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    The Republican debate was another grim exercise in futility and attention-seeking | Lloyd Green

    On Wednesday night, the Republican party staged its fourth primary debate, the last one before next month’s Iowa caucus.Once again, Donald Trump won in absentia. His repeated absences from these dust-ups have burnished his image among the party faithful. He holds an insurmountable and growing lead. Indictments and headlines have only boosted his popularity. He laps the field, running 40 points ahead of Ron DeSantis nationally. Other than Chris Christie, no one on the stage in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, did anything to alter these realities.Vivek Ramaswamy was his usual loud and attention-seeking self. He loves the sound of his own voice. Yet his boomlet is dead. At this juncture, there is no primary that he can conceivably win. He is killing time, hoping for a spot in a second Trump administration. With the 45th president polling ahead of Joe Biden, it is a reasonable strategy.Ramaswamy tried to take a hatchet to Christie and Nikki Haley, only to bloody himself. His attacks on Haley smacked of sexism. He left the night with little doubt that he really is a bully and a fan of conspiracy theories.Next up, DeSantis, Florida’s hapless governor. Like a chicken with its head lopped off, he staggers aimlessly. His campaign and affiliated political action committee burn through cash with nothing to show for their efforts. On a personal level, he has failed to distinguish himself from Trump other than by claiming greater mental acuity and youthfulness.Months ago, he had a chance to land a meaningful blow on Trump. Instead, he pulled his punches and whiffed. Doubling down as a social warrior has left him in a perpetual state of retrograde. Picking a fight with Disney turned out to be stupid. The company is Florida’s largest employer; everyone loves Mickey Mouse.DeSantis, a Harvard law school graduate with membership in St Elmo, a Yale secret society, has repeatedly demonstrated himself to be tone-deaf, unrelatable and unlikable, the worst sin for any politician.He couldn’t even land a lasting blow on Gavin Newsom, California’s Democratic governor. When the two clashed last week on Fox, DeSantis was forced to defend his own record on abortion, crime and Covid, to the delectation of Trump. Florida really is a place where people go to die.For DeSantis, the Iowa caucus is a must-win contest. If he can’t win there, he can’t win anywhere. According to the latest polls, he trails Trump in Iowa by more than 20 points. The endorsement he received from Bob Vander Plaats, a leading Iowa evangelical, appears to be little more than a headline-grabbing nothing-burger. There is a reason why Haley is poised to overtake him among the Republican also-rans.As for New Hampshire, DeSantis’s brand of social conservatism has found few takers. This is the “Live Free or Die” state, in case he forgot. Regardless, DeSantis gave Trump a pass on pledging to be a dictator, and refused to say whether or not he believed Trump to be unfit to hold office.Turning to Nikki Haley: the fact that she is the darling of the deep-pocketed set should not be confused with popularity among actual rank-and-file voters. Her appeal to the higher-end of the Republican electorate will not be enough to get her first to the finish line; not even close.A November poll out of South Carolina, where Haley served as governor, shows Trump beating her by more than 30 points. In other words, those who know her best don’t appear to like her all that much.Chris Christie, however, may have delivered the evening’s most memorable performance. He labeled Trump a dictator, called him unfit for office, and referred to him as Voldemort – that is, he who must not be named.“I understand why these three are timid to say anything about him,” Christie jibed. “He just said this past week he wants to use [the Department of Justice] to go after his enemies. He is unfit to be president.” Christie also trashed Ramaswamy as an “obnoxious blowhard” and questioned his credentials as a Republican.Yet Christie, too, faces the realities of the primary map. He runs poorly everywhere except New Hampshire. How he can get beyond that small piece of real estate is unclear. With Haley surging, he struggles to retain relevance.Disturbingly, Tom Fitton, the leader of the well-funded, rightwing Judicial Watch, was one of the night’s questioners. He is a Trump lackey who helped script Trump’s defiance. In a 31 October 2020 email, Fitton urged Trump to declare himself the election winner, regardless of the actual outcome.He called for Trump to demand that only votes “counted by the election day deadline” be tallied. Later, Fitton argued that White House records were Trump’s to keep. These days, the 45th president stands under federal indictment in Washington DC for January 6 and in Florida for allegedly absconding with government records.The clock clicks down. The primaries and Trump’s trial dates creep up. The open question is whether Trump prevails in both sets of forums.
    Lloyd Green is an attorney in New York and served in the US Department of Justice from 1990 to 1992 More

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    Republican debate: chaos erupts as Christie defends Haley and Ramaswamy calls her ‘fascist neocon’ with lipstick – as it happened

