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    Today’s Wordle Answer for Dec. 9, 2024

    Scroll down for hints and conversation about the puzzle for Monday, Dec. 9, 2024.Welcome to The Wordle Review. Be warned: This page contains spoilers for today’s puzzle. Solve Wordle first, or scroll at your own risk.Wordle is released at midnight in your time zone. In order to accommodate all time zones, there will be two Wordle Reviews live every day, dated based on Eastern Standard Time. If you find yourself on the wrong review, check the number of your puzzle, and go to this page to find the corresponding review.Need a hint?Give me a consonantNGive me a vowelUOpen the comments section for more hints, scores, and conversation from the Wordle community.Today’s DifficultyThe difficulty of each puzzle is determined by averaging the number of guesses provided by a small panel of testers who are paid to solve each puzzle in advance to help us catch any issues and inconsistencies.Today’s average difficulty is 4.3 guesses out of 6, or moderately challenging.For more in-depth analysis, visit our friend, WordleBot.Today’s WordClick to revealToday’s word is FLUNG, a verb. According to Webster’s New World College Dictionary, it is the past tense of fling, which means “to throw, esp. with force or violence; hurl; cast.”Our Featured ArtistChristina Chung is a queer Taiwanese Hong Konger American illustrator, raised in Seattle and Singapore and currently based in Brooklyn. Her work focuses on intricacies, color and symbolism, drawing inspiration from the natural world and powerful storytelling.Further ReadingSee the archive for past and future posts.If you solved for a word different from what was featured today, please refresh your page.Join the conversation on social media! Use the hashtag #wordlereview to chat with other solvers.Leave any thoughts you have in the comments! Please follow community guidelines:Be kind. Comments are moderated for civility.Having a technical issue? Use the help button in the settings menu of the Games app.See the Wordle Glossary for information on how to talk about Wordle.Want to talk about Spelling Bee? Check out our Spelling Bee Forum.Want to talk about Connections? Check out our Connections Companion.Trying to go back to the puzzle? More

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    Today’s Wordle Answer for Dec. 8, 2024

    Scroll down for hints and conversation about the puzzle for Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024.Welcome to The Wordle Review. Be warned: This page contains spoilers for today’s puzzle. Solve Wordle first, or scroll at your own risk.Wordle is released at midnight in your time zone. In order to accommodate all time zones, there will be two Wordle Reviews live every day, dated based on Eastern Standard Time. If you find yourself on the wrong review, check the number of your puzzle, and go to this page to find the corresponding review.Need a hint?Give me a consonantNGive me a vowelAOpen the comments section for more hints, scores, and conversation from the Wordle community.Today’s DifficultyThe difficulty of each puzzle is determined by averaging the number of guesses provided by a small panel of testers who are paid to solve each puzzle in advance to help us catch any issues and inconsistencies.Today’s average difficulty is 5.8 guesses out of 6, or very challenging.For more in-depth analysis, visit our friend, WordleBot.Today’s WordClick to revealToday’s word is HYENA, a noun. According to Webster’s New World College Dictionary, it refers to a “wolflike carnivore” with a shrill cry “suggestive of laughter.”Our Featured ArtistChristina Chung is a queer Taiwanese Hong Konger American illustrator, raised in Seattle and Singapore and currently based in Brooklyn. Her work focuses on intricacies, color and symbolism, drawing inspiration from the natural world and powerful storytelling.Further ReadingSee the archive for past and future posts.If you solved for a word different from what was featured today, please refresh your page.Join the conversation on social media! Use the hashtag #wordlereview to chat with other solvers.Leave any thoughts you have in the comments! Please follow community guidelines:Be kind. Comments are moderated for civility.Having a technical issue? Use the help button in the settings menu of the Games app.See the Wordle Glossary for information on how to talk about Wordle.Want to talk about Spelling Bee? Check out our Spelling Bee Forum.Want to talk about Connections? Check out our Connections Companion.Trying to go back to the puzzle? More

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    Today’s Wordle Answer for Dec. 2, 2024

