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    Full live results of the 2024 presidential primaries, state by state

    View image in fullscreenGeorgia, Mississippi and Washington chose their presidential candidates on Tuesday in contests that come as both Joe Biden and Donald Trump are already their parties’ presumptive nominees.Hawaii also held its Republican caucuses on Tuesday and Democrats abroad and in the Northern Mariana territory voted as well.Biden has formally gained enough delegates to secure the nomination on 19 March. Meanwhile, Trump must win 140 delegates of 161 up for grabs on Tuesday to officially win the Republican party’s nomination.Trump no longer faces active opposition after former ambassador Nikki Haley’s withdrawal from the race after Super Tuesday. Biden only faces opposition from author Marianne Williamson, who has won no delegates.@font-face{font-family:Guardian Headline Full;src:url( format(“woff2”),url( format(“woff”),url( format(“truetype”);font-weight:300;font-style:normal}@font-face{font-family:Guardian Headline Full;src:url( format(“woff2”),url( format(“woff”),url( format(“truetype”);font-weight:300;font-style:italic}@font-face{font-family:Guardian Headline Full;src:url( format(“woff2”),url( format(“woff”),url( format(“truetype”);font-weight:400;font-style:normal}@font-face{font-family:Guardian Headline Full;src:url( format(“woff2”),url( format(“woff”),url( format(“truetype”);font-weight:400;font-style:italic}@font-face{font-family:Guardian Headline Full;src:url( format(“woff2”),url( format(“woff”),url( format(“truetype”);font-weight:500;font-style:normal}@font-face{font-family:Guardian Headline Full;src:url( format(“woff2”),url( format(“woff”),url( 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#333;font-size:28px;line-height:32px;font-family:Guardian Headline,Guardian Egyptian Web,Guardian Headline Full,Georgia,serif;font-weight:400;font-weight:100;display:block;margin:40px 0 30px;padding-top:3px;width:100%}
    Georgia Republican primaryTue 12 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedDonald Trump 84.5% 496,560 votes (56 delegates)Nikki Haley 13.2% 77,774 votes Ryan Binkley 0.1% 378 votes Ron DeSantis 1.3% Chris Christie 0.3% Tim Scott 0.2% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.2% Asa Hutchinson 0.1% David Stuckenberg 0.0% Doug Burgum 0.0% Perry Johnson 0.0% Georgia Democratic primaryTue 12 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedJoe Biden 95.2% 274,967 votes (108 delegates)Marianne Williamson 3.0% 8,644 votes Dean Phillips 1.8% 5,255 votes Hawaii Republican caucusesTue 12 Mar 2024Count in progress: 0% countedNikki Haley 0% 0 votes Ryan Binkley 0% 0 votes Donald Trump 0% 0 votes Chris Christie 0% Ron DeSantis 0% Doug Burgum 0% Vivek Ramaswamy 0% David Stuckenberg 0% Mississippi Democratic primaryTue 12 Mar 2024Count in progress: 0% countedJoe Biden (uncontested) (35 delegates)Mississippi Republican primaryTue 12 Mar 2024Count in progress: 94.78% countedDonald Trump 92.6% 218,648 votes (40 delegates)Nikki Haley 5.3% 12,530 votes Ron DeSantis 1.6% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.4% Washington Democratic primaryTue 12 Mar 2024Count in progress: 79.43% countedJoe Biden 86.7% 559,996 votes (92 delegates) Uncommitted 7.5% 48,619 votes Dean Phillips 3.1% 19,883 votes Marianne Williamson 2.7% 17,309 votes Washington Republican primaryTue 12 Mar 2024Count in progress: 80.45% countedDonald Trump 74.2% 442,048 votes (43 delegates)Nikki Haley 21.7% 129,394 votes Ron DeSantis 2.2% Chris Christie 1.1% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.9% Alaska Republican caucusesTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedDonald Trump 87.6% 9,243 votes (29 delegates)Nikki Haley 12.0% 1,266 votes Vivek Ramaswamy 0.4% Alabama Republican primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedDonald Trump 83.2% 497,739 votes (50 delegates)Nikki Haley 13.0% 77,564 votes Ryan Binkley 0.1% 508 votes Uncommitted 1.6% Ron DeSantis 1.4% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.3% Chris Christie 0.2% David Stuckenberg 0.1% Alabama Democratic primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedJoe Biden 89.5% 167,165 votes (52 delegates) Uncommitted 6.0% 11,213 votes Dean Phillips 4.5% 8,391 votes Arkansas Democratic primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedJoe Biden 88.5% 71,888 votes (31 delegates)Marianne Williamson 4.8% 3,876 votes Dean Phillips 2.9% 2,341 votes Stephen Lyons 1.8% Armando Perez-Serrato 1.1% Frankie Lozada 1.0% Arkansas Republican primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedDonald Trump 76.9% 204,664 votes (39 delegates)Nikki Haley 18.4% 49,035 votes (1 delegates)Ryan Binkley 0.1% 183 votes Asa Hutchinson 2.8% Ron DeSantis 1.2% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.3% Chris Christie 0.2% Doug Burgum 0.1% David Stuckenberg 0.1% California Democratic primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 84.65% countedJoe Biden 89.3% 2,794,314 votes (424 delegates)Marianne Williamson 3.9% 121,630 votes Dean Phillips 2.8% 87,220 votes Armando Perez-Serrato 1.2% Gabriel Cornejo 1.2% President Boddie 0.7% Stephen Lyons 0.6% Eban Cambridge 0.3% California Republican primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 85% countedDonald Trump 79.1% 1,742,482 votes (169 delegates)Nikki Haley 17.5% 386,000 votes Ryan Binkley 0.1% 3,267 votes Ron DeSantis 1.4% Chris Christie 0.8% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.4% Rachel Swift 0.2% David Stuckenberg 0.2% Asa Hutchinson 0.1% Colorado Democratic primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 93.25% countedJoe Biden 82.6% 473,533 votes (72 delegates)Dean Phillips 3.1% 17,717 votes Marianne Williamson 2.9% 16,487 votes Noncommitted Delegate 8.9% Gabriel Cornejo 0.7% Jason Palmer 0.7% Armando Perez-Serrato 0.4% Frankie Lozada 0.4% Stephen Lyons 0.3% Colorado Republican primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 93.71% countedDonald Trump 63.4% 549,263 votes (24 delegates)Nikki Haley 33.4% 289,386 votes (12 delegates)Ryan Binkley 0.3% 2,192 votes Ron DeSantis 1.5% Chris Christie 0.8% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.6% Asa Hutchinson 0.1% Iowa Democratic primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedJoe Biden 90.9% 11,083 votes (40 delegates) Uncommitted 3.9% 480 votes Dean Phillips 3.0% 362 votes Marianne Williamson 2.2% 268 votes Massachusetts Republican primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedDonald Trump 60.0% 340,312 votes (40 delegates)Nikki Haley 36.9% 209,113 votes Ryan Binkley 0.1% 611 votes No Preference 1.0% Chris Christie 0.9% Ron DeSantis 0.7% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.3% Asa Hutchinson 0.1% Massachusetts Democratic primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedJoe Biden 82.9% 524,626 votes (91 delegates)Dean Phillips 4.6% 29,163 votes Marianne Williamson 3.2% 20,089 votes No Preference 9.3% Maine Democratic primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 98.96% countedJoe Biden 92.8% 58,950 votes (24 delegates)Dean Phillips 7.2% 4,561 votes Maine Republican primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 98.88% countedDonald Trump 72.9% 78,493 votes (20 delegates)Nikki Haley 25.3% 27,300 votes Ryan Binkley 0.3% 303 votes Ron DeSantis 1.1% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.4% Minnesota Democratic primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedJoe Biden 70.7% 171,277 votes (64 delegates) Uncommitted 18.9% 45,914 votes (11 delegates)Dean Phillips 7.8% 18,960 votes Marianne Williamson 1.4% 3,459 votes Jason Palmer 0.3% Cenk Uygur 0.3% Armando Perez-Serrato 0.2% Gabriel Cornejo 0.1% Frankie Lozada 0.1% Eban Cambridge 0.1% Minnesota Republican primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedDonald Trump 69.1% 232,873 votes (27 delegates)Nikki Haley 28.8% 97,184 votes (12 delegates)Ron DeSantis 1.2% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.4% Chris Christie 0.4% North Carolina Democratic primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 