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in ElectionsAs Polls Close, Here's What We Know About Voting in Georgia
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}Georgia Runoff Results
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The Candidates in Georgia
Electoral College Votes
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in ElectionsHow Trump Could Affect Loeffler and Perdue in Georgia Race
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}Georgia Runoff Results
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The Candidates in Georgia
Electoral College Votes
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in US PoliticsGeorgia voters head to polls in critical Senate runoffs
Georgia voters headed to the polls on Tuesday for the final day of voting in a critical election that will determine which party controls the US Senate and what Joe Biden can achieve in the first two years of his presidency.After she cast her ballot on the chilly morning in Atlanta, Stephanie Aluko stood outside her polling place and noted how remarkable it was that the entire world was paying attention to her state.“It made people in Georgia see how important it actually is to vote,” she said outside Antioch Baptist church, where a steady stream of voters were able to quickly cast their ballots. “If the whole world is looking at you and paying attention to you, suddenly, maybe your vote matters.”Democrats Jon Ossoff and the Rev Raphael Warnock are trying to oust Georgia’s incumbent Republican senators, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, respectively. If Democrats win, they will win complete control of the US Congress, (the Senate would be evenly split with Kamala Harris, the vice-president-elect, casting the tie-breaking vote) allowing Biden to enact an ambitious policy agenda on items such as voting rights and the environment.If Republicans win even one seat, they will maintain their majority in the Senate, giving them a powerful veto in government and limiting what Democrats can achieve. A record amount of money has poured into the race, a reflection of its high stakes.The race is also a crucial test of a new emerging political power in Georgia. Long considered a conservative bastion, Joe Biden carried the state in November, the first Democrat to do so in nearly 30 years. The changing electorate is also being driven by efforts from Stacey Abrams and other grassroots groups, many led by Black women, to organize and mobilize voters of color.“To be able to be part of this specific election is memorable because I feel like my vote actually counted this time,” said Gabi Strode, 27, who also voted at Antioch Baptist church on Tuesday morning. “It’s surreal, kind of.”Georgia Democrats have not won a statewide runoff election in decades, according to ABC News, as Democratic turnout typically drops in the second race. But ahead of Tuesday, more than 3 million people had voted early, a record for a runoff election, with significant numbers in Democratic-leaning areas. Black voters have also consistently made up a higher percentage of the early electorate than they did at the same point ahead of the November general election, according to Ryan Anderson, who analyzes Georgia voter data and publishes to the website georgiavotes.comThe early vote data showed Republicans needed to have strong turnout on election day in order to win, said Charles Bullock, a political science professor at the University of Georgia.Meanwhile, there was a jolt in the lead-up to election day after the Washington Post published a recorded phone call in which Donald Trump, who lost Georgia by 11,779 votes, pressured Georgia election officials to change the results from the November election to make him the winner in the state. At a rally in Georgia on Monday evening, the president continued to falsely claim that he won more votes than Biden in the state.Several Republicans have backed Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud, and several, including Loeffler, plan to object to Congress’s certification of electors in the presidential race on Wednesday“It makes me angry,” Shirley Rosser, 64, a voter in Atlanta said of Trump’s false claims about voter fraud. “It makes me want to kick his behind.”Polls are open until 7pm ET in Georgia and voters are entitled to cast a ballot as long as they are lined up by then. Brad Raffensperger, Georgia’s top election official, predicted there would be an election result on Wednesday morning, though it could take longer as election workers count absentee ballots. Experts are again urging patience in processing the results – since it may take longer for Democratic-leaning areas with large populations to report vote totals, it may appear that Republican candidates are ahead before all votes are counted.If the race is close, there will probably be an aggressive legal effort to challenge ballots in the days to come.During a rally in Riverdale, Georgia, about 20 minutes outside of Atlanta, on Monday, Warnock used the possibility of post-election litigation to motivate his supporters.“We need to win by a comfortable margin. Because, you know, funny things go on,” he said. More
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in ElectionsGeorgia voters head to the polls in crucial Senate runoffs – US politics live
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in ElectionsThe Georgia Runoffs, Part 2: ‘I Have Zero Confidence in My Vote’
AdvertisementContinue reading the main storyThe DailySubscribe:Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsThe Georgia Runoffs, Part 2: ‘I Have Zero Confidence in My Vote’Republicans have typically done well in runoff elections in the state. Will President Trump’s attacks on the electoral system change that?Hosted by Alix Spiegel; produced by Alix Spiegel, with help from Robert Jimison, Austin Mitchell and Neena Pathak; and edited by Lisa Tobin and Mike Benoist.More episodes ofThe DailyJanuary 5, 2021 • More
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in ElectionsGeorgia Senate runoff elections – live results
Voters in the state of Georgia are back to the polls today to cast their ballots in two runoff elections that will determine control of the US Senate. This will significantly affect the extent to which President-elect Joe Biden will be able implement his agenda.
Why these elections matter
In the November general election the Democrats maintained their hold on the House of Representatives, but fell short of the 51 seats needed to retake the Senate, where the Republicans have had a majority for the past six years.