    Scroll down for hints and conversation about the puzzle for Monday, Dec. 2, 2024.Welcome to The Wordle Review. Be warned: This page contains spoilers for today’s puzzle. Solve Wordle first, or scroll at your own risk.Wordle is released at midnight in your time zone. In order to accommodate all time zones, there will be two Wordle Reviews live every day, dated based on Eastern Standard Time. If you find yourself on the wrong review, check the number of your puzzle, and go to this page to find the corresponding review.Need a hint?Give me a consonantLGive me a vowelEOpen the comments section for more hints, scores, and conversation from the Wordle community.Today’s DifficultyThe difficulty of each puzzle is determined by averaging the number of guesses provided by a small panel of testers who are paid to solve each puzzle in advance to help us catch any issues and inconsistencies.Today’s average difficulty is 4.5 guesses out of 6, or moderately challenging.For more in-depth analysis, visit our friend, WordleBot.Today’s WordClick to revealToday’s word is GUILE, a noun. According to Webster’s New World College Dictionary, it means “slyness and cunning in dealing with others.”Our Featured ArtistChristina Chung is a queer Taiwanese Hong Konger American illustrator, raised in Seattle and Singapore and currently based in Brooklyn. Her work focuses on intricacies, color and symbolism, drawing inspiration from the natural world and powerful storytelling.Further ReadingSee the archive for past and future posts.If you solved for a word different from what was featured today, please refresh your page.Join the conversation on social media! Use the hashtag #wordlereview to chat with other solvers.Leave any thoughts you have in the comments! Please follow community guidelines:Be kind. Comments are moderated for civility.Having a technical issue? Use the help button in the settings menu of the Games app.See the Wordle Glossary for information on how to talk about Wordle.Want to talk about Spelling Bee? Check out our Spelling Bee Forum.Want to talk about Connections? Check out our Connections Companion.Trying to go back to the puzzle? More

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    Today’s Wordle Answer for Dec. 1, 2024

    Scroll down for hints and conversation about the puzzle for Dec. 1, 2024.Welcome to The Wordle Review. Be warned: This page contains spoilers for today’s puzzle. Solve Wordle first, or scroll at your own risk.Wordle is released at midnight in your time zone. In order to accommodate all time zones, there will be two Wordle Reviews live every day, dated based on Eastern Standard Time. If you find yourself on the wrong review, check the number of your puzzle, and go to this page to find the corresponding review.Need a hint?Give me a consonantMGive me a vowelAOpen the comments section for more hints, scores, and conversation from the Wordle community.Today’s DifficultyThe difficulty of each puzzle is determined by averaging the number of guesses provided by a small panel of testers who are paid to solve each puzzle in advance to help us catch any issues and inconsistencies.Today’s average difficulty is 5 guesses out of 6, or very challenging.For more in-depth analysis, visit our friend, WordleBot.Today’s WordClick to revealToday’s word is MAUVE, an adjective. According to Webster’s New World College Dictionary, it refers to a “delicate purple” color.Our Featured ArtistCiara Quilty-Harper is an English Irish illustrator living in Barcelona. Ms. Quilty-Harper works entirely by hand, distilling fleeting impressions into hazy elements depicted in luminous colors. For Ms. Quilty-Harper, the details are loaded with enormous meaning; she believes that the smallest features in our surroundings often leave the greatest impact. She works in a range of techniques, casting an attentive eye and a cinematic lens on daily life.Ms. Quilty-Harper studied at University of the Arts London and Escola Massana in Barcelona, where she created her book, “Lemon Yellow,” which was subsequently published and won multiple awards. She is working on a second book.Further ReadingSee the archive for past and future posts.If you solved for a word different from what was featured today, please refresh your page.Join the conversation on social media! Use the hashtag #wordlereview to chat with other solvers.Leave any thoughts you have in the comments! Please follow community guidelines:Be kind. Comments are moderated for civility.Having a technical issue? Use the help button in the settings menu of the Games app.See the Wordle Glossary for information on how to talk about Wordle.Want to talk about Spelling Bee? Check out our Spelling Bee Forum.Want to talk about Connections? Check out our Connections Companion.Trying to go back to the puzzle? More

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    Today’s Wordle Answer for Nov. 25, 2024

