
End the Secrecy. Open Up Adoption Records.

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Debra Steidel Wall

To the Editor:

Re “With DNA and Friend’s Help, a Dying Son Finds His Father” (front page, Oct. 10):

If we continue to keep the process of finding one’s birth family and opening birth records as difficult as possible, as with Sam Anthony, profiled in your article, we are preventing valuable family connections that should be a basic human right.

Adoptees are often completely cut off from our birth families the second our adoption papers are finalized. If it weren’t for DNA testing I would never have discovered that two half-siblings of mine had been adopted into a different family a few states away.

Adoptees should not have to go to great lengths to reconnect with their birth family. But, unfortunately, the complicated and often expensive process of DNA testing and hiring private investigators is often the only way to find biological relatives.

When birth records are sealed, adoptees suffer in order to uphold an archaic standard that was meant to shroud adoptions in secrecy to prevent shame. We live in a different era now and, like Sam, deserve a right to our records.

Melissa Guida-Richards
Milford, Pa.
The writer is the author of “What White Parents Should Know About Transracial Adoption.”

To the Editor:

This is the latest article in The Times exposing the egregious practice of denying adoptees the truth about their beginnings and hiding the babies’ fate from their birth parents.

Steve Inskeep’s March 28 essay, “I Was Denied My Birth Story,” revealed his fury about not knowing “the story of how I came to live on this earth. Strangers hid part of me from myself.”

Lisa Belkin reviewed Gabrielle Glaser’s book “American Baby” (Book Review, Jan. 24), another tragic tale about when adoptions are closed.

How many tragic tales do we have to hear to understand that birth parents, adoptive families and adoptees need to know one another? How many children must lie awake at night wondering why they were given away? How many adoptees do not know their genetic history?

The solution is easy — open adoption in which birth parents and adoptive families choose each other and stay in touch through social media, texts, photos and visits.

With and 23andMe closed adoptions do not remain closed. Why not avoid the emotional pain by sharing the truth from the beginning?

Nancy Kors
Walnut Creek, Calif.
The writer is an adoption facilitator.

Illustration by Mel Haasch; Photograph by Anna Moneymaker for The New York Times

To the Editor:

Re “Misinformation Tripped Alarms Inside Facebook” (front page, Oct. 24):

New disclosures that point to a disconnect between self-serving public statements of Facebook executives and the internal expressions of concern of lower-level employees surrounding the 2020 election paint a picture of a company policy that enables and protects misinformation.

These revelations, especially those involving the Jan. 6 insurrection, suggest that management overlooks or even accepts incendiary content in its pursuit of profits — a practice that is often out of sync with the conscience of its employees and is at odds with the best interests of the public.

Taken together with the recent testimony of the whistle-blower Frances Haugen, who detailed to Congress a corporate culture that places profits ahead of its users’ mental health, this new documentation clearly strengthens the case for congressional oversight and public awareness.

Facebook’s reach and influence are so vast that its apparent unwillingness to filter misinformation exceeds the bounds of free speech, harming its users and putting democracy at risk. The company has had a good run, but the days of its free ride maybe numbered.

Roger Hirschberg
South Burlington, Vt.

Art Institute of Chicago

To the Editor:

Re “Museum Ousts Volunteers in Diversity Push. Uproar Ensues.” (news article, Oct. 22):

Alas, the invisible old woman! While your article on the Art Institute of Chicago’s decision to end the volunteer careers of 82 docents focused on the controversy over the racial makeup of the docents, it neglected to really deal with the overt age discrimination that such otherwise worthwhile pushes for greater diversity promote.

Not all docents are older or female, but they tend to be. Largely, they can volunteer with such expertise and loyalty because after long careers and/or raising families, many finally have the time to turn to volunteering in their communities. Yet the museum — along with much of our society — invalidates these older women, erasing their presence.

Dee Baer
Wilmington, Del.
The writer is a senior guide at the Delaware Art Museum.

Aaron Nesheim for The New York Times

To the Editor:

Re “The Anti-Robocall: Listening to Voters Talk” (news article, Oct. 21):

This wonderful article identifies a way to improve the minimal communication that currently prevails among those holding different opinions regarding values and public policy.

As psychologists and spiritual teachers have long observed, deep, nonjudgmental listening to others with diverse perspectives can increase compassion for one another and perhaps lead to compromise solutions to the serious problems afflicting our nation and the world.

Would that our Congress might take heed and schedule such listening sessions about the national issues too often discussed secretly that leave the public uninformed. Broadcasting honest dialogues that state positions and not just attacks on the other side on TV and the internet would manifest a concern for an informed citizenry.

Bruce Kerievsky
Monroe Township, N.J.

Source: Elections -


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