    We’ve reached the shouting stage of the debate. It started with Christie trying to defend Haley against Ramaswamy – “This is a smart, accomplished woman and you should stop insulting her” – and descended into a shout-off between the two men.Ramaswamy punched back with a reference to Bridgegate and some casual fat shaming. He then seemed to compare Nikki Haley to Dick Cheney. “You can put lipstick on a Dick Cheney – it is still a fascist neocon,” he said.Haley and DeSantis, who have the most to gain or lose tonight, have bubbled back into the background.That wraps up the fourth Republican primary debate. There was shouting, there was misinformation, and there was a lot of discussion of the one candidate not in the room – Donald Trump.
    Nikki Haley delivered a relatively muted performance, ultimately presenting herself as a calm foil to Trump’s chaos. She arguably had the most to gain – or lose – tonight, given her recent momentum in polls.
    Ron DeSantis doubled down on far-right talking points on transgender rights and immigration, and was feisty in his attacks of Haley, who has been gaining on him.
    Chris Christie was one of the feistiest debaters, coming down especially hard on Trump and DeSantis, whom he accused of parroting the former president.
    Vivek Ramaswamy was characteristically on the attack, swiping especially hard at Haley.
    The moderators posed some of the sharpest questions we’ve yet seen at a Republican debate, asking direct, pointed questions about these candidates’ viability against Trump and their past equivocating.
    Read more:In the final question, the candidates were asked which former president they draw inspiration from.Christie said Ronald Reagan, because he was a “slave to the truth”. Haley said George Washington. DeSantis said Calvin Coolidge, someone who “knew the proper role of the president” and small government. Ramaswamy chose Thomas Jefferson, for his youth.DeSantis promoted the election police force he created.The force arrested 20 people. More than half of the cases have either been dismissed or have resulted in plea deals with no jail time. Several of those charged did not know they couldn’t vote and were not informed of their ineligibility.Turns out Vivek Ramaswamy is still going to be a bully. When a question about Ramaswamy’s swipes about Nikki Haley’s faith and identity as a fellow Indian American arose, he attempted to spin a response into doubts about her authenticity and then tried to redeem sexist comments from past debates.He then held up a sign that said “Nikki = Corrupt”. The audience audibly booed at Ramaswamy, and cheered when Haley said she wouldn’t bother to respond.On gender-affirming care, for example, the candidates repeatedly made reference to “genital mutilation”, baselessly implying that the gender-affirming care – which is endorsed by major medical associations – was abuse.One-upping each other, DeSantis and Haley sparred over who had been more restrictive of the rights of queer people.“I did a bill in Florida to stop the gender mutilation of minors. It’s child abuse, and it’s wrong. She opposes that bill. She thinks it’s fine and the law shouldn’t get involved with it,” DeSantis said.DeSantis took a rare swing at Trump. He said Trump didn’t use his executive powers to fire Dr Anthony Fauci and FBI head Christopher Wray, or to deport even more undocumented migrants. He then mentioned Trump’s age and said the American people shouldn’t vote for someone who is nearly 80.But Christie still pounced on DeSantis, saying he was too scared to directly take on Trump.Discussion had turned back to Trump, and his assertion that he’d restrict immigration from Muslim countries.Haley said she opposed a “straight Muslim ban”, and said policy should focus on countries that are a threat to the US. DeSantis, meanwhile, framed the issue of Muslim people immigrating to the US as a cultural issue.“Look what’s happened in Europe,” he said. “They imported mass numbers of people who reject their culture. Europe is committing suicide with the mass migration.”Echoing a common, xenophobic talking point, he baselessly implied that immigrants were responsible for antisemitism in the EU.Turning to questions of what’s ailing the economy, and what to do about it, the candidates had different theories on the former issue, but few concrete ideas on the latter.Haley said inflation and high interest rates were making it difficult for Americans seeking homeownership. DeSantis said both parties were borrowing, printing and spending too much money, while Ramaswamy said that he wanted to reduce the central bank’s headcount by 90%.Ramaswamy accused China of sending chemicals to Mexico for the manufacture of fentanyl.Here’s more context on that:Picking up a familiar line of attack, DeSantis also attacked Haley as sympathetic to China.This is something he’s attacked her on at previous debates, capitalizing on a letter she wrote to China’s ambassador to the US in 2014, thanking him for congratulating her on her re-election.After a short break, we are back with discussion of fentanyl and the southern border of the US.DeSantis, who had made this a key political issue – flying asylum seekers to Democrat-led areas – said he would make it legal to shoot suspected drug traffickers at the border, whom he would classify as terrorists.We’ve reached the shouting stage of the debate. It started with Christie trying to defend Haley against Ramaswamy – “This is a smart, accomplished woman and you should stop insulting her” – and descended into a shout-off between the two men.Ramaswamy punched back with a reference to Bridgegate and some casual fat shaming. He then seemed to compare Nikki Haley to Dick Cheney. “You can put lipstick on a Dick Cheney – it is still a fascist neocon,” he said.Haley and DeSantis, who have the most to gain or lose tonight, have bubbled back into the background.Haley, meanwhile, has had to clarify her past inscrutable responses to questions about Israel and Hamas.“You said in last month’s debate that by contrast to the Biden administration’s approach to Iran, you would ‘punch them once and punch them hard’. Were you saying that it’s time to bomb Iran?” asked Eliana Johnson.Haley said that’s not what she meant, but that the administration has been too accommodating of Iranians by weakening sanctions to secure the return of American prisoners.So far any discussion on Israel has been focused on the Israelis killed by Hamas in the deadly 7 October attack. The candidates have not mentioned the more than 16,000 people killed largely by Israeli strikes in Gaza, including thousands of children.The next set of questions is about Israel.The question comes on the same day that Senate Republicans blocked a supplemental funding bill that included financial aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, and border security provisions. The vote was held up by Republicans who wanted more stringent border policies in exchange for their support.DeSantis accused the Biden administration of hurting Israel’s ability to defend itself. Christie said he would send troops to save hostages held by Hamas.Kelly is out with another biting question, this time for Chris Christie:“Your best state is New Hampshire and even there, two thirds of GOP voters say they would be angry and disappointed if you won. Respectfully, Governor, you have not stopped Mr Trump, and voters may wonder how you could possibly become the nominee of a party that does not appear to like you very much.”Christie responded that Trump (who he referred to as “Voldemort – he who shall not be named”) was the candidate that everyone here is really competing with. “I’m in this race because the truth needs to be spoken,” he said. “He is unfit. This is a guy who just said this past week that he wants to use the Department of Justice to go after his enemies when he gets in there. And the fact of the matter is, he is unfit to be president, and there is no bigger issue in this race, Megan, than Donald Trump.”“I love all the attention, fellas, thank you for that,” said Haley, as DeSantis and Ramaswamy piled on her about cybersecurity and her corporate donations.Vivek Ramaswamy made a splash in the first Republican debate, but what some considered witty, antiestablishment repartee has now been deemed bullying. A low point for Ramaswamy came after he evoked Nikki Haley’s daughter’s TikTok account in the last debate. As Ramaswamy continues to drop in polls and popularity, some are waiting to see if he will change tact. More

