of trusted sources of information, especially newspapers.“Our problems grow out of business models of private companies that are key governors of speech,” Balkin wrote, arguing that these problems can be addressed by “a series of antitrust, competition, consumer protection, privacy and telecommunications law reforms.”Balkin continued:The problem of propaganda that Tim Wu has identified is not new to the digital age, nor is the problem of speech that exacerbates polarization. In the United States, at least, both problems were created and fostered by predigital media.Instead, Balkin contended:The central problem we face today is not too much protection for free speech but the lack of new trustworthy and trusted intermediate institutions for knowledge production and dissemination. Without these institutions, the digital public sphere does not serve democracy very well.A strong and vigorous political system, in Balkin’s view,has always required more than mere formal freedoms of speech. It has required institutions like journalism, educational institutions, scientific institutions, libraries, and archives. Law can help foster a healthy public sphere by giving the right incentives for these kinds of institutions to develop. Right now, journalism in the United States is dying a slow death, and many parts of the United States are news deserts — they lack reliable sources of local news. The First Amendment is not to blame for these developments, and cutting back on First Amendment protections will not save journalism. Nevertheless, when key institutions of knowledge production and dissemination are decimated, demagogues and propagandists thrive.Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the law school at Berkeley, responded to my inquiry by email, noting that the “internet and social media have benefits and drawbacks with regard to speech.”On the plus side, he wrote,the internet and social media have democratized the ability to reach a large audience. It used to be that to do so took owning a newspaper or having a broadcast license. Now anyone with a smartphone or access to a library can do so. The internet provides immediate access to infinite knowledge and information.On the negative side, Chemerinsky noted that:It is easy to spread false information. Deep fakes are a huge potential problem. People can be targeted and harassed or worse. The internet and social media have caused the failure of many local papers. Who will be there to do the investigative reporting, especially at the local level? It is so easy now for people to get the information that reinforces their views, fostering polarization.Despite these drawbacks, Chemerinsky wrote that he isvery skeptical of claims that this makes the traditional First Amendment obsolete or that there needs to be a major change in First Amendment jurisprudence. I see all of the problems posed by the internet and social media, but don’t see a better alternative. Certainly, greater government control is worse. As for the European approach, I am skeptical that it has proven any better at balancing the competing considerations. For example, the European bans on hate speech have not decreased hate and often have been used against political messages or mild speech that a prosecutor doesn’t like.Geoffrey Stone, a professor at the University of Chicago Law School, voiced his strong support for First Amendment law while acknowledging that Wu and others have raised legitimate questions. In an email, Stone wrote:I begin with a very strong commitment to current First Amendment doctrine. I think it has taken us a long time to get to where we are, and the current approach has stood us — and our democracy — in very good stead. In my view, the single greatest danger of allowing government regulation of speech is that those in power will manipulate their authority to silence their critics and to solidify their authority. One need only to consider what the Trump administration would have done if it had had this power. In my view, nothing is more dangerous to a democracy that allowing those in authority to decide what ideas can and cannot be expressed.Having said that, Stone continued,I recognize that changes in the structure of public discourse can create other dangers that can undermine both public discourse and democracy. But there should be a strong presumption against giving government the power to manipulate public discourse.The challenge, Stone continued,is whether there is a way to regulate social media in a way that will retain its extraordinary capacity to enable individual citizens to communicate freely in a way that was never before possible, while at the same time limiting the increasingly evident risks of abuse, manipulation and distortion.In an email, Nathaniel Persily, a law professor at Stanford, declared flatly that “The First Amendment is not obsolete.” Instead, he argued, “the universe of speech ‘issues’ and speech ‘regulators’ has expanded.”While much of the history of the First Amendment has “been focused on government suppression of dissenting speech,” Persily continued,most speech now takes place online and that raises new concerns