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    Michèle Flournoy Again Finds Her Shot at the Top Pentagon Job Elusive

    #masthead-section-label, #masthead-bar-one { display: none }The Presidential TransitionliveLatest UpdatesFormal Transition BeginsBiden’s CabinetDefense SecretaryElection ResultsAdvertisementContinue reading the main storySupported byContinue reading the main storyMichèle Flournoy Again Finds Her Shot at the Top Pentagon Job ElusivePresident-elect Joe Biden’s decision to instead nominate retired Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III enraged many of the women Ms. Flournoy elevated from the trenches of national security policy.Michèle A. Flournoy was thought to be a leading candidate to be President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s defense secretary, the third time she has been believed to be in contention for the job.Credit…Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call, via Getty ImagesBy More

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    Trump Administration Is Planting Loyalists in Biden Transition Meetings

    #masthead-section-label, #masthead-bar-one { display: none }The Presidential TransitionliveLatest UpdatesFormal Transition BeginsBiden’s CabinetDefense SecretaryElection ResultsAdvertisementContinue reading the main storySupported byContinue reading the main storyTrump Administration Is Planting Loyalists in Biden Transition MeetingsSupporters of the president are monitoring many of the conversations between Biden teams and civil servants, chilling the flow of information.Trump allies have been joining and monitoring transition conversations at the Environmental Protection Agency.Credit…Stefani Reynolds for The New York TimesBy More

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    Harris Adds to a Diverse Staff Where a Majority, Like Their Boss, Are Women of Color

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    President-Elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.: They Dare Not Speak His Name

    #masthead-section-label, #masthead-bar-one { display: none }The Presidential TransitionliveLatest UpdatesFormal Transition BeginsBiden’s CabinetSecretary of StateElection ResultsAdvertisementContinue reading the main storySupported byContinue reading the main storyWashington MemoPresident-Elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.: They Dare Not Speak His NameThe unwillingness of most Senate and House Republicans to acknowledge an obvious election result has moved beyond absurd.Senator Mitch McConnell has avoided speaking out against President Trump’s false claims about the election.Credit…Al Drago for The New York TimesBy More

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    Joe Biden: ‘Vamos a pelear con todo al invertir en Estados Unidos primero’

    #masthead-section-label, #masthead-bar-one { display: none }The Presidential TransitionliveLatest UpdatesFormal Transition BeginsBiden’s CabinetSecretary of StateElection ResultsAdvertisementContinue reading the main storyOpiniónSupported byContinue reading the main storyComentarioJoe Biden: ‘Vamos a pelear con todo al invertir en Estados Unidos primero’Esto es lo que el presidente electo de Estados Unidos dijo sobre el futuro del país en nuestra entrevista.Credit…Ruth Fremson/The New York TimesPor More

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    Four Women Who Will Handle the Media in the Biden White House