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    Swings, misses but no clear winner: five takeaways from the fourth Republican debate

    The fourth Republican debate in Alabama featured just four people – winnowing the broad pool down to Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Chris Christie and Vivek Ramaswamy – but once again missing the frontrunner Donald Trump.The debate, hosted by NewsNation and moderated by Megyn Kelly, Elizabeth Vargas and Eliana Johnson, devolved into conspiracy theories and confusing personal attacks despite some clear and forthright questions.With primary elections just weeks away now, the four candidates tried to make their mark on stage yet again, but largely fell short. Here are the key takeaways.When pressed on Trump, the candidates took some swings and many misses at the likely Republican nomineeChris Christie again positioned himself as the anti-Trump candidate, pointing to Trump’s legal issues and calling him a “dictator” who would weaponize the justice department to settle his scores.Haley and DeSantis focused instead on specific policy issues. Haley said she opposed a “straight Muslim ban”. DeSantis avoided saying if Trump was unfit for office, but said the former president had not delivered on several promises, and the American people should want a young president.Christie chided his opponents for continuing to skirt around direct Trump attacks.The Israel-Hamas war once again featured heavily in the debate, largely centered on antisemitismThe candidates, other than Ramaswamy, doubled down on their aggressive, pro-Israel rhetoric. Haley said she would introduce legislation to tie anti-Israel sentiment with antisemitism and made a comparison between pro-Palestinian protests and KKK marches.DeSantis accused Biden of restricting support for Israel (Biden has requested at least $14bn in additional funding for Israel aid) and once again touted his own actions as governor of Florida.Personal attacks were common, and Vivek Ramaswamy was at either end of many of themWith four desperate candidates pulling out all the stunts, Ramaswamy once again stood out for his antics on stage. From holding up a paper saying “Nikki = Corrupt”, to making fat phobic digs at Christie, the entrepreneur attempted to stay relevant, but was met multiple times with audience boos.But there were some other attacks too. Haley and DeSantis, both struggling to save a second-place spot, called each other hypocrites on China policy, transgender issues and other conservative red meat topics.Transgender issues cycled in and out of both the answers and questions in the debate, though the issue doesn’t seem to be a decisive vote winner for most RepublicansDeSantis attacked Haley on a failed “bathroom bill” in South Carolina and touted his own anti-trans bills in Florida. Ramaswamy called transgender identity a mental health issue. Christie attempted to walk the middle road by saying he would let parents decide and stay out of the discussion on whether children should be able to get gender-affirming treatment.There was no clear winnerAll the candidates seemed to do what they were expected to do. Christie focused on his anti-Trump posturing. DeSantis focused on his wins as a governor. Haley played the role of steady conservative hand. And Ramaswamy attempted to make memes and headlines by being a bully and firebrand. More

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    Four Republican presidential hopefuls to meet for fourth debate in Alabama

    Four White House hopefuls will meet onstage in Alabama for the fourth Republican presidential primary debate, the smallest lineup yet as the window for denting Donald Trump’s lead narrows.Wednesday night’s debate, hosted by the cable network NewsNation at the Moody Music Hall at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, offers one of the last major opportunities for the candidates to make their case to Republican voters before the party’s nominating contest begins next month.The two-hour event will feature Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, and Nikki Haley, a former governor of South Carolina and former United Nations ambassador, who are locked in an increasingly combative scrap to be the second-place alternative to Trump. They will be joined by Chris Christie, a former governor of New Jersey and Vivek Ramaswamy, an entrepreneur, who both trail far behind.The three previous debates have so far failed to pull Republican voters away from Trump, who maintains a dominant lead in national and early-state polls with six weeks to go until the Iowa caucuses launch the 2024 GOP nomination calendar.A national Monmouth University poll released on Wednesday before the debate found Trump 40 percentage points ahead of DeSantis, his next closest rival. Nodding to her momentum on the campaign trail, the poll found Haley’s standing rose the most since July, climbing 9 points from 3%.The vast majority of Republican voters said Trump would be their strongest candidate against Joe Biden, including four in 10 Republicans who currently support another candidate. Further complicating their path to the nomination, supporters of Trump’s Republican rivals are divided on whether the remaining candidates should stay in the race or coalesce around a single alternative.“We can parse these numbers until the cows come home, but the results don’t look good for any candidate not named Trump,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.DeSantis, whose campaign has stalled since he entered the race this summer, has staked his campaign’s success on a strong showing in Iowa, which holds its caucuses on 15 January.“We’re going to win Iowa,” DeSantis said during a Sunday interview on NBC’s Meet the Press. “I think it’s going to help propel us to the nomination.”DeSantis earned the high-profile endorsement of Iowa’s Republican governor, Kim Reynolds, and is touting his visits to all of the state’s 99 counties. Yet an NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll released at the end of October showed DeSantis tied for second with Haley in Iowa and lagging far behind Trump.Haley is hoping to build on her campaign’s momentum following a series of strong debate performances. In recent weeks, she has closed in on DeSantis, pulling ahead of him in New Hampshire, while winning over Wall Street donors and racking up endorsements from anti-Trump Republicans, including Americans for Prosperity Action, the political network founded by conservative billionaires, Charles and David Koch.Trump, who faces 91 federal charges in four cases, including his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election he lost, has sought to portray himself as the inevitable nominee. A series of recent polls showed him leading Biden in several swing states even as he continues to articulate an increasingly anti-democratic vision for a second term. In an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity on Tuesday night, Trump vowed to only be a dictator “other than day one”.To qualify for the fourth debate, candidates needed at least 6% support either in two national polls or one national poll as well as two polls from states with early nominating contests. They also needed to have at least 80,000 unique donors, up from 70,000 for last month’s debate.skip past newsletter promotionafter newsletter promotionAll candidates must also have signed a pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee, which Trump has refused to do. That means the former president, who is trouncing the field in polling and fundraising, technically would not qualify for the debate, even if he chose to attend.Unlike past debates, Trump is not planning to hold a dueling rally at a location near the debate venue. Instead he will spend the evening at a fundraiser in Florida.Earlier this week, North Dakota governor Doug Burgum, who failed to qualify for the third debate and was on track to miss the fourth, suspended his campaign, denouncing the RNC’s “clubhouse debate requirements” that he said were “nationalizing the primary process”.Burgum’s departure came after Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina abruptly ended his campaign, saying that voters “have been really clear that they’re telling me, ‘Not now, Tim.’”Wednesday’s debate will be hosted by Elizabeth Vargas of NewsNation alongside conservative moderators Megyn Kelly, a former Fox News anchor and Eliana Johnson, editor-in-chief of the Washington Free Beacon. More