and new sources of authority. The relationship of governments to platforms to users has not been fleshed out yet. Indeed, Facebook, Google and Twitter have unprecedented power over the speech environment and their content moderation policies may implicate more speech than formal law these days.But, Persily warned, “government regulation of the platforms also raises speech concerns.”The complex and contentious debate over politicians’ false claims, the First Amendment, the influence of the internet on politics and the destructive potential of new information technologies will almost certainly play out slowly over years, if not decades, in the courts, Congress and state legislatures. This is likely to make the traditionalists who call for slow, evolutionary change the victors, and the more radical scholars the losers — by default rather than on the merits.The two weeks between now and the inauguration will reveal how much more damage Trump, in alliance with a Republican Party complicit in a deliberate attempt to corrupt our political processes, can inflict on a nation that has shown itself to be extremely vulnerable to disinformation, falsehoods and propaganda — propaganda that millions don’t know is not true.As Congress is set to affirm the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, the words of Hannah Arendt, who fled Nazi Germany after being arrested in 1933, acquire new relevance.In 1967, Arendt published “Truth and Politics” in The New Yorker:The result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lies will now be accepted as truth, and the truth defamed as lies, but that the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world — and the category of truth vs. falsehood is among the mental means to this end — is being destroyed.The fragility of democracy had long been apparent. In 1951, in “The Origins of Totalitarianism,” Arendt wrote:Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interest — forces that look like sheer insanity, if judged by the standards of other centuries.Totalitarianism required first blurring and then erasing the line between falsehood and truth, as Arendt famously put it:In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true ….Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow.And here’s Arendt in “Truth and Politics” again, sounding like she is talking about contemporary politics:Freedom of opinion is a farce unless factual information is guaranteed and the facts themselves are not in dispute.America in 2021 is a very different time and a very different place from the totalitarian regimes of the 20th Century, but we should still listen to what Arendt is saying and heed her warning.The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. 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    Trump's Georgia Call Was Brought to You by Q

    AdvertisementContinue reading the main storyOpinionSupported byContinue reading the main storyWith One Presidential Phone Call, QAnon Shows Its PowerThe sprawling online conspiracy network is at the center of Trump’s attempt to overturn the election.Opinion ColumnistJan. 6, 2021, 5:00 a.m. ETCredit…Illustration by Mike McQuade; photograph by Doug Mills/The New York TimesForgive me for failing, at first, to find much news in the news that President Trump had pressured officials in Georgia to overturn the election results. That he had been caught doing so on tape was even more dog-bites-man.Not many people remember this, but we once had a lengthy impeachment hearing centered on a corrupt Trump phone call. It’s only natural that he’d reprise his biggest hit — “Perfect Call Feat. Senate Toadies” — in his grand finale as president.Then I spent an hour listening to the full recording of Trump’s call, and my stomach sank. What got me was how thoroughly Trump’s arguments involved conspiracy theories hatched or spread by QAnon, the online cultlike thing that seems to be gaining a death grip on the American right.In that phone call, I heard a president who is somehow both rabbit and rabbit hole — as much a rabid consumer of online conspiracy propaganda as he is a producer of it. The plot to undo the 2020 election isn’t Trump’s alone — it is also the product of a sprawling online phenomenon whose goals, logic and methods are as unpredictable as the internet itself.Trump will soon step out of office, but that won’t diminish his standing with a conspiracy-media apparatus that has become so adept at transforming rumor into political reality. Through QAnon, the mendacity that has defined the Trump era will remain an enduring feature of right-wing politics, long after Trump slinks away.QAnon originated in 2017 as an exceptionally bizarre conspiracy theory, centered around the premise that the country is run by a cabal of pedophiles whom Trump is bringing down. It has since morphed into something even stranger. More than a single conspiracy theory, QAnon is best regarded as a general-purpose conspiracy infrastructure, spreading lies across a range of subjects, from coronavirus denial to mask and vaccine skepticism and, now, to a grab bag of theories about election fraud.The conspiracy theories