    Scroll down for hints and conversation about the puzzle for Monday, Nov. 25, 2024.Welcome to The Wordle Review. Be warned: This page contains spoilers for today’s puzzle. Solve Wordle first, or scroll at your own risk.Wordle is released at midnight in your time zone. In order to accommodate all time zones, there will be two Wordle Reviews live every day, dated based on Eastern Standard Time. If you find yourself on the wrong review, check the number of your puzzle, and go to this page to find the corresponding review.Need a hint?Give me a consonantRGive me a vowelOOpen the comments section for more hints, scores, and conversation from the Wordle community.Today’s DifficultyThe difficulty of each puzzle is determined by averaging the number of guesses provided by a small panel of testers who are paid to solve each puzzle in advance to help us catch any issues and inconsistencies.Today’s average difficulty is 4 guesses out of 6, or easy breezy.For more in-depth analysis, visit our friend, WordleBot.Today’s WordClick to revealToday’s word is BROWN, an adjective. According to Webster’s New World College Dictionary, it refers to “any of a group of colors between red and yellow in hue that are medium to low in lightness and low to moderate in saturation.”Our Featured ArtistCiara Quilty-Harper is an English Irish illustrator living in Barcelona. Ms. Quilty-Harper works entirely by hand, distilling fleeting impressions into hazy elements depicted in luminous colors. For Ms. Quilty-Harper, the details are loaded with enormous meaning; she believes that the smallest features in our surroundings often leave the greatest impact. She works in a range of techniques, casting an attentive eye and a cinematic lens on daily life.Ms. Quilty-Harper studied at University of the Arts London and Escola Massana in Barcelona, where she created her book, “Lemon Yellow,” which was subsequently published and won multiple awards. She is working on a second book.Further ReadingSee the archive for past and future posts.If you solved for a word different from what was featured today, please refresh your page.Join the conversation on social media! Use the hashtag #wordlereview to chat with other solvers.Leave any thoughts you have in the comments! Please follow community guidelines:Be kind. Comments are moderated for civility.Having a technical issue? Use the help button in the settings menu of the Games app.See the Wordle Glossary for information on how to talk about Wordle.Want to talk about Spelling Bee? Check out our Spelling Bee Forum.Want to talk about Connections? Check out our Connections Companion.Trying to go back to the puzzle? More

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    Wordle Review Answer for Nov. 24, 2024

    Scroll down for hints and conversation about the puzzle for Sunday, Nov. 24, 2024.Welcome to The Wordle Review. Be warned: This page contains spoilers for today’s puzzle. Solve Wordle first, or scroll at your own risk.Wordle is released at midnight in your time zone. In order to accommodate all time zones, there will be two Wordle Reviews live every day, dated based on Eastern Standard Time. If you find yourself on the wrong review, check the number of your puzzle, and go to this page to find the corresponding review.Need a hint?Give me a consonantTGive me a vowelIOpen the comments section for more hints, scores, and conversation from the Wordle community.Today’s DifficultyThe difficulty of each puzzle is determined by averaging the number of guesses provided by a small panel of testers who are paid to solve each puzzle in advance to help us catch any issues and inconsistencies.Today’s average difficulty is 5 guesses out of 6, or moderately challenging.For more in-depth analysis, visit our friend, WordleBot.Today’s WordClick to revealToday’s word is TWIST, a verb. According to Webster’s New World College Dictionary, it means “to wind (two or more threads or strands) around one another, as by spinning.”Our Featured ArtistCiara Quilty-Harper is an English Irish illustrator living in Barcelona. Ms. Quilty-Harper works entirely by hand, distilling fleeting impressions into hazy elements depicted in luminous colors. For Ms. Quilty-Harper, the details are loaded with enormous meaning; she believes that the smallest features in our surroundings often leave the greatest impact. She works in a range of techniques, casting an attentive eye and a cinematic lens on daily life.Ms. Quilty-Harper studied at University of the Arts London and Escola Massana in Barcelona, where she created her book, “Lemon Yellow,” which was subsequently published and won multiple awards. She is working on a second book.Further ReadingSee the archive for past and future posts.If you solved for a word different from what was featured today, please refresh your page.Join the conversation on social media! Use the hashtag #wordlereview to chat with other solvers.Leave any thoughts you have in the comments! Please follow community guidelines:Be kind. Comments are moderated for civility.Having a technical issue? Use the help button in the settings menu of the Games app.See the Wordle Glossary for information on how to talk about Wordle.Want to talk about Spelling Bee? Check out our Spelling Bee Forum.Want to talk about Connections? Check out our Connections Companion.Trying to go back to the puzzle? More

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    Today’s Wordle Answer for Nov. 21, 2024