    #masthead-section-label, #masthead-bar-one { display: none }The Presidential TransitionliveLatest UpdatesFormal Transition BeginsBiden’s CabinetSecretary of StateElection ResultsAdvertisementContinue reading the main storySupported byContinue reading the main storyFour Women Who Will Handle the Media in the Biden White HousePresident-elect Joe Biden is entering office with the stated intent of restoring credibility to government — and to the White House briefing room.The relationship between a White House press office seeking to portray the president and his decisions in the best light possible and the news media seeking to separate fact from spin is designed to be adversarial.Credit…Kriston Jae Bethel for The New York TimesDec. 1, 2020Updated 8:05 p.m. ETWASHINGTON — In one of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s closing campaign advertisements, he promised a “new world coming” if Americans voted for “honor,” “decency,” “respect of office” and “truth.”The restoration of “truth” was illustrated in the ad by a photograph of the podium in the White House briefing room, which under President Trump has been used to disseminate falsehoods and to undermine the credibility of a news media that his aides have referred to as the “opposition party.” The White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, for instance, recently refused to take a question from a CNN correspondent, saying, “I don’t call on activists.”It was in the briefing room that Mr. Trump suggested that an “injection inside” the human body with a disinfectant like bleach or isopropyl alcohol could help combat the coronavirus; and where his first press secretary, Sean Spicer, set the tone for the administration when he falsely claimed that the president’s inauguration crowd was the “largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe.”The relationship between a White House press office seeking to portray the president and his decisions in the best light possible and the news media seeking to separate fact from spin is designed to be adversarial.But Mr. Biden is entering office with the stated intent of restoring credibility to government — and to the briefing room. His advisers have said that the communications team will endeavor for a return to pre-Trump “normalcy.” And that seemed to be reflected in the communications team he announced this week. — Annie KarniCredit…Charles Dharapak/Associated PressJennifer PsakiPress secretaryMr. Biden’s choice of Jennifer Psaki, 42, a veteran of the Obama administration who is generally viewed by reporters as fair and accessible, as his chief spokeswoman embodies that return to normalcy approach.Ms. Psaki, a former White House communications director and State Department spokeswoman, did not work on the Biden campaign. But she was brought in by two top Biden advisers, Jeffrey D. Zients and Anita Dunn, to help with the transition. Mr. Biden’s decision to appoint Ms. Psaki as press secretary, a role in which she will become one of the most recognizable faces of the new administration, came together in a rush of meetings over the past 10 days.Mr. Biden, officials said, was particularly drawn to Ms. Psaki by her background at the State Department. There, she worked under Secretary of State John Kerry and grew comfortable delivering 90-minute briefings on foreign policy issues, like a dispute over the South China Sea.At the White House, Ms. Psaki intends to bring back the daily press briefing, which has been all but phased out over the past four years. It is not clear, however, when those sessions might resume, given the constraints of the pandemic.But as the incoming administration prepares to roll out a coronavirus vaccine and convince more than 300 million Americans that it is safe, Ms. Psaki, colleagues said, views a central part of her job as restoring faith in the words spoken from behind the podium.“The clown games are over,” said Susan Rice, who was President Barack Obama’s national security adviser. “Jen will represent the professionalism and decency and commitment to transparency that has been a hallmark of Joe Biden’s career.”As Mr. Trump’s press secretary, Ms. McEnany has focused on remaining in the president’s inner circle and has made little effort to be accessible to reporters or to disseminate accurate information. Ms. Psaki plans to take a different approach, Biden transition officials said.At the State Department, they noted, Ms. Psaki moved the spokesperson’s office, which had been on the sixth floor, where it was inaccessible to reporters, to be next to the press room.Ms. Psaki, pronounced SOCK-ee, was a candidate for the press secretary’s job under Mr. Obama, but she is arguably coming into it now at a more difficult and more critical moment.