98.97% countedJoe Biden 87.3% 606,303 votes (113 delegates) No Preference 12.7% North Carolina Republican primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedDonald Trump 73.9% 790,763 votes (62 delegates)Nikki Haley 23.3% 249,654 votes (11 delegates)Ryan Binkley 0.1% 905 votes Ron DeSantis 1.4% No Preference 0.7% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.3% Chris Christie 0.3% Asa Hutchinson 0.1% Oklahoma Republican primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedDonald Trump 81.8% 254,688 votes (43 delegates)Nikki Haley 15.9% 49,373 votes Ryan Binkley 0.1% 303 votes Ron DeSantis 1.3% Chris Christie 0.4% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.3% Asa Hutchinson 0.1% David Stuckenberg 0.1% Oklahoma Democratic primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedJoe Biden 73.0% 66,824 votes (36 delegates)Marianne Williamson 9.1% 8,349 votes Dean Phillips 8.9% 8,177 votes Stephen Lyons 4.8% Cenk Uygur 2.2% Armando Perez-Serrato 2.0% Tennessee Republican primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedDonald Trump 77.3% 447,219 votes (58 delegates)Nikki Haley 19.5% 112,963 votes Ryan Binkley 0.1% 722 votes Ron DeSantis 1.4% Uncommitted 0.8% Chris Christie 0.3% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.3% Asa Hutchinson 0.1% David Stuckenberg 0.1% Tennessee Democratic primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedJoe Biden 92.2% 122,835 votes (63 delegates) Uncommitted 7.8% 10,461 votes Texas Democratic primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedJoe Biden 84.6% 826,423 votes (244 delegates)Marianne Williamson 4.5% 43,499 votes Dean Phillips 2.7% 26,341 votes Armando Perez-Serrato 2.8% Gabriel Cornejo 1.8% Cenk Uygur 1.6% Frankie Lozada 1.2% Star Locke 0.9% Texas Republican primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedDonald Trump 77.9% 1,805,040 votes (150 delegates)Nikki Haley 17.4% 404,116 votes Ryan Binkley 0.1% 2,579 votes Uncommitted 2.0% Ron DeSantis 1.6% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.5% Chris Christie 0.4% Asa Hutchinson 0.1% David Stuckenberg 0.1% Utah Democratic primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 71.44% countedJoe Biden 86.9% 58,643 votes (30 delegates)Marianne Williamson 5.2% 3,498 votes Dean Phillips 4.5% 3,010 votes Gabriel Cornejo 2.2% Frankie Lozada 1.3% Utah Republican caucusesTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 95.33% countedDonald Trump 56.4% 48,350 votes (40 delegates)Nikki Haley 42.7% 36,621 votes Ryan Binkley 1.0% 826 votes Virginia Republican primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedDonald Trump 63.0% 440,314 votes (42 delegates)Nikki Haley 35.0% 244,527 votes (6 delegates)Ryan Binkley 0.1% 854 votes Ron DeSantis 1.1% Chris Christie 0.5% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.4% Virginia Democratic primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedJoe Biden 88.5% 316,944 votes (99 delegates)Marianne Williamson 8.0% 28,590 votes Dean Phillips 3.5% 12,576 votes Vermont Republican primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedNikki Haley 50.2% 36,226 votes (9 delegates)Donald Trump 45.9% 33,140 votes Ryan Binkley 0.4% 277 votes Chris Christie 1.4% Ron DeSantis 1.3% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.8% Vermont Democratic primaryTue 5 Mar 2024Count in progress: 99% countedJoe Biden 89.5% 56,906 votes (16 delegates)Marianne Williamson 4.5% 2,883 votes Dean Phillips 3.0% 1,933 votes Mark Greenstein 1.2% Cenk Uygur 1.1% Jason Palmer 0.6% North Dakota Republican caucusesMon 4 Mar 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedDonald Trump 84.6% 1,632 votes (29 delegates)Nikki Haley 14.1% 273 votes Ryan Binkley 0.5% 9 votes David Stuckenberg 0.8% District of Columbia Republican primarySun 3 Mar 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedNikki Haley 62.8% 1,274 votes (19 delegates)Donald Trump 33.3% 676 votes Ryan Binkley 0.0% 1 votes Ron DeSantis 1.9% Chris Christie 0.9% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.7% David Stuckenberg 0.4% Idaho Republican caucusesSat 2 Mar 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedDonald Trump 84.9% 33,603 votes (32 delegates)Nikki Haley 13.2% 5,221 votes Ryan Binkley 0.1% 40 votes Ron DeSantis 1.3% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.2% Chris Christie 0.2% Missouri Republican caucusesSat 2 Mar 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedDonald Trump 100.0% 924 votes (51 delegates)Nikki Haley 0.0% 0 votes David Stuckenberg 0.0% Michigan Democratic primaryTue 27 Feb 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedJoe Biden 81.1% 623,415 votes (115 delegates) Uncommitted 13.2% 101,436 votes (2 delegates)Marianne Williamson 3.0% 22,805 votes Dean Phillips 2.7% 20,600 votes Michigan Republican primaryTue 27 Feb 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedDonald Trump 68.1% 758,892 votes (12 delegates)Nikki Haley 26.6% 296,328 votes (4 delegates)Ryan Binkley 0.2% 2,348 votes Uncommitted 3.0% Ron DeSantis 1.2% Chris Christie 0.4% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.3% Asa Hutchinson 0.1% South Carolina Republican primarySat 24 Feb 2024Count in progress: 98.8% countedDonald Trump 59.8% 451,905 votes (47 delegates)Nikki Haley 39.5% 298,674 votes (3 delegates)Ryan Binkley 0.1% 527 votes Ron DeSantis 0.4% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.1% Chris Christie 0.1% David Stuckenberg 0.0% Nevada Republican caucusesThu 8 Feb 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedDonald Trump 99.1% 59,984 votes (26 delegates)Ryan Binkley 0.9% 540 votes Nevada Democratic primaryTue 6 Feb 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedJoe Biden 89.3% 119,758 votes (36 delegates)Marianne Williamson 3.1% 4,101 votes None of These Candidates 5.6% Gabriel Cornejo 0.6% Jason Palmer 0.4% Frankie Lozada 0.2% Armando Perez-Serrato 0.2% John Haywood 0.2% Stephen Lyons 0.1% Superpayaseria Crystalroc 0.1% Donald Picard 0.1% Brent Foutz 0.1% Stephen Leon 0.1% Mark Prascak 0.0% Nevada Republican primaryTue 6 Feb 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedNikki Haley 30.6% 24,583 votes None of These Candidates 63.3% Mike Pence 3.9% Tim Scott 1.3% John Castro 0.3% Hirsh Singh 0.2% Donald Kjornes 0.2% Heath Fulkerson 0.1% South Carolina Democratic primarySat 3 Feb 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedJoe Biden 96.2% 126,336 votes (55 delegates)Marianne Williamson 2.1% 2,726 votes Dean Phillips 1.7% 2,240 votes New Hampshire Democratic primaryTue 23 Jan 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedJoe Biden write-in 63.9% 79,455 votes Dean Phillips 19.6% 24,335 votes Marianne Williamson 4.0% 5,006 votes Other write-in 8.3% Derek Nadeau 1.3% Vermin Supreme 0.7% John Vail 0.5% Donald Picard 0.3% Paperboy Prince 0.3% Paul LaCava 0.1% Jason Palmer 0.1% President Boddie 0.1% Mark Greenstein 0.1% Terrisa Bukovinac 0.1% Gabriel Cornejo 0.1% Stephen Lyons 0.1% Frankie Lozada 0.1% Tom Koos 0.1% Armando Perez-Serrato 0.1% Star Locke 0.0% Raymond Moroz 0.0% Eban Cambridge 0.0% Unprocessed write-in 0.0% Richard Rist 0.0% New Hampshire Republican primaryTue 23 Jan 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedDonald Trump 54.3% 176,004 votes (12 delegates)Nikki Haley 43.2% 140,096 votes (9 delegates)Ryan Binkley 0.1% 315 votes Ron DeSantis 0.7% Chris Christie 0.5% Total Write-Ins 0.4% Vivek Ramaswamy 0.3% Mike Pence 0.1% Mary Maxwell 0.1% Tim Scott 0.1% Doug Burgum 0.1% Asa Hutchinson 0.0% Rachel Swift 0.0% Scott Ayers 0.0% Darius Mitchell 0.0% Glenn McPeters 0.0% Peter Jedick 0.0% Perry Johnson 0.0% David Stuckenberg 0.0% Donald Kjornes 0.0% Scott Merrell 0.0% John Castro 0.0% Robert Carney 0.0% Hirsh Singh 0.0% Samuel Sloan 0.0% Iowa Republican caucusesMon 15 Jan 2024Count in progress: All precincts reportedDonald Trump 51.0% 56,260 votes (20 delegates)Ron DeSantis 21.2% 23,420 votes (9 delegates)Nikki Haley 19.1% 21,085 votes (8 delegates)Ryan Binkley 0.7% 774 votes Vivek Ramaswamy 7.7% Asa Hutchinson 0.2% Other 0.1% Chris Christie 0.0% More

