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    The New Enemies of Argentina’s Far Right: Taylor Swift and BTS Fans

    Javier Milei wants to be Argentina’s next president. But first he must get around legions of angry Taylor Swift and BTS fans.Javier Milei, a far-right libertarian economist, has stayed aloft in Argentina’s presidential campaign on the wings of the youth vote.To win the runoff election this month, he will need to hold on to that key demographic, pollsters say. But now, a major hurdle stands in his way: Swifties.Squadrons of Argentine fans of the pop star Taylor Swift have gotten political. They have trained their online sights on Mr. Milei and his rising libertarian party, framing them as a danger to Argentina, while Ms. Swift herself is preparing to arrive in Argentina next week for the launch of her Eras Tour outside North America.“Milei=Trump,” said one post from a group called Swifties Against Freedom Advances, which is the name of Mr. Milei’s party.After Mr. Milei placed second in Argentina’s election last month, sending him to a runoff on Nov. 19, a group of 10 Argentine fans of Ms. Swift created the group and issued a news release calling on fellow fans to vote against Mr. Milei. They said they were inspired by Ms. Swift’s past efforts to confront right-wing politicians in the United States.Mr. Milei placed second in Argentina’s election last month, sending him to a runoff on Nov. 19. Polls have indicated that Mr. Milei is especially popular with young voters.Sarah Pabst for The New York Times“We cannot not fight after having heard and seen Taylor give everything so that the right doesn’t win in her country,” the group said in the statement. “As Taylor says, we have to be on the right side of history.”The two-page missive was viewed 1.5 million times on X, the site formerly known as Twitter, before it suspended the group’s account without explanation, the group said.In the statement, it called Mr. Milei’s positions against legal abortion, his support for the loosening of gun laws and his proposals to overhaul public education and public health care as “a danger to democracy.”The statement also took aim at Mr. Milei’s comments that criticized feminism, claimed a pay gap between men and women does not exist and referred to the atrocities committed by Argentina’s military dictatorship from 1976 to 1983 as simply “excesses.”Mr. Milei, in response, has shrugged off the Swifties. “I’m not the far right,” he told a radio station. “They can express what they want.” His campaign declined to comment.Ms. Swift, who will perform the first of a series of three sold-out shows in Buenos Aires on Thursday, has not commented publicly on the Argentine election.The Swifties’ criticism of Mr. Milei has shifted the conversation to his conservative social views and away from his drastic proposals to reverse Argentina’s economic crisis, which include ditching the Argentine peso for the U.S. dollar and closing the country’s central bank.A fan of Ms. Swift wearing a bracelet bearing the name of Mr. Milei’s opponent, Sergio Massa. Ms. Swift will perform the first of a series of three sold-out shows in Buenos Aires on Thursday.Anita Pouchard Serra for The New York TimesBut it isn’t just Swifties who are organizing against Mr. Milei. He and his running mate, Victoria Villarruel, are also contending with criticism from legions of loyal fans of another musical juggernaut, the K-pop band BTS. They are so active and organized on the internet that they have become known as the BTS Army.Last week, the fury of that army was unleashed upon Ms. Villarruel after a series of her tweets denigrating the K-pop group resurfaced. In 2020, she likened the name BTS to a sexually transmitted disease. She also mocked the dyed pink and green hair of some members.Those tweets prompted such a fierce response from BTS fans, accusing her of xenophobia, that a large BTS fan club in Argentina felt compelled to try to calm their fellow fans down. “The message that BTS always transmits is one of respect to oneself and everyone else,” said a statement from the club, which has been viewed 1.9 million times, according to X.Ms. Villarruel’s only reaction online to the BTS blowback has been a post in which she called her S.T.D. post part of “funny chats” from “a thousand years ago.”Mr. Milei’s political base is particularly reliant on young voters. One survey of 2,400 people in October showed that nearly 27 percent of his support came from people ages 17 to 25, versus less than 9 percent for Sergio Massa, the center-left economy minister who opposes Mr. Milei in the runoff. People under 29 account for 27 percent of all eligible voters in Argentina.Many young voters said they see Mr. Milei, who has taken to wearing leather jackets and wielding a chain saw at his campaign events, as the “cool” outsider candidate who has also become a sort of online meme.“The majority of people our age, from about 16 to 25, are voting for him,” said Mateo Guevara, 21, a student who attended a Milei rally last month in Salta, a northern city. “He is a guy that came out of nowhere.”Mr. Milei and Mr. Massa appear to be headed toward a close contest. A poll published Friday by Atlas Intel showed that Mr. Milei had a lead of four percentage points, with a margin of error of two points.Mr. Massa holds a slight lead over Mr. Milei, according to a recent poll.Marcos Brindicci/Getty ImagesMs. Swift shunned politics for most of her career. But in 2018 she broke her silence to oppose the Republican Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn in Ms. Swift’s home state, Tennessee, helping to trigger a spike in young-voter registrations in the U.S. midterms that year.Ms. Swift said she felt compelled to speak out against Ms. Blackburn, who was endorsed by former President Donald J. Trump, because the politician’s record “appalls and terrifies me,” including positions on equal pay for women, violence against women and gay rights. Ms. Blackburn wound up winning.Ms. Swift’s song “Only the Young,” a rallying cry that describes young people as agents of change, was featured in an ad from Representative Eric Swalwell, a California Democrat, in a push to get out the vote in 2020.And Ms. Swift’s comments in a 2020 documentary, in which she said she had decided to publicly oppose Mr. Trump despite the risk to her career, have been circulating widely in Argentina in recent weeks.BTS fans are their own political force, having most likely helped suppress turnout at a Trump rally in Tulsa, Okla., in 2020 by reserving seats and not showing up.Outside the River Plate soccer stadium in Buenos Aires, where Ms. Swift will perform next week, a contingent of Swifties has been camping out to see the show. Many said they were not eager to mix politics with music.“The reality of the United States is a very different reality than the one that we are living here,” said Barbara Alcibiade, 22, a pastry chef. “It’s true that a large percentage of fans may or may not follow certain ideals or the values that she represents, but that doesn’t mean that represents everyone.”Barbara Alcibiade, 22, who has been camping out near the stadium where Ms. Swift will perform, said that the political actions of some Swifties didn’t represent all of her fans. Anita Pouchard Serra for The New York TimesThe Swifties behind the anti-Milei news release said they never claimed to speak for Ms. Swift or all her fans. “That’s why we were very careful not to say that Taylor wouldn’t vote for Javier Milei,” said one member, Macarena, 29, who declined to give her last name because she said the group had received threats online.But for Macarena and her friends, the parallels between Mr. Milei and Mr. Trump are clear.“There isn’t any Taylor statement that you can use to say that I’m going to vote for a candidate from the far right,” she said.At a K-pop dance school in Buenos Aires, BTS fans said the 2020 comments by Mr. Milei’s running mate disparaging the group served only to reinforce their aversion to Mr. Milei.“It was really upsetting because it’s always the same thing, xenophobic attacks, treating them as if they’re different,” said Marcela Toyos, 36, a teacher, after dancing to the BTS hit “Mic Drop.”Macarena said she and her friends now have a WhatsApp group of 140 Swifties in Buenos Aires that is planning to put up posters opposing Mr. Milei outside Ms. Swift’s concerts next week. The Swifties are also coordinating with smaller groups in other provinces, she said.Ahead of Ms. Swift’s arrival, the Buenos Aires Legislature voted Thursday to name Ms. Swift a guest of honor. The only officials to vote against the proposal were members of Mr. Milei’s party.Jack Nicas More