“I think she brings as much experience in that building, as much as anyone has ever brought to the job,” said Robert Gibbs, who served as Mr. Obama’s first White House press secretary. “The world this administration inherits has more challenges than any in nearly a century. Having a steady, experienced voice behind that podium will serve them well.”Since leaving government, Ms. Psaki has worked as a senior vice president and managing director for the Washington office of Global Strategy Group, a public relations firm that works with corporate, nonprofit and political clients, and has served a principal at WestExec Advisors, a consulting firm founded by Antony J. Blinken, Mr. Biden’s choice for secretary of state.Ms. Psaki, a graduate of the College of William and Mary, was most recently a nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a Washington-based think tank, and a paid contributor on CNN, a position she left in September.She is expected to have access to Mr. Biden, whom she has known for 12 years.“The name of the game is access,” Mr. Gibbs said. “Are you in the meetings? Some of the best prep for the briefing itself was being in the meeting — understanding where the president’s head was and where the debate was going.” — Annie KarniCredit…Biden-Harris TransitionKate BedingfieldCommunications directorKate Bedingfield has spent the past two years as one of the most visible public faces of the Biden campaign. As communications director, she will help shape the message for the president and the White House.Mr. Biden is known for turning to loyal advisers, and Ms. Bedingfield has been a trusted aide since 2015, when she joined the vice president’s staff as communications director as he was weighing whether to run for president in 2016.She was an original member of his 2020 campaign, serving as a deputy campaign manager and communications director. In that role, she often appeared on television as a surrogate for Mr. Biden, sometimes from her bedroom because of the pandemic.With Ms. Bedingfield running the communications operation, the campaign’s message of unifying the country remained consistent from Day 1 through Election Day, even amid criticism and second-guessing from some Democrats.During the campaign, she was forced to navigate a number of public relations challenges, including the attacks from Mr. Trump and his allies on Mr. Biden’s son Hunter Biden and his business dealings in Ukraine. Ms. Bedingfield and her team did not hesitate to press reporters on the word choices they made in describing the baseless accusations against Mr. Biden and his son.Ms. Bedingfield was also charged with trying to make a positive case for Mr. Biden after he finished fourth in the Iowa caucuses and fifth in the New Hampshire primary, low points on the Biden campaign that at the time raised serious doubts about his path to the Democratic presidential nomination.The Presidential TransitionLatest UpdatesUpdated Dec. 1, 2020, 9:04 p.m. ETIn Fox interview, Parscale blames Trump’s lack of empathy about coronavirus for election loss.Biden announces top members of his economic team as he contends with a recovery strategy.Biden introduces a new companion for the next few weeks: a walking boot.“The job she did in the campaign is underappreciated,” said Jennifer Palmieri, who served as White House communications director for Mr. Obama. “When a candidate comes in with the expectations and experience of Joe Biden and then falls so dramatically as he did, where he came in fourth and fifth, to hold a campaign together and keep the candidate focused and upbeat and optimistic is a very difficult task.”Ms. Bedingfield, 39, who grew up in the Atlanta area and is a graduate of the University of Virginia, worked on John Edwards’s 2008 presidential campaign and in the Obama White House during Mr. Obama’s first term.She later worked as vice president of corporate communications for the Motion Picture Association of America and as vice president of communications for Monumental Sports & Entertainment, which owns the N.B.A.’s Washington Wizards, the N.H.L.’s Washington Capitals and the W.N.B.A.’s Washington Mystics. — Thomas KaplanCredit…Kimberly White/Getty Images For MoveonKarine Jean-PierrePrincipal deputy press secretary The president-elect is an institutionalist, a deal-making centrist and a consummate political insider who has hired a number of top advisers with backgrounds rooted in the traditional corridors of Washington power.One of his newly selected press aides brings a notably different perspective to the team.Karine Jean-Pierre, who was named Mr. Biden’s principal deputy press secretary, has held a number of governmental and campaign roles. But she is steeped in grass-roots progressive activism, too, as a former chief public affairs officer at the liberal group MoveOn. She is also a former political analyst for NBC and MSNBC.Ms. Jean-Pierre has also spoken about her belief that her identity as a woman of color and daughter of Haitian immigrants cut a sharp contrast with the divisive and at times racist rhetoric promoted by Mr. Trump.