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    Biden hits out at Trump in Georgia rally: ‘He’s been sucking up to dictators all over the world’

    The question isn’t whether Democrats in Georgia will vote for President Joe Biden, either on Tuesday or in November. It’s how many.Biden swung through Georgia on Saturday to collect the endorsements of political action committees representing Asian, Black and Latino voters, another stop on the march to the Democratic nomination.Biden opened with a swing at Donald Trump, using Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene as the bat, noting how he had kicked off his campaign here in her company, along with that of dictatorial Hungarian prime minister Victor Orbán.“He called him a fantastic leader. Seriously,” Biden said. “He’s been sucking up to dictators all over the world.”Biden’s only meaningful competition in Georgia for the nomination is ennui and “no preference”. But Biden is likely to clinch the nomination not in Georgia, which holds its primary on Tuesday, but in states voting on 19 March. Nonetheless, the pivot to the general election has already begun.“He’s building on the momentum from the Thursday speech, which was a grand slam home run,” said David Brand, a Democratic operative and Atlanta political figure. “Republicans are in a pure panic. They can’t attack him on issues. So, they’re now making up lunacy about him being, you know, on Red Bull or something. That’s their best attack line: because he drinks a Red Bull. That puts him in line with every law school student in the country.”Biden, accompanied by his wife Jill and both of Georgia’s Democratic senators Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, held the rally at the trendy Pullman Yards facility on Atlanta’s east side before a crowd of about 500 people. The assembly was composed mostly of party insiders and Democratic elected officials. The location of the rally was closely held before the event, ostensibly to avoid disruptions by protesters. One man was escorted from the room as he shouted pro-Palestinian slogans.The president’s address continued themes raised in the State of the Union address, calling for reinstating Roe v Wade as the law of the land on abortion, increasing taxes on billionaires and a call for civic values.“We see a future where we define democracy and defend it, not diminish it,” Biden said. “We must remain the beacon of the world.”Biden said nothing about the war in Gaza, nor did he raise the question about funding for Ukraine’s resistance to Russia.His supporters and endorsers regularly juxtaposed the consequences of a Trump win in 2024, trying to evoke the political intensity that led to surprise wins in Georgia in 2020 and 2022.Ossoff regularly name-checked DeKalb County, the location of Pullman Yards and the locus for the political changes that swept him, Warnock and Biden into power. “The stakes could not be higher,” Ossoff said. “The future of voting rights, and civil rights and women’s rights is on the line.”Three political action committees offered their endorsement to Biden on Saturday: Collective PAC, which backs Black candidates; the Latino Victory Fund; and the AAPI Victory Fund, a political action committee for empowering Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders.“They must be re-elected. Failure is not an option,” said Shekar Narasimhan, chairman and founder of the AAPI Victory Fund. “We will do everything in our power to make this happen.” More