seem ridiculous, but the consequences are real.The movement’s acolytes take inspiration and guidance from the eponymous Q, an anonymous figure who has posted cryptic notes on the troll-infested internet forums 4Chan and 8Kun. But QAnon’s theories don’t come down fully formed from Q, nor from Trump; in a manner that resembles an online game, they are created collectively, giving the movement a flexible, almost religious quality.QAnon’s participatory thrill has alarmed misinformation researchers. Because every pronouncement from Q can spark endless “research” and commentary, new adherents are made to feel like they have a role in uncovering the deepest secrets about the world. “It is insufficient to be persuaded by the anti-vax or QAnon movements — those who’ve joined the movement feel an obligation to share the ‘truth’ with those who’ve yet to be enlightened,” the media scholar Ethan Zuckerman wrote in 2019. “Those who are most successful in converting others are rewarded with attention, a commodity that is easily convertible into other currencies.”In the Church of Q, Donald Trump is the one and only messiah. But the Georgia call shows how fully he participates in it, too.Travis View, a co-host of the excellent Q-tracking podcast “QAnon Anonymous,” told me that when Trump was rattling off his litany of false claims on the call, “he was sounding a lot like a thread on the Q research board, on which people spit out ideas, conspiracy theories and snippets, and people sort of build upon them.”View described a symbiotic relationship between Trump, QAnon message boards and pro-Trump news outlets like One America News and Newsmax. It’s a bit like jazz musicians improvising, each one punching up the other’s riff.“We’ve seen OAN and Newsmax basically regurgitate baseless conspiracy theories from QAnon world,” View said. The stories from pro-Trump outlets “get into Trump’s brain, and then he regurgitates them back, and of course because he’s regurgitating the conspiracy theories he heard on the internet, all the internet conspiracy theorists believe that their conspiracy theory is validated, because Trump repeated it.”On the call, Trump claimed that voting machines made by a company called Dominion Voting Systems were rigged to help Biden win. The theory has been debunked; it is also moot, because officials in Georgia confirmed Biden’s victory through a hand recount of paper ballots.The Dominion idea was one of several stolen-election theories that started on QAnon-friendly forums. Pro-Trump outlets then echoed the theory — as NBC News recently pointed out, Ron Watkins, the administrator of 8Kun, has been featured on One America News as a voting-systems expert, which he is not. When Trump inevitably tweeted out the OAN segment, the circle was complete: OAN had given its aggrieved audience “news” that confirmed its belief in the conspiracy. Trump promoted self-serving misinformation, and QAnon grew just a little bit more powerful.The atmosphere of fear and mistrust that has pervaded America’s response to the pandemic has been very good for QAnon, and now this dangerous movement holds real political power.In November, Marjorie Taylor Greene, a QAnon supporter, won a seat representing Georgia’s 14th District in the House of Representatives. Some Republican officials have attempted to downplay Greene’s political success and distance themselves from her ideas, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Greene becomes a G.O.P. star. On Monday, at Trump’s rally to support the two Republicans running in Georgia’s Senate runoffs, the crowd’s wildest cheers came when Greene took the stage. The audience sounded much more enthusiastic about Greene than about Kelly Loeffler, one of the actual Republican candidates.If the Republican Party has given up entirely on fighting QAnon’s influence, it might be because Q has grown too big to tame. Late last month, NPR and Ipsos published the disturbing results of a poll assessing QAnon’s hold on the nation. People who responded to the survey were asked whether it was true or false that “a group of Satan-worshiping elites who run a child sex ring are trying to control our politics and media,” QAnon’s central lie. Seventeen percent said “true,” and 37 percent more said they didn’t know. In other words, a majority of Americans think it is at least possible that QAnon’s nuttiest theory might be fact. A third of respondents also said that voter fraud had helped Biden win.This level of influence isn’t going to disappear at noon on Jan. 20. QAnon’s vast reach, and Trump’s deep hold on it, are here to stay.Office Hours With Farhad ManjooFarhad wants to chat with readers on the phone. If you’re interested in talking to a New York Times columnist about anything that’s on your mind, please fill out this form. Farhad will select a few readers to call.[embedded content]The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. We’d like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Here are some tips. And here’s our email: The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter (@NYTopinion) and Instagram.AdvertisementContinue reading the main story More