Supreme Court Rejects Texas Lawsuit Challenging Biden's Victory
The suit, filed directly in the Supreme Court, sought to bar Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin from casting their electoral votes for Joseph R. Biden Jr. More
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in ElectionsThe suit, filed directly in the Supreme Court, sought to bar Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin from casting their electoral votes for Joseph R. Biden Jr. More
125 Shares199 Views
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State Certified Vote Totals
Election Disinformation
Full Results
Biden Transition Updates
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in ElectionsAdvertisementContinue reading the main storySupported byContinue reading the main storyAs Trump Rails Against Loss, His Supporters Become More ThreateningThe president’s baseless claims of voting fraud have prompted outrage among his loyalists and led to behavior that Democrats and even some Republicans say has become dangerous.President Trump at a summit meeting on the vaccine at the White House on Tuesday.Credit…Doug Mills/The New York TimesBy More
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