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    Republicans in Georgia put candidates through purity tests. Now they’re facing fines

    Taxes. Vaccinations. Chickens.Republican party leaders in Catoosa county, in the north-west corner of Georgia, ran prospective GOP candidates through a battery of ideological questions, permitting some to run in the party primary while denying others.Local political purity tests have been discussed by both Republican and Democratic party officials for years, but this is the first time a county’s political body has actually attempted the feat.Perhaps that’s because of the punishing backlash now facing the six executive committee members of the Catoosa county Republican party after a lawsuit from disqualified candidates: fines of $1,000 an hour, times four for the number of Republican candidates the county’s GOP body refused to put on the ballot, times six for each of the executive committee members. That’s $24,000 an hour for the whole group until they comply with a judge’s order to put the candidates on the ballot.“The criteria they’re using is how we vote in the commission meetings,” said Vanita Hullander, a Catoosa county commissioner initially barred by the county’s GOP leaders from running for re-election as a Republican in the 14 May primary. “They’re very manipulative, and they’ve been trying to take control of the commission for a long time.”Hullander is a lifelong conservative Republican, she said. But after the county party’s executive committee questioned her about votes on local tax increases, vaccination requirements and a contentious local ordinance governing where and how residents may keep chickens on their property, it declared it would not allow her on the Republican ballot line. The group also barred three others.Others, like Jimmy Gray, a candidate for commissioner, were not barred. Notably, Gray’s stepmother, Regina Gray, is chairwoman of the Graysville precinct of the county’s party.The disqualifications would have left only one person running for the chairperson’s seat: Nick Ware, a perennial candidate with hard libertarian views.“This is my opinion: a number of people on the committee … they’re really libertarians,” said Chuck Harris, a Catoosa county commissioner who is not up for re-election this cycle. He first learned of the leanings of the county’s Republican chair, Joanna Hildreth, when Hildreth was working with a candidate who needed signatures to make a libertarian run against Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. Hildreth asked the candidate, whom Harris didn’t name, to bad-mouth him to voters as she gathered those signatures.“This was a month after I signed a loyalty oath in front of Hildreth for the party,” he said. “They’ll be coming for me next.”The prospect of barring candidates for insufficient political fidelity has been raised by both parties at one point or another in Georgia and elsewhere. For example, North Carolina’s Democratic party is contending today with the state representative Tricia Cotham, who ran in an open Charlotte-area seat as a Democrat and then immediately switched parties to give Republicans a veto-proof supermajority.But a county-level process runs a risk of ideological capture by political extremists who do not reflect the politics of most voters.GOP county committee seats in Georgia are won in caucuses typically attended by no more than a few hundred voters in any given county every election cycle. (The Catoosa county Republican party happens to be holding its next county convention on 23 March.) Executive committee seats are then won by a vote of committee members. Republicans have about a five-to-one electoral advantage in Catoosa county. About 32,000 voters cast ballots in the county in 2020.Hildreth, the county’s Republican chair, is also secretary of the Georgia Republican Assembly (GRA), a political action committee dominated by libertarians who have regularly been shut out of GOP party governance positions. The GRA’s chair is Alex Johnson, who has lost multiple races for Georgia GOP leadership positions. Johnson previously proposed a state party rule allowing party delegates to block candidates for statewide office on the basis of their fidelity to “Republican values”.skip past newsletter promotionafter newsletter promotionJohnson’s law partner, Catherine Bernard, is also Georgia’s national director for the National Federation of Republican Assemblies. The two of them are representing Catoosa county Republican party executive committee members in their defense against the lawsuit from the disqualified candidates.Bernard did not return a call seeking comment. Hildreth asked for questions to be submitted by email, but has not yet replied.In court Thursday, Hildreth was asked whether she would allow the candidates to be qualified to run for office, as ordered by the court. She said she would not and would instead appeal. Later that day the four candidates denied by the executive committee went to the party headquarters in the company of two Catoosa county sheriff’s deputies to sign qualification papers. Party members refused them entry.The Catoosa county Republican party committee released a statement late on Friday.“Draining the Swamp starts locally,” the statement reads, in part. “The Catoosa County Republican Party is fully run by Republican volunteers elected in a process open to Catoosa County voters. These grassroots citizens meet candidates, observe voting records, and work to ensure Republicans are elected to office. Catoosa County GOP is committed to ensuring that Catoosa County Republican candidates reflect the values of Catoosa County Republican voters.”The order from the superior court judge Don Thompson of the Lookout Mountain judicial circuit noted that state law does not allow subjective criteria to be used to bar a candidate from a party’s ballot line. In court, Thompson said he had chosen not to jail the executive board members because he believed they had been led astray by bad advice, and suggested that they retain new counsel.The clock on the fines started ticking at about 3.15pm on Thursday, and ended at noon Friday, after a judge ordered the county’s elections office to certify their qualification on the ballot directly. Collectively, the committee members have amassed fines just under $500,000.“The rest of the state should be scared and nervous if a small, self-appointed group of people gets to decide who to vote for on a party-type election,” Harris said. “The primary is really the election, because if you don’t have a strong Democrat or independent challenger, you basically win your election at the primary.” More