    Scroll down for hints and conversation about the puzzle for Nov. 21, 2024.Welcome to The Wordle Review. Be warned: This page contains spoilers for today’s puzzle. Solve Wordle first, or scroll at your own risk.Wordle is released at midnight in your time zone. In order to accommodate all time zones, there will be two Wordle Reviews live every day, dated based on Eastern Standard Time. If you find yourself on the wrong review, check the number of your puzzle, and go to this page to find the corresponding review.To avoid spoiling the game for others, make sure you are posting a comment about Wordle 1,251.Need a hint?Give me a consonantNGive me a vowelEOpen the comments section for more hints, scores, and conversation from the Wordle community.Today’s DifficultyThe difficulty of each puzzle is determined by averaging the number of guesses provided by a small panel of testers who are paid to solve each puzzle in advance to help us catch any issues and inconsistencies.Today’s average difficulty is 3.5 guesses out of 6, or easy breezy.For more in-depth analysis, visit our friend, WordleBot.Today’s WordClick to revealToday’s word is SPINE, a noun. According to Webster’s New World College Dictionary, it refers to “any of the stiff, sharp-pointed, superficial emergences on a plant, as on a rose, thistle, or cactus” or the spinal column.Our Featured ArtistCiara Quilty-Harper is an English Irish illustrator living in Barcelona. Ms. Quilty-Harper works entirely by hand, distilling fleeting impressions into hazy elements depicted in luminous colors. For Ms. Quilty-Harper, the details are loaded with enormous meaning; she believes that the smallest features in our surroundings often leave the greatest impact. She works in a range of techniques, casting an attentive eye and a cinematic lens on daily life.Ms. Quilty-Harper studied at University of the Arts London and Escola Massana in Barcelona, where she created her book, “Lemon Yellow,” which was subsequently published and won multiple awards. She is working on a second book.Further ReadingSee the archive for past and future posts.If you solved for a word different from what was featured today, please refresh your page.Join the conversation on social media! Use the hashtag #wordlereview to chat with other solvers.Leave any thoughts you have in the comments! Please follow community guidelines:Be kind. Comments are moderated for civility.Having a technical issue? Use the help button in the settings menu of the Games app.See the Wordle Glossary for information on how to talk about Wordle.Want to talk about Spelling Bee? Check out our Spelling Bee Forum.Want to talk about Connections? Check out our Connections Companion.Trying to go back to the puzzle? More

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    Today’s Wordle Answer for Nov. 19, 2024

    Scroll down for hints and conversation about the puzzle for Nov. 19, 2024.Welcome to The Wordle Review. Be warned: This page contains spoilers for today’s puzzle. Solve Wordle first, or scroll at your own risk.Wordle is released at midnight in your time zone. In order to accommodate all time zones, there will be two Wordle Reviews live every day, dated based on Eastern Standard Time. If you find yourself on the wrong review, check the number of your puzzle, and go to this page to find the corresponding review.To avoid spoiling the game for others, make sure you are posting a comment about Wordle 1,249.Need a hint?Give me a consonantNGive me a vowelOOpen the comments section for more hints, scores, and conversation from the Wordle community.Today’s DifficultyThe difficulty of each puzzle is determined by averaging the number of guesses provided by a small panel of testers who are paid to solve each puzzle in advance to help us catch any issues and inconsistencies.Today’s average difficulty is 4.5 guesses out of 6, or moderately challenging.For more in-depth analysis, visit our friend, WordleBot.Today’s WordClick to revealToday’s word is GOING, a verb. According to Webster’s New World College Dictionary, it refers to the act of moving or traveling along.Our Featured ArtistCiara Quilty-Harper is an English Irish illustrator living in Barcelona. Ms. Quilty-Harper works entirely by hand, distilling fleeting impressions into hazy elements depicted in luminous colors. For Ms. Quilty-Harper, the details are loaded with enormous meaning; she believes that the smallest features in our surroundings often leave the greatest impact. She works in a range of techniques, casting an attentive eye and a cinematic lens on daily life.Ms. Quilty-Harper studied at University of the Arts London and Escola Massana in Barcelona, where she created her book, “Lemon Yellow,” which was subsequently published and won multiple awards. She is working on a second book.Further ReadingSee the archive for past and future posts.If you solved for a word different from what was featured today, please refresh your page.Join the conversation on social media! Use the hashtag #wordlereview to chat with other solvers.Leave any thoughts you have in the comments! Please follow community guidelines:Be kind. Comments are moderated for civility.Having a technical issue? Use the help button in the settings menu of the Games app.See the Wordle Glossary for information on how to talk about Wordle.Want to talk about Spelling Bee? Check out our Spelling Bee Forum.Want to talk about Connections? Check out our Connections Companion.Trying to go back to the puzzle? More