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    We have zombie Republican presidential candidates, enabled by an undead media | Sidney Blumenthal

    In taking the loyalty oath to support the party nominee in order to be permitted to participate in debates, the Republican candidates have transformed themselves into zombies. For one brief shining moment they may have imagined that they would edge out Donald Trump by offering themselves as more electable. But electability is a transient quality, often glittering like fool’s gold. Their unique selling proposition was that they did not carry his wagon train of baggage. Their logic was not more complicated than that. They promised that electability would be a pragmatic turn to reality. But the appeal of a rational idea that seeks a rational response immediately separated them from the Trump base. With Trump leading in the polls, and the latest poll showing him momentarily ahead of President Biden in key swing states, the electability gambit has evaporated on the ground of its premise.Beyond the misplaced gamble on evanescent electability, accepting that Trump’s negatives might be a burden in a general election would crack the entire edifice of his mythology. If it were true, it would mean that the whole Trump storyline the base has embraced is false. From his branding in The Apprentice as a master of the universe to the big lie, the greatest con in American history would collapse. Rejecting the fable would demand of his followers that they recognize their own fallibility and gullibility. But they mirror their hero in associating self-reflection as a trait of their cultural elite enemies. To shake their spell, they would have to undergo a reversal of the plot of the early film classic of humans turned into zombies, Invasion of the Body Snatchers.But the Republican party would be the last place to conduct intensive deprogramming of Republicans. Instead, its enchanted base is doubling down in intensity. When the first indictment against Trump came down in New York in the campaign fraud case of paying hush money to a porn star, Trump’s believers rallied to him as savior and martyr, his polls shot up and the electability ploy dissolved into thin air. His Republican opponents were left with their hands raised in a salute to whoever the nominee would be, which would be Trump. They were the living dead.The media participating in the debates have presented themselves as though they are performing a dignified and necessary role in the democratic process as it has always been done. But the forms are drained of substance. The media insistence on behaving normally is their state of denial. Just as the candidates pretend they are viable, the media pretends they are interviewing live candidates. The illusory horserace is driven round the track with illusory questions about the horserace. Sometimes the zombie candidates devour each other on stage – Nikki Haley aptly referring to Vivek Ramaswamy as “scum” – but that bit of friction has no frisson because the undead cannot be reanimated.The debates have no purpose other than as a harbinger of the Republican zombie apocalypse. Already some of the prescient big-money Republican donors who had previously backed Trump, but transferred their cash in rounds of roulette first to Ron DeSantis, then to Tim Scott, and now to Haley, have begun placing their chips on Trump again.What the zombie candidates can never discuss is why they are dead. Their decayed state makes it impossible for them to examine the hex that has cast them into their twilight. They cannot explain why Trump dominates their party, transfixed it into a cult of personality, how they have all enabled him, and his ambitions for a dictatorship.Nor can they discuss Trump’s influence in the triumph of theocratic reactionary leadership among the House Republicans, and the unholy alliance with evangelicals by which the supposedly sacred submits to the rule of the profane. Of course, the media questioners did not discourteously ask the candidates whether they agreed with the federal judge presiding over the E Jean Carroll defamation case, Lewis Kaplan, who stated as obiter dicta from the bench that Trump is a rapist “as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape’.” Trump was found guilty of sexually assaulting and defaming Carroll, and ordered to pay $5m. Then, Trump defamed her again. His second trial will begin on 15 January 2024, the same day as the Iowa caucuses.The media have become zombies by a different process than the candidates. By acting on the false premise that the Republican candidates are not zombies they inevitably become zombies. Nothing is normal, but simulating the idea that the campaign is normal is both to inhabit a fantasy and empower the abnormal. Falling back on the familiar horserace narrative in which they are the bookies, they unsuspectingly enter the Trump netherworld. Their stupefied questions about winning and losing cannot restore the lost world. They treat the candidates as hopefuls, ignoring the motto at the entrance: Abandon all hope.The media heavily rely on questions and answers produced by pollsters. Odds-making is offered as shrewd analysis. Repeating ever-changeable poll numbers as static empirical facts that project the future as all things being equal is the lowest and most banal surrogate for objectivity, the most common journalistic evasion of the higher duty of objectivity. It is the equivalent of reporting a poll in Weimar Germany for the July 1932 federal elections (National Socialist Workers’ party at 37%, etc), but avoiding the issue at stake of the survival of democracy, and after the election describing the result in terms of “winners and losers”.How should an election that might end democracy be understood?But why just make a captious reference to Germany, however pertinent the point? Our history provides dangerous precedent enough. The United States itself faced an election over the fate of democracy in 1860. The refusal to accept the election of Abraham Lincoln – the rejection of democracy – resulted in the civil war. His platform to prevent the extension of slavery to the territories was grasped by all sides as about the ultimate disposition of political power. A conservative supreme court attempted pre-emptively to impose a solution to the crisis in the Dred Scott decision of 1857 to advantage the south and crush the new Republican party through an originalist justification that the founders believed that black people were “beings of an inferior order, so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect”.To which Lincoln replied in his Cooper Union speech on 27 February 1860, speaking as if directly to the gathering forces of secession: “Under all these circumstances, do you really feel yourselves justified to break up this Government unless such a court decision as yours is, shall be at once submitted to as a conclusive and final rule of political action? But you will not abide the election of a Republican president! In that supposed event, you say, you will destroy the Union; and then, you say, the great crime of having destroyed it will be upon us! That is cool. A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear, and mutters through his teeth, ‘Stand and deliver, or I shall kill you, and then you will be a murderer!’ To be sure, what the robber demanded of me – my money – was my own; and I had a clear right to keep it; but it was no more my own than my vote is my own; and the threat of death to me, to extort my money, and the threat of destruction to the Union, to extort my vote, can scarcely be distinguished in principle.”Approaching the 1860 election, the stakes for democracy were daily discussed in the press, north and south, east and west. “How stands the case?” editorialized the New York Herald, the largest circulation newspaper in the country, opposed then to Lincoln. “The question, therefore, of Union or Disunion, will have to be settled with Lincoln’s election,” it wrote. The paper explained that if his “administration go on smoothly”, six free states would join the Union, creating majorities in the Senate and the House, and breaking the hold of minority rule. “The simple truth is, that in submitting to Lincoln’s election, the south must be content to prepare deliberately for the abolition of slavery from Delaware to Texas. This is exactly what this thing means.”So, what is the simple truth exactly about what this election means? Since none of the Republican zombie candidates have a ghost of a chance, media questions about how the undead might get ahead only underscore both their and the candidates’ hollowness. Horserace questions are beating a dead horse. Such questions derive from a combination of lazy complacency and fear of offending that renders the media jockeys that flog them into zombies themselves.Those questions are the media contribution to avoiding the fundamental and obvious stakes in this election: the character of the Trump Republican party, its antipathy to democracy, the rise of authoritarianism and theocracy, the criminality of the prospective nominee, the conservative phalanx on the supreme court stamping the rightwing agenda on the country, the theocratic predilections of the new speaker of the House, second in the line of succession to be president, and the utter dysfunctionality of the Republican House, which is subject to Trump’s sway.Footnote: after his election as speaker, Mike Johnson adjourned the House as a federal government shutdown looms to travel abroad to confer with rightwing groups at what was dubbed the World Freedom Initiative, in a trip co-sponsored by the Danube Institute, a foundation financed by the anti-democratic government of Hungary sympathetic to Putin, and included the Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán’s political director as well as far-right figures from across Europe, one of them convicted in France of hate speech. The conference’s events included segments on “The Future of [the] Right-Wing Alliance” and “Trump’s 2016 [Campaign Managers’] Secrets, Social Media and Governmental Interference”.In his first chess move as speaker, Johnson has sought to separate aid to Israel from that to Ukraine, but to tie the Israel aid to slashing the budget of the Internal Revenue Service – a poison-pill proposal unacceptable to the Biden administration and the great majority of the Senate including most Republicans. The consequences of Johnson’s crackpot foray into policy is that aid to both Israel and Ukraine has been stalled. But the new speaker’s proposal was not raised in the debate by the media questioners. Nor did they once mention the name Mike Johnson.The Republican debate on 9 November occurred after extensive reportage of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, which lays out an anti-democratic plan to turn the US government into an authoritarian state as Trump’s program for a second term. On 25 April, the New York Times reported of the plan to replace the career civil service – “snakes” and “traitors”, according to Trump – with Trump-vetted far-right appointees in the Project 2025 database.On 27 July, the Times reported how Trump and his allies plan to end the independence of the justice department and all other federal agencies. “And he plans to scour the intelligence agencies, the state department and the defense bureaucracies to remove officials he has vilified as ‘the sick political class that hates our country’.”On 7 August, the Times reported Project 2025’s plan to end environmental regulation, all green energy programs and any mention of climate change. On 1 November, the Times reported the plan to purge the justice department and replace its lawyers with Trump loyalists, including those who supported the coup.The Washington Post reported on 6 November on the Trump plan “for using the federal government to punish critics and opponents should he win a second term, with the former president naming individuals he wants to investigate or prosecute and his associates drafting plans to potentially invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office to allow him to deploy the military against civil demonstrations.”I reported in the Guardian on 7 November on the Heritage Foundation’s support for Senator Tommy Tuberville’s blockade against military promotions unless abortion services are denied to women in the service in order to replace the “woke” officer corps.Yet the media interlocutors of the Republican debate asked not a single question about any aspect of the Project 2025 plan to turn the federal government from top to bottom into Trump’s personal tool and abrogate civil liberties. As it happened, the day after the debate, Trump answered that question without prompting: “If I happen to be president,” he said, “and I see somebody who’s doing well and beating me very badly, I say, ‘Go down and indict them.’ They’d be out of business. They’d be out of the election.”Lester Holt, the anchor of NBC Nightly News, opened the debate with this question: “Speak to Republican voters who are supporting Donald Trump. Why should you and not him be the Republican nominee to face Joe Biden a year from now?”The problem with that question was that it embodies journalistic lethargy barely tolerable in pre-Trump elections but glaringly inadequate in this one. The question was not an attempt to communicate or elicit vital information, but instead invited self-serving triteness. Beginning the debate with that question conveyed an implicit point of view that this campaign and election is an ordinary contest of contending opinions taking place within democratic norms. Negligence in asking straightforward questions about Trump’s brazen intent to establish a dictatorial regime to replace constitutional government served as a prophylactic for the absent but overshadowing presence.The ghost at the debate, quitting from lack of funds and abysmal polls, was the former vice-president, Mike Pence. “Hang Mike Pence!” No one, moderators or candidates, saw fit to acknowledge his existence. He may be spectral for now, but he is not a zombie. He will likely reappear very much alive as a central witness in Trump’s trial starting in March 2024 in the Washington DC district court. He is not forgotten by Jack Smith.Three days before the debate, special prosecutor Jack Smith filed a motion entitled “Government’s Opposition to Defendant’s Motion to Strike Inflammatory Allegations from the Indictment”. In it, he wrote: “Indeed, that day was the culmination of the defendant’s criminal conspiracies to overturn the legitimate results of the presidential election, when the defendant directed a large and angry crowd – one that he had summoned to Washington DC, and fueled with knowingly false claims of election fraud – to the Capitol to obstruct the congressional certification proceeding. When his supporters did so, including through violence, the defendant did not try to stop them; instead, he encouraged them and attempted to leverage their actions by further obstructing the certification.”Neither Jack Smith nor his latest or any filing were raised by the moderators in the debate. Other words that went unsaid were “trial”, “indictment” and “January 6”.Trump’s portentous invisibility was reinforced by the media ignoring his statements. Kristen Welker, the moderator of Meet the Press, asked each candidate where they stood on funding for Ukraine. But since the candidates have become zombies, the only valuable query would be to probe their views about Trump’s to gauge the degree of absolute mindlessness of their loyalty oath to him.Eleven days before the debate, on 29 October, Trump told a story about how he rebuked Nato leaders that if they did not pay more the US would not honor its treaty obligation to defend the alliance. “We’re not going to protect you any longer,” Trump said he had boasted. “The head of a country stood up, said, ‘Does that mean if Russia attacks my country, you will not be there?’”“That’s right, that’s what it means,” Trump said. “I will not protect you.”Trump’s former national security adviser, John Bolton, stated in May of 2022 that Trump “may well have withdrawn from Nato” in a second term and that Putin “was waiting for that”. Trump’s former chief of staff, the retired general John Kelly, stated that “one of the most difficult tasks he faced with Trump was trying to stop him from pulling out of Nato”, according to the New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt. But there was no follow-up question to ask the candidates about Trump’s evident intention to wreck the western alliance in Putin’s obvious interest.Welker moved on to an abortion question, framed on the implicit terms that the Republican problem with the issue was one of messaging, reducing it to a matter of positioning, a question again of winning and losing. “Abortion rights supporters saw victories in Ohio and Virginia following earlier wins in states like Kansas and Kentucky. Governor DeSantis, first to you. How do you see the path forward for Republicans on this issue?” The supreme court went unmentioned.The question avoided everything that surrounded the high court’s decision in Dobbs overturning a half-century women’s right. Did Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett commit perjury in their Senate confirmation hearings when they stated under oath that they believed in the judicial doctrine of stare decisis, of deference to long-established precedent, and as a result would retain Roe v Wade? Sonia Sotomayor has said about Dobbs: “Will this institution survive the stench that this creates in the public perception that the constitution and its reading are just political acts? I don’t see how it is possible.”Her question went unasked. Nor were there questions about the ethical crisis enveloping the supreme court, with revelations of luxury gifts lavished on conservative justices by wealthy interested patrons. Nor was Senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s herculean effort to bring the court under the ethics standards of the rest of the federal judiciary mentioned. Under intense public pressure, the court issued its first ethics guidelines four days after the debate, with no mechanisms for enforcement, leaving the matter to each individual justice: the Clarence Thomas honor code. The media moderators missed their opportunity – and their responsibility.The zombie candidates will all, one by one, decompose into a pile of dust and be swept into the proverbial dustbin of history. Senator Tim Scott, after raising more than $13m, and his associated political action committee millions more, supported by less than 3% of Republican voters, dropped out after the debate. When he departed, he left no trace of his prior existence. And soon enough there will be none, except Trump.The sleepwalking media in the debate performed a pantomime made up of archaic conventional gestures. But their willful obliviousness obscures the present danger posed by Trump’s fever dreams of dictatorship.
    Sidney Blumenthal is the author of The Permanent Campaign, published in 1980, and All the Power of the Earth: The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln, 1856-1860, the third of a projected five volumes. He is the former assistant and senior adviser to President Bill Clinton and senior adviser to Hillary Clinton More