Tom McCarthy said: “Control of the US Senate is on the line. If the Democrats win both races, the president-elect will gain a big opportunity to build a progressive legacy. If Democrats lose one or both races, the country will enter at least a two-year period of divided government, with the Republican Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, retaining power and likely frustrating Biden’s agenda.
“If Democrats win both races, the Senate would be split 50/50, but Democrats would effectively control the body with Kamala Harris, the vice-president-elect, in her role as president of the Senate, breaking any ties in a strict party-line vote.
“The runoff races are being held in accordance with state election laws because no candidate in either race won 50% of the vote in the November elections.”
Who are the candidates?
Tom McCarthy said: “The Republican candidates include one sitting senator – the wealthy appointee Kelly Loeffler, 50 – and one senator whose term has just ended, David Perdue, 71.
“Challenging the Republicans are fresh faces on the Democratic side. Documentary film-maker Jon Ossoff, 33, a former congressional staffer and failed House candidate, is running to replace Perdue, while Atlanta pastor and first-time candidate Rev Raphael Warnock, 51, is running to unseat Loeffler.” More125 Shares179 Views
in ElectionsElecciones en Georgia: horarios, filas, control del Senado y más.
AdvertisementContinue reading the main storySupported byContinue reading the main storyElecciones 2020Elección al Senado en Georgia: lo que necesitas saberEn una crucial votación se decidirán las últimas dos curules del Senado en Estados Unidos.Un hombre devuelve su boleta de voto ausente el primer día de la votación anticipada en persona en la segunda vuelta del Senado de Georgia en el condado de Cobb en Marietta.Credit…Audra Melton para The New York Times5 de enero de 2021Actualizado 08:45 ETRead in EnglishLos centros de votación en las cruciales votaciones de segunda vuelta al Senado en Georgia abren el martes a las 7 a.m.; sin embargo no empezaremos a tener resultados hasta poco después del cierre de las urnas a las 7 p.m.Los reporteros de The New York Times estarán en el terreno en todo el estado. Esta es una guía rápida para estar al corriente.Primero, lo que está en juego:La primera contienda es una elección regular en la que el senador republicano David Perdue se enfrenta con el demócrata Jon Ossoff para quedarse otro periodo en su puesto. Perdue estuvo a punto de ganar en noviembre pero no alcanzó la mayoría al obtener 49,7 por ciento del voto frente al 47,9 por ciento de Ossoff lo que, según la ley de Georgia, requiere una segunda vuelta.La segunda contienda es una elección especial entre la senadora Kelly Loeffler, republicana, y el reverendo Raphael Warnock, demócrata. En una cerrada votación el pasado noviembre, Warnock obtuvo 32,9 por ciento del voto mientras que Loeffler consiguió 25,9 por ciento. El ganador de la segunda vuelta será quien complete el mandato del exsenador Johnny Isakson, que concluye en 2022.Si ambos demócratas ganan, eso creará una división 50-50 en el Senado y será la vicepresidenta electa Kamala Harris quien rompa el empate. Si los republicanos ganan alguno de los dos curules, conservarán el control en el Senado y podrán bloquear una gran parte de la agenda de Joe Biden.El martes a media mañana tendremos un panorama certero de la participación en las urnas: los demócratas cuentan con que mucha gente acudirá a votar en las principales ciudades y en los suburbios de Atlanta, y los republicanos necesitan bastantes votantes en las ciudades más pequeñas, las zonas rurales y los bastiones tradicionales como el norte de Georgia.The New York Times estará cubriendo las contiendas a lo largo del día. Habrá un blog en vivo en inglés que se actualizará hasta entrada la noche. Aquí podrás encontrarlo cuando esté disponible.En nuestra página de resultados también podrás estar al tanto del conteo de votos, donde también tendremos análisis en vivo de nuestros reporteros. Estas páginas estarán activas desde la tarde del martes.Todavía no sabemos cuándo tendremos resultados finales. Los resultados deberán empezar a llegar poco después de las 7:30 p.m. y tal vez podríamos saber quién ha ganado la noche del martes, muy tarde. Pero si los resultados son muy cerrados, el conteo podría demorar varios días. Aunque más de tres millones de georgianos votaron de manera anticipada, sus boletas no se van a tabular hasta que cierren los centros de votación.Las largas filas para votar también podrían causar demoras. (Los georgianos que se encuentren en la fila antes de las 7 p. m. tienen derecho a votar). En elecciones pasadas, las filas han sido un problema en particular en las ciudades y sus alrededores, como Atlanta, donde hay una gran cantidad de población negra y altamente demócrata.En octubre, que inició el proceso de votación anticipada para las elecciones generales, algunos votantes en Atlanta y sus suburbios, como los condados de Fulton y Gwinnett, tuvieron que esperar hasta ocho horas para emitir su voto; las filas también fueron largas en el condado Chatham que incluye a la ciudad de Savannah. En la elección primaria de junio no fue sino hasta pasada la medianoche que los últimos votantes —todos llegaron antes de las 7:00 p. m.— lograron sufragar.AdvertisementContinue reading the main story More