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    Fani Willis and Judge Scott McAfee draw challengers in Fulton county primary

    The embattled Fulton county district attorney, Fani Willis, and F Judge Scott McAfee have drawn re-election opponents for the 12 May primary ballot as qualification closes for Georgia’s 2024 election cycle. Willis will also face a Republican in November.Christian Wise Smith is challenging Willis in the Democratic primary. Smith is an attorney from Sandy Springs, Georgia. and a former prosecutor who came in third in the 2020 race behind Willis and the previous Fulton county district attorney, Paul Howard.In 2020, Smith’s campaign was to the left of Willis, arguing for an end to death penalty prosecutions, an end to cash bail and the decriminalization of marijuana. He marched with Black Lives Matter activists during the George Floyd protests in Atlanta, and made the prosecution of Atlanta police officers for the fatal shooting of Jimmy Atcheson a centerpiece of his campaign. He was also critical of the prosecution of teachers in the Atlanta cheating scandal – a prosecution led by Willis as an assistant district attorney.In contrast, Willis drew support from moderate Democrats and Republicans – who are often politically irrelevant in deep blue Fulton county – who were deeply dissatisfied with Howard’s approach to prosecution in an environment of rising crime, as well as with allegations of corruption in his office. With nothing else on the ballot, Willis went on to trounce Howard in a runoff that August, replacing a 20-year-incumbent; Smith endorsed Howard.Republicans will have Courtney Kramer on the general election ballot challenging Willis. Kramer is an Atlanta attorney who assisted former president Donald Trump’s legal team in Georgia, including working with Trump lawyer Ray Smith during the “fake elector” effort that led to the indictment of Trump and 18 others by Willis’ office. Kramer is also the former executive director of True the Vote and represented the organization in court cases against Fair Fight Action, the advocacy organization founded by Stacey Abrams.Willis has been under legal fire since court filings revealed that she had been in a relationship with Nathan Wade, special prosecutor on the Trump case in Georgia. McAfee is expected to rule next week on whether she and the Fulton county office will remain prosecutors in the trial, or if instead it will be assigned to another prosecutor.McAfee, who presides over the Trump election interference and racketeering case in Fulton County, faces two challengers from the left: Robert Patillo, a progressive attorney and talk show host in Atlanta, Tiffani Johnson, a former senior staff attorney for Fulton county judge Melynee Leftridge.McAfee, 34, who served as prosecutor both in Fulton county and for the US Department of Justice, is a Federalist Society conservative appointed to the bench by Governor Brian Kemp in 2023. Judicial appointees in Georgia must subsequently run for office in order to fill the remainder of a term.Patillo, 39, has practiced civil rights law for more than 15 years in Georgia. He also has a long-running radio show on Atlanta’s WAOK, in which his occasionally-idiosyncratic political views have an airing.“There are a lot more things that are broken in the Fulton county court, that deserve attention, more than Fani and the Trump trial,” Patillo said. “There are people who have been in that jail for five years awaiting trial. Anyone who is going to be a judge needs a plan to bring these cases to court.”skip past newsletter promotionafter newsletter promotionJohnson worked for the Davis Bozeman law firm, also notable for civil rights cases in Atlanta.Judicial races are nonpartisan in Georgia, but Fulton county has a three-to-one Democratic voter advantage. More

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    Texts reveal Trump co-defendant Chesebro’s role in ‘fake electors’ plot