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    The Republican presidential debate was a televised temper tantrum | Moira Donegan

    Because I did something terrible in a past life and have to be punished for it in this one, on Wednesday night I watched the Republican presidential debate. It was the third in a series of televised temper tantrums by a dwindling field of eligible candidates, all pretending that there is a meaningful contest for the Republican presidential nomination and that any of them have the slightest chance of winning it.In the past, these events have ranged from the chaotic to the deranged, as characters like Tim Scott put a smiling, chipper, aw-shucks sheen on a lurid vision of enforced male supremacy, Ron DeSantis publicly indulges wild fantasies about sending American soldiers to conduct summary executions of Mexican drug cartel leaders on the soil of a sovereign foreign nation, and Chris Christie puts on a poor imitation of someone who believes in his own relevance.And like the past debates, there was plenty of rancor and personal barbs on Wednesday night, plenty of morbid daydreaming about future regimes of social control, and plenty of fact-free declarations about the supposed causes of America’s plights. There was yelling, and there were insults. Somehow, the whole thing still managed to be incredibly tedious.Donald Trump, the man who will be the Republican nominee unless he dies before next November, was not on stage. The candidates did their usual dance of trying not to attack Trump or alienate his base – which meant, in effect, that none of them could make much of a case for themselves. Nikki Haley, once a member of Trump’s cabinet, somewhat weakly suggested that Trump was not the right candidate “for now”. Even Chris Christie, whose candidacy is largely seen as a kamikaze mission meant to hurt Trump rather than a serious bid for office, could barely manage to point out that the frontrunner’s legal problems – he faces 91 felony charges – would probably distract him from the duties of office.For all of the five contenders on stage – Haley, Christie, DeSantis, Scott and Vivek Ramaswamy – their very candidacy suggests a discomfort with Trump: if they really thought he was the best guy for the job, they wouldn’t be running. But a taboo on criticizing Trump remains the one constant that unites the fractious, dysfunctional and internally chaotic Republican party, the one thing that all of them know it would end their political careers to do. They couldn’t go after Trump. So they went after each other.It would be wrong to say that the candidates’ attacks on one another were exactly ideologically driven. As they gave rambling, euphemism-laden, largely dishonest answers to a series of policy questions, it was hard to discern anything like a coherent policy orientation from any of them – save for Haley, who as in every debate emphasized her foreign policy credentials and seemed interested in reviving some early-century neoconservative positions about the efficacy and usefulness of American foreign intervention.Others wandered and waffled in their policy prescriptions: when they were asked a question that confused or frustrated them, as happened frequently, both the Florida governor DeSantis and South Carolina senator Tim Scott would pivot to bizarre non-sequiturs about closing the southern border. Ramaswamy pushed an isolationist, “America-first” approach, but nevertheless echoed calls by DeSantis to use the military to discipline southern border immigration. (Ramaswamy, it should be noted, did distinguish himself by also cautioning about crime and immigration at the Canadian border. “Build both walls,” he said.)Tim Scott, a Christian conservative pitching his candidacy as a return to traditional social hierarchies, “faith-based morals” and compassion, called for a military strike on Iran. They decried protests in support of Palestinian human rights as “pro-Hamas” and vowed to deport foreign students who participated, and to cut off the funding for any college or university that did not sufficiently suppress pro-Palestinian speech. They seemed united in encouraging Israel to take a genocidal, eliminationist approach to Palestinians in Gaza, with DeSantis telling Benjamin Netanyahu to “finish the job”, Haley instructing him to “finish them”, and Ramaswamy offering a disturbing fantasy about severed Palestinian heads being displayed on spikes. The candidates also largely agreed, as it happened, that they would cut Medicare and social security benefits. They set about arguing with each other about how much.The biggest rivalry of the night was between a pair who are emerging as recurring antagonists in these debates: Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy. The pair have opposing visions of foreign policy, with Haley calling for greater engagement and intervention abroad and Ramaswamy serving as a conduit for the Republican party’s post-2016 return to nativist isolationism. But they also represent two distinct career paths for Republican politicians. Haley’s rabid, sadistic conservatism is the result of an old-fashioned kind of political vetting – a long career of political ascent, coupled with an affect of credentialed competence. Ramaswamy, by contrast, is a public buffoon, someone with no political experience who has gained his spot on the debate stage with provocative, hateful, algorithmically boosted social media content of outlandish public quackery.Perhaps it’s fitting, then, that the two had their most pointed clash over TikTok. The pair had been fighting all night: Ramaswamy made a misogynist remark calling Haley “Dick Cheney in three-inch heels”. Haley shot back that her shoes were five-inch heels, and quipped, somewhat nonsensically, that she wore them “for ammunition”. But they fought most bitterly when moderators asked the candidates if they would ban TikTok, the social media app that has become a bete noire on the right. Ramaswamy jumped in to point out that Haley had criticized him for campaigning on TikTok, even though her adult daughter also used the app – he suggested that Haley was not exercising adequate control over her family. Haley told him to leave her daughter out of it, and called him scum.It was a mistake, and it was also, perhaps, one of the more relatable moments for Nikki Haley, a politician so stuffy and rehearsed that one wonders if she has ever had a thought that does not occur to her in a pollster’s voice. Ramaswamy is scum: he’s self-interested and cynical, indifferent to truth, with a black hole of ambition in the place where other people might have a soul. She was right to be angry. But public expressions of anger rarely serve women.But what might have been most conspicuous about the debate was what was largely absent from it: for more than an hour and a half, the moderators did not ask about abortion, even though the issue has dominated American electoral politics up and down the ballot for nearly a year and a half. Anger over the overturning of Roe v Wade has become an abiding motivator for voters, with the issue persisting in relevance long after most pundits thought it would fade from national attention, and it is driving unlikely wins for Democratic candidates and their priorities. Abortion had delivered electoral wins for Democrats just on Tuesday, when the issue drove voters to the polls nationwide. Abortion proved to be a decisive issue not only in Ohio, where an abortion rights amendment to the state constitution was ratified by a wide margin, but also played a pivotal role in races in Virginia, Kentucky and Pennsylvania.When the moderators finally asked about “the way forward” on abortion, in their last question of the night, the candidates mostly hemmed and hawed. Some backtracked or hedged their anti-choice stances; others doubled down. They could not deliver a real answer for the same reasons they could not attack Donald Trump: neither stating their real positions against abortion or admitting that the issue has become a political albatross for the Republican party would be viable paths for their continued careers. They’re not ready to make a real argument on the issue to the American people. Luckily for them, I suppose, none of them will have to.
    Moira Donegan is a Guardian US columnist More

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    ‘You’re just scum’: Haley and Ramaswamy clash in fiery Republican debate – video

