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    Georgia Senate elections: why are they a big deal and when will we have results?

    Control of the US Senate – and the fate of the Biden presidency – is on the line in a pair of runoff racesMore than 81 million Americans voted last November to install Joe Biden as president. But the fate of the Biden presidency could come down to a pair of runoff US Senate elections happening in the state of Georgia this Tuesday.Control of the US Senate is on the line. If the Democrats win both races, the president-elect will gain a big opportunity to build a progressive legacy. If Democrats lose one or both races, the country will enter at least a two-year period of divided government, with the Republican Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, retaining power and likely frustrating Biden’s agenda. Continue reading… More

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    'I hope Mike Pence comes through for us': Trump puts vice president under pressure – video

    At a Georgia rally the night before closely contested Senate runoffs, Donald Trump repeated false claims about election fraud and called on his vice president, Mike Pence, to ‘come through’ for him on Wednesday when he presides over a joint session of Congress that is set to confirm Joe Biden’s victory. Trump said he was going to ‘fight like hell’ to remain in the White House.’Fight like hell’: grievance and denialism rule at Trump Georgia rallyTrump protesters warned not to carry guns as Washington DC calls up National Guard Continue reading… More

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    'Fight like hell': grievance and denialism rule at Trump Georgia rally

    Unrepentant president urges voters to support Republicans in the Senate runoffs on Tuesday and veers off script with bogus claims of a stolen electionAn unrepentant Donald Trump has urged voters in Georgia to back Republicans in Tuesday’s Senate runoffs and vowed revenge against Republican state officials who refuse to overturn his own defeat.On a chilly night at a remote airport in Dalton, the US president mercilessly aggravated divisions within his own party, embracing loyalists and castigating perceived traitors. While it was ostensibly a campaign rally on behalf of Senate candidates Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, he could not resist veering off script to push bogus claims of a stolen election. Continue reading… More

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    Biden slams Trump's 'whining and complaining' while campaigning in Georgia – video

    US president-elect Joe Biden said he doesn’t know why Donald trump wants to keep the job of president because ‘he doesn’t want to do the work’. While campaigning for Democratic candidates in Georgia’s runoff election, Biden said Trump ‘spends more time whining and complaining’ than doing something about the roll out of the Covid-19 vaccine. Biden also criticised the GOP candidates, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, saying ‘they think they’ve sworn an oath to Donald Trump, not to the United States Constitution’’One state can chart the course’: Biden rallies in Georgia on eve of Senate runoffsTrump speaks at Georgia rally ahead of runoff elections – live Continue reading… More

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    Trump, in Georgia Before Tuesday’s Election, Can’t Let Go of the Last One

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    Georgia Runoff

    Full Results

    Electoral College Votes

    Biden Transition Updates

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    What We Know About Voting in Georgia So Far

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    Georgia Runoff

    Full Results

    Electoral College Votes

    Biden Transition Updates

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  • in

    Mike Pence's Choice: Side With the Constitution or Trump

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    Georgia Runoff

    Full Results

    Electoral College Votes

    Biden Transition Updates

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    Trump Interference Draws Rebuke in Georgia on Eve of Election

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    Georgia Runoff

    Full Results

    Electoral College Votes

    Biden Transition Updates

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