    Kenneth Chesebro was eager to help.It was five days after the 2020 presidential election and Joe Biden was projected to defeat Donald Trump and win Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes. Trump’s campaign was requesting a recount. Chesebro, a little-known Harvard-educated lawyer, believed there were abnormalities in the election and emailed Jim Troupis, a friend and former Wisconsin judge, to offer to help with any of the campaign’s legal efforts.Chesebro tacked on a thought at the end of his message. If there were still questions about irregularities while Wisconsin’s members of the electoral college cast their votes for Joe Biden, Congress might not have to accept the result of the election.“If these various systemic abuses can be proven, and found to be pivotal in a court decision and/or detailed legislative findings, I don’t see why electoral votes certified by Evers (at least if court proceedings are still pending on the ‘safe harbor’ days) should be counted over an alternative slate sent in by the legislature, whose decisions should have primacy,” he wrote in an email on 8 November 2020. “At minimum, with such a cloud of confusion, no votes from WI (and perhaps also MI and PA) should be counted, perhaps enough to throw the election to the House.”The short email was the earliest seed of what would come to be known as the “fake elector” scheme – a national effort led by Chesebro to get Congress to reject legitimate slates of electors in favor of pro-Trump slates. It was a critical piece of Trump’s anti-democratic effort to overturn the 2020 election and now lies at the center of two criminal cases against Trump.Chesebro has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to file false documents, a felony, in Georgia, and was sentenced to five years of probation and $5,000 restitution. He is an unnamed co-conspirator in the federal election interference case against Trump. Troupis, who currently sits on a judicial ethics panel in Wisconsin, has not been criminally charged for his role in the scheme.“The resolution of this litigation provides much-needed transparency into how the fraudulent electors scheme was conceived and developed, and it exposes the key roles both Troupis and Chesebro played not only in executing the scheme in Wisconsin, but also around the nation,” Law Forward, Georgetown University Law Center’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) and Stafford Rosenbaum, the legal groups who brought the civil case, said in a statement.Chesebro did not immediately return a request for comment.“It is the duty of lawyers to vigorously represent their clients, regardless of their popularity, within the bounds of the law. Our representation was vigorous and ethically appropriate,” Troupis said in a statement.Five days after his email, on 13 November, Troupis invited Chesebro to be part of the “legal briefing” team. Chesebro, who had been peppering Troupis with tweets he came across, replied that he was available to join “any call today on 20 mins notice”.“In the meantime, I’m still reading up on election law,” he added.Five days later, Chesebro sent what is now a well-known memo outlining the fake elector scheme. With the subject line “The Real Deadline for Settling a State’s Electoral Votes”, the document offered a legal justification to throwing out the valid votes of Americans across the country and would become a roadmap for what was to unfold over the next few weeks.In the emails, Chesebro floated multiple avenues to challenge the election in Wisconsin – attempting to solve the puzzle of actually getting a court to side with them.“I should add a note about a more aggressive version of this strategy,” he wrote to Troupis on 19 November, arguing that the state legislature could justify choosing its own electors by casting doubt on the official process – which had changed during the pandemic to expand absentee voting. “The beauty of this is that the Republican legislators, if they adhere carefully to this theory, can emphasize that they’re simply acting in the interests of the State,” he added.Clever legal arguments would be important, but so would the perception, among Republican voters, that the 2020 election had been tainted by rampant fraud.“The whole idea is a long shot. Probably it would only be viable if by early December there was a palpable sense among conservatives that there was a concerted effort by Democrats to steal this election in multiple states,” he wrote.Chesebro pointed to numerous pandemic-era practices as potential legal challenges: “Democracy in the Park” events staffed by poll workers in Madison parks where voters could drop off their ballots ahead of election day and the use of ballot “drop boxes” were two particularly troubling practices, in Chesebro’s mind, and could form the basis for an objection.The documents also show how Chesebro sought to use conservative media to get the attention of conservatives on the Wisconsin supreme court. As they discussed various theories of wrongdoing in 18 November, Chesebro suggested “tipping off” conservative radio hosts. “Mostly to maximize the chance that [supreme court of Wisconsin] justices hear about this quickly and prejudge the case?” he wrote, adding a winking emoji to the text.In mid-December, after the Wisconsin supreme court declined to overturn the state’s election results, Chesebro sent Troupis a screenshot of a text that appears to joke about killing Brian Hagedorn, a conservative justice who cast a critical vote in the case. “We’re thinking of inviting Hagedorn on the plane and solving that problem at high altitude, over water…” the message says. It’s not clear who the message is from.Outside of the legal strategy, the documents also show how Chesebro was willing to assist with any detail, no matter how small – from brainstorming a media strategy to offering to coordinate on logistics. He drafted up a press release on the Wisconsin alternate electors meeting, only backtracking when Michael Roman, a top Trump aide, made clear in a 14 December email that the plan was not to be shared with the media.skip past newsletter promotionafter newsletter promotionChesebro offered an alternative idea – rather than a local media blitz, a message about their effort could come from the top – “Like a tweeted statement by Ellis, and follow up on-camera explanation by RG, and or follow up tweet by the President?” he replied, apparently in reference to Trump campaign lawyers Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani. “Much wiser heads on that sort of thing than me!”View image in fullscreenLater, as he and Roman tried to figure out how to get the fake elector documents to the Capitol on January 6, Chesebro offered different flights and routes a congressional aide can take as they fly into Washington.Those who know Chesebro have been baffled at how he got caught up in the fake elector scheme. The messages hint at a sense of excitement in being involved with Trump and his closest aides. After Troupis and Chesebro met with Trump in the Oval Office on 15 December, Chesebro texted Troupis a picture of Troupis on what appears to be a private plane.A few days after that meeting, Trump sent out a tweet inviting supporters to Washington on January 6. “Be there, will be wild,” Trump said. Chesebro sent the tweet to Troupis and wrote: “Wow. Based on 3 days ago, I think we have a unique understanding of this.”And on January 6, Troupis praised Chesebro’s work as senators began to object to the electoral college vote. “You got Arizona. Well done Ken! History is made,” he wrote in a text message. Chesebro replied with a picture of him on the mall smiling in front of the Washington monument. He later followed up with a smiling selfie of him and the far-right host Alex Jones. “Hanging with Alex Jones,” Chesebro wrote. “Lol. I told him to put you on his show.”The next morning, after the attack on the capitol, Chesebro suggested Trump surrogates should lay blame on antifa and poor security that was under the control of Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi. He also suggested Trump could put the episode behind him by inviting Biden and Harris over for coffee on the morning of the inauguration. “He could lighten it up with a couple of well-placed jokes.”About an hour later, he said it was “stupid to have a rally on Jan. 6”. “Original plan was Jan. 5 right? Would have been perfect to have a Jan. 5 rally, then told people to go home, so focus would be on debate in Congress.” He also added Mike Pence was to blame for giving Trump hope of overturning the election and then not following through.On 22 February, the US supreme court dismissed a request filed by Troupis and Chesebro on behalf of the Trump campaign to revisit the Wisconsin election results.“So sorry,” Chesebro wrote.“You’re [sic] work was incredible Ken. I am honored to have been a part of it,” Troupis replied.“I am honored you invited me to help at all. Would have been worth it even if we’d gotten no votes and had never met the President – just being on a team with the guts to represent someone with an important case who other lawyers shunned was worth it,” Chesebro said. More

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    A far-right US youth group is ramping up its movement to back election deniers