    The Israel-Hamas war in Gaza and other foreign policy issues dominated Wednesday’s third debate of Republican presidential hopefuls in Miami. The debate – which was missing Donald Trump, the favorite for the party’s 2024 run who was hosting a private rally elsewhere in the area – was a more bitter affair than its predecessors in Wisconsin and California. Lively verbal sparring sometimes regressed into insults, with Nikki Haley calling Vivek Ramaswamy ‘scum’. The pair were, however, united in tearing into Trump, who they trail by a significant margin in the race More

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    Support for Israel and verbal sparring propel fiery third Republican debate

    The Israel-Hamas war in Gaza and other foreign policy issues dominated Wednesday’s fiery third debate of Republican presidential hopefuls in Miami. Candidates pledged wholehearted support for Israel’s military response following last month’s Hamas attacks, and clashed over Ukraine, China and immigration.The debate, minus Donald Trump, the runaway favorite for the party’s 2024 nomination who was hosting his own private rally elsewhere in the area, was a more bitter affair than its predecessors in Wisconsin and California. Lively verbal sparring sometimes regressed into insults, with Nikki Haley at one point calling one of her rivals “scum”.The candidates also grappled over immigration, the devastatingly bad night for Republicans in Tuesday’s elections, and the party’s staunchly anti-abortion stance on abortion that analysts say was the reason.Discussion over Israel’s actions in Gaza were, however, most prominent.“I will be telling Bibi [Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu] to finish the job once and for all with these butchers Hamas. They’re terrorists. They’re massacring innocent people. They would wipe every Jew off the globe if they could,” Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor, said.Haley, a former ambassador to the United Nations, was equally forthright. “The first thing I said to him when it happened was, ‘finish them’. They have to eliminate Hamas, [we have to] support Israel with whatever they need whenever they need it, and three, make sure we bring our hostages home.”DeSantis took credit for chartering flights to rescue stranded Americans in Israel, but overreached by claiming “there could have been more hostages, if we hadn’t acted”. The DeSantis flights, which some have criticized as a de facto foreign policy, took place after Hamas took about 240 hostages on 7 October.Haley and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who has been criticized for controversial racial comments, took potshots at each other. Haley’s policies, Ramaswamy said, fueled war, and in a reference to a former vice-president called her “Dick Cheney in three-inch heels”.“I wear five-inch heels, and don’t wear them unless you can run on them,” she shot straight back. “I wear heels not for a fashion statement – they’re for ammunition.”A further unpleasant exchange between the two came in a discussion about the Chinese social media platform TikTok. “In the last debate, she made fun of me for actually joining TikTok while her own daughter was actually using the app for a long time, so you might want to take care of your family first,” Ramaswamy sniped.“Leave my daughter out of your mouth,” Haley interjected. “You are just scum.”Haley performed well in the first two debates, and has enjoyed a recent surge in popularity. She had painted DeSantis as an isolationist at a time when, she said, the US needed to work with global partners, and their feud continued Wednesday with bickering over China, each accusing the other of operating policies favorable to one of America’s foes.But the pair were united in tearing strategically into the absent the former president, who they trail by a significant margin in the race for the nomination. Trump, DeSantis said, “owes it to you to be on this stage”.“He said Republicans were gonna get tired of winning. Well, we saw it last night: I’m sick of Republicans losing,” DeSantis said, referring to Tuesday’s Democratic electoral successes in Kentucky and Virginia.Haley said: “I think he was the right president at the right time. I don’t think he’s the right president now. I think that he put us a trillion dollars in debt and our kids are never gonna forgive us for that. I think the fact that he used to be right on Ukraine and foreign issues – now he’s getting weak in the knees and trying to be friendly again.”The South Carolina senator Tim Scott, who is trailing in the polls, was asked how he would assist Ukraine in its battle against Russia, but pivoted to criticizing the Biden administration’s border policies. He warned that “terrorist cells” were entering the country from Mexico.skip past newsletter promotionafter newsletter promotionThen he said: “The American people are frustrated that they do not have a president who reminds us and tells us where’s the accountability. Where are those dollars? How are those dollars being spent? We need those answers for us to continue to see the support for Ukraine.”Joe Biden has asked Congress for $106bn for Ukraine and Israel aid.Scott said he wanted to see the southern US border closed to immigrants, Ramaswamy said he would build a wall there and at the northern border with Canada, while DeSantis repeated his previous promise to send troops to the border and shoot drug smugglers “stone-cold dead”.Chris Christie, the former New Jersey governor, spoke of a need to deter China from invading Taiwan as the debate moved to other foreign policy topics. “We need to go straight to our nuclear submarine program, and we need to increase it drastically,” he said.Christie weighed in on the TikTok debate, saying the platform was “not only spyware – it is polluting the minds of American young people all throughout this country, and they’re doing it intentionally”. As president, he said, he would ban it.Regarding abortion, which was behind many of the Republican losses on Tuesday, Haley expounded a softer position than other candidates that might yet resonate with voters. “As much as I’m pro-life, I don’t judge anyone for being pro-choice, and I don’t want them to judge me for being pro-life,” she said.Trump, meanwhile, says he is so far ahead in the race for the nomination, more than 44 points, according to Real Clear Politics (RCP), as to make debate meaningless. In campaign messaging on Tuesday, he called it “a battle of losers”.While Trump’s own candidacy is mired in legal troubles that could yet derail him, his remaining rivals are not even close. Scott, Christie and Ramaswamy are all polling in the low single digits, leaving DeSantis and Haley, themselves only at 13% and 9%, per RCP, as the most viable alternatives.There will be one more Republican debate, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, on 6 December, before the 2024 primaries begin with the Iowa caucuses on 15 January.The field, already down to five in Miami after the withdrawal of former vice-president Mike Pence and non-qualification of North Dakota governor Doug Burgum, could be further reduced by then. And after Wednesday’s debate concluded, a campaign adviser said Trump would also not be present in Alabama. More