“I am everything that Donald Trump hates,” she said in a video she filmed for MoveOn. “I’m a Black woman, I’m gay, I am a mom. Both my parents were born in Haiti.”Ms. Jean-Pierre, 46, served in the Obama White House and worked on Mr. Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns. She was also a deputy campaign manager for the unsuccessful presidential campaign of Martin O’Malley, a former governor of Maryland, in 2016. But she was not an original member of the Biden campaign, arriving as a senior adviser last spring after Jennifer O’Malley Dillon was brought on as campaign manager.Ms. Jean-Pierre later served as the chief of staff for Mr. Biden’s running mate, Senator Kamala Harris. That job gave Ms. Jean-Pierre access to the candidate but did not require her to engage in the daily sparring with journalists that she may need to do in her new role, in which she is expected to work closely with Ms. Psaki.Ms. Jean-Pierre, a graduate of the New York Institute of Technology and Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs, came up in New York politics, describing former Mayor David N. Dinkins, who recently died, as a mentor. “She will bring a steadiness, an evenness,” said Leah Daughtry, a veteran Democratic strategist who knows Ms. Jean-Pierre from New York. “She also brings her own experience as the daughter of immigrants, as someone from the queer community, as someone who’s a New Yorker.” — Katie Glueck and Thomas KaplanCredit…Brad Barket/Getty Images for MTV NewsSymone D. SandersSenior adviser and chief spokeswoman for Vice President-elect Kamala HarrisAs Mr. Biden reveled in his Super Tuesday victories in March in a speech in California, two protesters threatened to ruin the moment, climbing onstage with the septuagenarian candidate.Symone D. Sanders did not waste any time. She charged forward and, with the help of Mr. Biden’s wife, Jill Biden, and several aides, hauled one of the protesters away.Ms. Sanders is no stranger to brawling on behalf of her boss. She served as an outspoken senior adviser to Mr. Biden’s presidential campaign, emerging as a prolific surrogate at news conferences and on social media.Now, she will be a senior adviser and chief spokeswoman for Ms. Harris, whom she advised during the general election, traveling with her and assisting with debate preparations. Ms. Sanders is expected to play key roles both in guiding the press operation and in advising as Ms. Harris pursues her own initiatives as vice president.“She’s going to be able to work both worlds very, very well,” said Representative Cedric L. Richmond, Democrat of Louisiana and an incoming senior adviser to Mr. Biden in the White House.Ms. Sanders, 30, a Nebraska native, is fluent in both the language of the left and internet discourse — in contrast to some of Mr. Biden’s longer-serving advisers — and she was an important point of contact for several key political constituencies during the race.But she does not have the decades of traditional campaign and Washington experience that many in Mr. Biden’s orbit value. Indeed, she signed on with the Biden campaign after working as press secretary for Senator Bernie Sanders’s 2016 presidential campaign at age 25.Yet a combination of loyalty to Mr. Biden and a different perspective from many in his inner circle helped Ms. Sanders become an important and respected voice in the campaign, and she was mentioned as a possible White House press secretary.In the vice president’s office, Ms. Sanders will work closely with Ashley Etienne, the communications director for Ms. Harris who is a veteran of the Obama administration and also served as a top aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi.This year, Ms. Sanders, a graduate of Creighton University, published a book titled, “No, You Shut Up: Speaking Truth to Power and Reclaiming America.” She has also done strategic communications consulting work, but does not intend to continue that while in government.In an interview, Ms. Sanders, who is Black, noted that the transition had rolled out at one time the White House communications team’s leadership, made up entirely of women — both white women and women of color.“The most qualified people for the job also happen to all be women,” she said. “That is historic. Not too long ago, the powers that be would not have picked us.” — Katie GlueckAdvertisementContinue reading the main story More