    Turning Point USA, a far-right youth group known for its fundraising prowess and for promoting election-conspiracy theories, is mounting a multimillion-dollar mobilization drive via its advocacy arm in the swing states of Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin.Arizona-based TPUSA, a non-profit co-founded in 2012 by then 18-year-old Charlie Kirk that’s become a key ally in Donald Trump’s Maga ecosystem, has launched the drive through Turning Point Action, which has raised tens of millions of dollars and is hiring hundreds of full-time employees in the three states, according to its spokesperson, Andrew Kolvet.While its current fundraising drive is to support the voter-outreach efforts, TP Action is likely to help finance other political advocacy initiatives, including ousting some key Arizona election officials who disputed claims of election fraud in 2020.Dubbed “chase the vote”, the drive is being supplemented by another get-out-the-vote campaign that TP Action is starting with the Christian nationalist and televangelist Lance Wallnau.Together with Wallnau and some other Maga allies like Moms for America, TP Action is planning a “courage tour” in the same three swing states to enlist pastors and their churches in the voter-mobilization drive, which will include booths in churches to register voters.TP Action’s fledgling campaign is aimed at identifying and registering “patriotic” voters, encouraging early voting and getting voters to the polls in November, according to its website. Billed as the “first and most robust conservative ballot-chasing operation”, TP Action’s drive could benefit Trump and Maga-allied candidates in the three states.The new political advocacy drives come after TPUSA and TP Action sparked strong criticism from veteran Republicans, watchdog groups and analysts for backing several hard-right candidates in Arizona who were defeated in 2022, and pushing conspiracies about election fraud, Covid-19 and other issues.“TPUSA has a radicalized worldview that they use as a litmus test” in backing candidates, said Kathy Petsas, a GOP district leader in Phoenix. “When it comes to the general elections that matter, their ROI is lousy.”Notably, four top Arizona candidates in 2022 who were backed by TP Action lost to Democrats, including ex-Fox News anchor Kari Lake in her race for governor, and Mark Finchem in his bid to become secretary of state.“Virtually every major race they touched they lost in the general election in Arizona,” the former Arizona congressman Matt Salmon said. “Everyone Trump endorses they get behind. It’s not clear if it’s the tail wagging the dog, or vice versa.”Kolvet pushed back on criticism of the group’s 2022 results, noting that TP Action only spent $500,000 in total in several states in 2022, but that this year it intends to mount a much better-financed and robust effort, hiring hundreds of full-time employees for its “chase the vote” drive and seeking to raise an eye-popping $108m dollars.View image in fullscreenTP Action’s aggressive fundraising could prove useful in other election-related projects this year that the group is likely to get involved with.Austin Smith, a state legislator and TP Action’s enterprise director, in a tweet this week signaled an effort to oust several key election officials in the state’s largest county, Maricopa, in primaries this July.Smith said “[we] need to clean house in Maricopa county” and cited, among other officers, the county recorder, the Republican lawyer Stephen Richer, who rejected unsubstantiated claims of voting fraud in 2020 and 2022.Kolvet said TP Action to date hasn’t joined the effort, but added that “it’s more likely than not we’ll get involved in some of these races. We’re going to get behind conservative candidates.”One key example: TP Action in February endorsed Trump loyalist Kari Lake’s 2024 Arizona senate campaign.Kirk and TPUSA’s strong fundraising talents could prove helpful to TP Action’s current drive. TPUSA’s annual revenues have soared in recent years with help from leading rightwing donors including the Bradley Impact Fund, which chipped in $7.8m in 2022, the Ed Uihlein Family Foundation and dark-money behemoth Donors Trust.TPUSA has also benefited mightily from hosting several gaudy gatherings at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club and in tony Arizona venues that have drawn some big donors and conservative stars like the representatives Marjorie Taylor Green and Matt Gaetz, and Don Trump Jr.These events and mega-donor checks have helped make TPUSA a fundraising goliath: the group’s revenues soared from $39.8m dollars in 2020 to $55.8m in 2021 and $80.6m in 2022, according to public records.TPUSA now employs 450 people and has broadened its focus from fighting left and “woke” influence on campuses to other culture war fronts by setting up a Turning Point Faith unit that’s hosted large gatherings at churches featuring Wallnau and other Christian nationalist figures.Notwithstanding TPUSA’s fundraising successes, the organization and Kirk have been buffeted by criticism on multiple fronts. Late last year, Kirk ignited a political firestorm in mainstream GOP circles by using his eponymous radio show and an Arizona bash to make incendiary attacks on the late civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr, which recycled old and unverified slurs about King, and disparaged Black airline pilots.During a major TPUSA event in Arizona in December, Kirk opined that “MLK was awful. He’s not a good person. He said one good thing he actually didn’t believe.”“Kirk’s cheapening of Martin Luther King’s legacy and disparaging remarks about Black pilots hurt our cause, and don’t help it,” Salmon of Arizona said, adding that Kirk is “one of the strongest voices for factionalism in the party”.Other GOP veterans also voiced harsh critiques.“Kirk chases conspiracies that animate his followers and generate funds,” the long-time GOP consultant Tyler Montague said. “Kirk has used this method to push conspiracies about election fraud, Christian nationalism, anti-immigrant xenophobia, and now he’s opened a new front in racism with his Martin Luther King attacks.”Montague’s comments are in keeping with earlier criticism of Kirk for promoting Trump’s unsubstantiated claims of election fraud in 2020.Kirk and TP Action collaborated with about a dozen other groups to bring busloads of Trump allies to DC to attend Trump’s 6 January March to Save America rally that preceded the mob attack on the Capitol.View image in fullscreenPrior to the rally, Kirk predicted in a tweet it “would likely be one of the largest and most consequential in American history”, but he quickly deleted the tweet after the day’s violence.Independent analysts who study misinformation criticize Kirk’s penchant for pushing conspiracies and false narratives on the Charlie Kirk Show, which runs daily on the evangelical Salem Radio Network.“The Charlie Kirk Show consistently ranks high in the top 100 shows on Apple podcasts, and has been a leader in spreading false and unverified claims,” said Valerie Wirtschafter, a Brookings Institution fellow in AI and emerging technologies.Kirk’s dubious claims range “from the idea that the Covid-19 vaccine was poison, to the belief that the election was stolen in 2020 with fraudulent ballots, to claims that purported Ukrainian bioweapons facilities are somehow linked to Anthony Fauci,” she added.Kirk had company in backing Trump’s election fraud claims, which could pose legal risks to a top TP Action official: Tyler Bowyer, the COO, who also had that title with TPUSA, and who was one of Arizona’s 11 fake electors for Trump in 2020. He and the other fake electors are facing a state attorney general probe.The 11 fake electors filmed themselves signing documents stating they were legitimate electors, even though the then GOP governor, Doug Ducey, had certified Biden’s win by more than 10,000 votes.Bowyer, an Arizona GOP national committeeman who signed paperwork falsely claiming that Trump had won, introduced a resolution at a Republican National Committee meeting that began in late January seeking to get the RNC to indemnify RNC members in multiple states who had been fake electors and who face legal bills due to state probes.Bowyer justified his resolution by writing on X that “we need to send a clear signal that the RNC will defend those who serve as electors against Democratic radicals trying to criminalize civic engagement and process”.The resolution didn’t pass, but to appease Trump backers the RNC pledged to “vocally” back individuals who “lawfully” served as Trump electors in states that Biden actually won.Prosecutors in three states have brought charges against fake electors for sending certificates to Congress falsely stating Trump had won their states, and the justice department has probed fake elector schemes in multiple states in its wide-ranging inquiry into efforts by Trump and his allies to thwart Biden’s election.Serendipitously, right before the RNC meeting, TP Action hosted a two-day summit dubbed Restoring National Confidence, which drew several big-name election deniers including My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, ex-Trump senior White House strategist Steve Bannon and Don Jr.In a tweet, Don Jr wrote: “It was great speaking to all my friends at the Turning Point Restoring National Confidence Summit earlier this week.”The tight ties between TPUSA and Don Jr were underscored in 2020 when TPUSA paid a company owned by Don Jr $333,000 to buy copies of one of his books, which TPUSA gave away as part of a fundraising drive, according to the Associated Press.But watchdog groups are alarmed by TPUSA and TP Action’s record of promoting the ex-president’s bogus claims of election fraud, and candidates in Arizona in 2022 who espoused similar election falsehoods. They’re bracing for more in another heated election year.“They’ve backed conspiracy theorists for high office, mobilized activists around the ‘big lie’ and hired one of Arizona’s fake electors to help run their campaign arm,” said Heather Sawyer, the president of the watchdog group American Oversight.“Since January 6, TPUSA has become an animating force behind the election-denial movement.” More