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    A Fight Over Agriculture Secretary Could Decide the Direction of Hunger Policy

    An unlikely fight is breaking out over President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s choice for agriculture secretary, pitting a powerful Black lawmaker who wants to refocus the Agriculture Department on hunger against traditionalists who believe the department should be a voice for rural America.Representative James E. Clyburn of South Carolina, the highest-ranking Black member of Congress and perhaps Mr. Biden’s most important supporter in the Democratic primary, is making an all-out case for Representative Marcia L. Fudge of Ohio, an African-American Democrat from Ohio.Mr. Clyburn, whose endorsement of Mr. Biden before the South Carolina primary helped turn the tide for the former vice president’s nomination, has spoken to him on the phone about Ms. Fudge as recently as this week. The lawmaker has also lobbied for her with two of the president-elect’s closest advisers and discussed the matter with Speaker Nancy Pelosi.“I feel very strongly,” Mr. Clyburn said in an interview on Wednesday about Ms. Fudge, who leads the nutrition and oversight subcommittee on the House Agriculture Committee.“It’s time for Democrats to treat the Department of Agriculture as the kind of department it purports to be,” he added, noting that much of the budget “deals with consumer issues and nutrition and things that affect people’s day-to-day lives.”But there are complications. Two of Mr. Biden’s farm-state allies are also being discussed for the job: Heidi Heitkamp, a former senator from North Dakota, and Tom Vilsack, the former Iowa governor who served as agriculture secretary for President Barack Obama.The delicate proxy clash over the post, which is usually not as coveted as more high-profile cabinet positions, has pitted Democrats eager to emphasize issues like hunger and nutrition against more traditional members of the party who believe the department should represent rural America. The sprawling agency oversees farm policy, the Forest Service, food safety and animal health, but also the food stamp program, nutrition services, rural housing and rural development.More broadly, the debate illustrates the challenge Mr. Biden faces as he builds his administration. Every appointment he makes interlocks with others, and if he does not select a diverse candidate for one position it becomes more likely he will for other posts.The Agriculture job specifically is pinching Mr. Biden between two of his central campaign themes, which he repeated in plain terms this month in his victory speech: that he owes a special debt to African-American voters, and that he wants to be a president for all Americans, including those who didn’t vote for him.And nowhere did Mr. Biden fare worse than in rural America, particularly the most heavily white parts of the farm belt.“This is a choice that only Joe Biden can make, and he will make it understanding the unique challenges of rural America and what needs to happen in rural America moving forward,” said Ms. Heitkamp, a moderate who was defeated in 2018 after serving as attorney general and then senator in one of the most sparsely populated states in the country.Recalling her campaign efforts on behalf of Mr. Biden’s “great rural plan,” Ms. Heitkamp predicted the president-elect would “pick the person who can implement that rural plan.”Mr. Clyburn, though, said the Agriculture Department had for too long seemed “to favor big farming interests” over less wealthy people, whether they be “little farmers in Clarendon County, S.C., or food stamp recipients in Cleveland, Ohio,” Ms. Fudge’s hometown.Mr. Clyburn did not mention Ms. Heitkamp, but he bridled at the prospect of Mr. Vilsack reclaiming the department he had led for all eight years of the Obama administration.“I don’t know why we’ve got to be recycling,” Mr. Clyburn said, echoing complaints that Mr. Biden only represents Mr. Obama’s third term. “There’s a strong feeling that Black farmers didn’t get a fair shake” under Mr. Vilsack, Mr. Clyburn said.Mr. Vilsack did not respond in kind. He said he had “all the respect in the world for Representative Clyburn” and that he had learned from him.The former Iowa governor, who with his wife was an early supporter of Mr. Biden in his first campaign for president and again this year, said he was not angling for the agriculture job but was careful not to disclaim interest in the position.“If there’s something I can do to help the country, fine,” Mr. Vilsack said. “But the president-elect makes that decision.”When he does, he will be fully aware of where one of his most prominent supporters stands.In addition to his conversations with Mr. Biden, Mr. Clyburn has reached out to Steve Ricchetti, who will serve as a counselor in the White House, and Ted Kaufman, Mr. Biden’s longest-serving adviser and former chief of staff.House Democratic leaders are sensitive to creating vacancies in the chamber, even in safe districts like Ms. Fudge’s, given their slender majority. Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio, a Republican, might not schedule a quick special election to replace her. But Mr. Clyburn said he was hopeful from his conversation with Ms. Pelosi that she “would greenlight” Ms. Fudge.Drew Hammill, a spokesman for Ms. Pelosi, declined to comment on the discussion. But he signaled that the speaker, who appointed Ms. Fudge as the chairwoman of a subcommittee two years ago to defuse a potential rivalry for the speakership, would not object to her departure.“The speaker wants the full contribution of House Democrats to the Biden-Harris mandate and to the future represented in the administration,” Mr. Hammill said.Like other positions, the Agriculture Department decision could be settled by finding an alternate post elsewhere in the administration for whoever is passed over.A spokesman for Mr. Biden’s transition declined to comment on the appointment but said the president-elect was “prioritizing diversity of ideology and background as he builds a team of experts that looks like America to serve in his administration.”Ms. Fudge, though, has other important advocates, including Senator Sherrod Brown, Democrat of Ohio, who said he had made the case for her “with four or five top Biden transition people.” Her colleagues on the House Agriculture Committee have also been supportive.“It is time for a hunger advocate to lead the Department of Agriculture, and nobody could lead the agency better than Marcia Fudge,” said Representative Filemon Vela, Democrat of Texas.Most significant, though, are three Black House Democrats who are close to one another and Ms. Fudge. The group includes Mr. Clyburn, Representative Bennie Thompson of Mississippi and Representative Cedric Richmond of Louisiana, who is leaving Congress to become a senior adviser in the White House.As for Mr. Biden, Mr. Clyburn said, “he likes Fudge a whole lot.”Recounting his conversation with the president-elect, the congressman said he wanted to let him make the decision. “I just told him I thought she’d be a very good candidate and help refocus what the department is all about.” More