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    More Than a Thousand Mourners Pack Church to Honor Student Killed in Georgia

    Laken Riley, whose death became enmeshed in the nation’s bitter debate over immigration, was remembered as a warm and caring woman who “shined so bright.”More than 1,000 mourners braved the rain and blustery chill outside to pack the Woodstock City Church on Friday for the funeral of Laken Riley, the 22-year-old nursing student killed last week on the University of Georgia campus, 70 miles away.Laken Riley in a photo from a social media account. Ms. Riley was attacked while out jogging on Feb. 22. She was pursuing a nursing degree at Augusta University, after having been a student at the University of Georgia until May.“When the world loses someone like Laken, whose light consistently shined so bright, it seems that much darker in their absence,” Samer Massad, the lead pastor of the nondenominational church that Ms. Riley and her family attended, said in a statement before the funeral on Friday afternoon. He continued: “Laken was special. She was a gift to anyone who knew her.”Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, a migrant from Venezuela who entered the United States illegally in September 2022, was charged with her murder in a case that was immediately thrust into the bitter national debate over immigration. He was staying in an apartment complex less than a mile from the University of Georgia’s intramural fields where Ms. Riley’s body was found near a wooded running path..Instead of flowers, Ms. Riley’s family requested donations that would be used to cover funeral expenses, establish a scholarship in her name and create a foundation to focus on women’s safety and homicide awareness. Red, rubber bracelets reading “Laken Hope Riley Foundation” were handed out to those in attendance at the funeral service.Nearly $180,000 had been raised by Friday afternoon. More

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    Judge hears closing arguments in ‘daytime soap opera’ Fani Willis hearing

    A Fulton county judge began hearing closing arguments on Friday afternoon in a three-day evidentiary hearing to determine whether the district attorney Fani Willis should be disqualified from handling the election interference against Donald Trump because of her romantic relationship with a deputy handling the case.The hearing has offered a dramatic deviation from the racketeering case against the former US president and 14 remaining co-defendants for trying to overturn the election in Georgia.The matter kicked off in January when Michael Roman, a Republican operative and one of the defendants in the case, filed a motion claiming Willis financially benefitted from the case because of a romantic relationship with Nathan Wade, a top prosecutor in the case. Trump and several other defendants later joined the request.Willis and Wade both admitted to a romantic relationship, but both said it only began after he was hired on 1 November 2021. They both testified about vacations they had taken together and revealed personal details about a romantic relationship that they say only began in 2022, after he was hired, and ended last summer.A star witness who was supposed to undercut their claims ultimately failed to produce meaningful evidence.On the surface, the question at the heart of the matter was whether Willis had a conflict of interest because of her relationship with Wade. But over several hours of testimony, lawyers for Roman, Trump and the other defendants did not produce any concrete evidence showing that she did.Willis testified that she repaid Wade in cash for any travel they had taken together – a claim that drew skepticism from defense lawyers, but no evidence to prove otherwise.“This was a disqualification hearing that quickly denigrated into a daytime soap opera,” said J Tom Morgan, a former district attorney in DeKalb county, a Fulton county neighbor. “Have they proven a conflict of interest, where this all started, absolutely not.”Lawyers may use Friday’s hearing to try and introduce additional evidence, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported, including cellphone records that defense lawyers say undercut Wade’s claims that he never spent the night at Willis’s condo.It’s not exactly clear what the standard Scott McAfee, the judge overseeing the case, will use to determine whether Willis should be disqualified. Georgia law allows for a prosecutor to be disqualified if there is an actual conflict of interest. Experts say state law has long established this high bar to clear and the defendants in the case have not done so.But McAfee has suggested that defense lawyers may not need to prove an actual conflict, but merely the appearance of one. “I think it’s clear that disqualification can occur if evidence is produced demonstrating an actual conflict or the appearance of one,” he said at a recent hearing.Robert CI McBurney, a different Fulton county judge who was overseeing the case at an earlier stage, disqualified Willis from investigating a fake elector after she appeared at a fundraiser for his political rival. That appearance, he said, would lead to questions about her motives in every step of the case, which was enough to disqualify her.A disqualification would upend the case and delay it past the 2024 election. The Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia, a state agency, would have the sole discretion to reassign the case to another prosecutor, and there’s no timeline for how long that could take.But even if Willis and Wade aren’t disqualified, defense attorneys have used the hearings to damage the two prosecutors’ judgment and credibility in the public’s eye.skip past newsletter promotionafter newsletter promotionBy bringing to light something they failed to disclose on their own, they’ve seeded the impression that the two were trying to conceal something.While it may not stand up legally, defense lawyers have also showed text messages from an associate of Nathan Wade’s in which he says the affair “absolutely” began before he was hired (the witness, Terrence Bradley, later testified he was only speculating). They also put a former friend of Willis on the stand that said she was certain the relationship began before Wade was hired. And they have also sought to introduce cellphone evidence that could undermine Wade’s claims he never spent the night at Willis’s condo before the relationship began.“I was standing in the grocery store and I would guess that the two women in front of me have not really paid much attention to this case or the politics,” Morgan said. “But they start talking about the text messages … it’s more interesting. People who haven’t paid any attention to this all of a sudden are paying attention to it.”Morgan also said the timing or existence of a relationship between Willis and Wade wasn’t really relevant to whether there was a conflict of interest. But during the hearing, the two prosecutors had boxed themselves in to a story that the romantic relationship only began after Wade was hired.Any evidence that comes to light questioning that undermines their credibility and could lead to accusations of perjury. Willis herself has said with certainty that the relationship definitely did not begin until after Wade was hired, but also acknowledged that it was difficult to say exactly when a romantic relationship begins.“It’s not like when you’re in grade school and you send a little letter saying, will you be my girlfriend? and you check it,” she said during one point in the hearing.More than anything, Trump’s team has succeeded in muddying the waters of the case and taking the attention off his efforts to undermine democracy. Willis underscores that when she testified during the first day of the hearing.“You’re confused. You think I’m on trial. These people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. I’m not on trial, no matter how hard you try to put me on trial,” she said. More