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    Elecciones en Argentina: la primera vuelta en 5 conclusiones

    La votación tuvo sorpresas, entre ellas que Sergio Massa, ministro de Economía, tuvo más votos. El candidato peronista se enfrentará a Javier Milei, un economista libertario, en el balotaje.Tras dos elecciones, la contienda presidencial argentina se dirige ahora a su ronda decisiva, en la que los dos candidatos más votados competirán por liderar un país en el que la gente está desesperada por un cambio de rumbo en la economía.Se trata de Javier Milei, economista libertario de extrema derecha y comentarista de televisión que ha aceptado de buena gana las comparaciones con Donald Trump, y Sergio Massa, ministro de Economía de Argentina, de centroizquierda, y el encargado de gestionar una economía con una inflación anual de casi el 140 por ciento.Milei fue el candidato más votado en las elecciones primarias, que se realizaron en agosto, y durante meses había liderado las encuestas, pero en la votación del domingo Massa fue el claro vencedor. Obtuvo casi el 37 por ciento de los votos, frente al 30 por ciento de Milei, resultados que los llevan a un balotaje el 19 de noviembre.Aquí presentamos cinco conclusiones de la votación del domingo y el camino que le queda a Argentina por recorrer.El domingo, Milei obtuvo el 30 por ciento de los votos.Sarah Pabst para The New York TimesMilei está en una posición más endeble de lo que se esperabaEl domingo, Milei partía como claro favorito, y algunos integrantes de su campaña predijeron que podría ganar las elecciones desde la primera vuelta.Sin embargo, esa noche obtuvo casi exactamente el mismo porcentaje de votos que en las elecciones primarias, y ahora se enfrenta a un contrincante, Massa, que parece mucho más fuerte de lo que se pensaba.Milei ha conseguido mucha atención por sus promesas de transformar de manera radical el gobierno y la economía argentinos con un plan para eliminar el banco central del país y sustituir su moneda por el dólar estadounidense.Pero los analistas afirmaron que su estilo político impetuoso, que le ha ganado comparaciones con Trump y Jair Bolsonaro, el expresidente derechista de Brasil, probablemente alejó a muchos votantes del centro político.“Los partidarios que hicieron memes de él con Bolsonaro y Trump no le hicieron un favor”, dijo Brian Winter, un analista de política latinoamericana quien también ha sido periodista en Argentina. “Los argentinos quieren un cambio con desesperación, pero no hay suficiente demanda para ese estilo de conservadurismo”.Massa obtuvo el mayor porcentaje de votos el domingo, pero carga con el peso inconveniente de ser ministro de Economía de una economía en crisis.Enrique Garcia Medina/EPA, vía ShutterstockMassa obtuvo el mayor porcentaje de votos desde la política tradicionalMassa tiene una experiencia de dos décadas en la política argentina y es el nuevo líder del movimiento peronista, el cual ha dominado la política en Argentina durante décadas y ha ganado nueve de las últimas 12 elecciones presidenciales libres y justas.Luego de que quedara en tercer lugar en las primarias, la poderosa maquinaria política peronista se desplegó con fuerza el domingo. La participación general aumentó desde agosto en ocho puntos porcentuales, a casi el 78 por ciento el domingo, y ese aumento pareció beneficiar en gran medida a los peronistas, ya que el apoyo al movimiento aumentó desde las primarias en más de nueve puntos porcentuales.“El peronismo se asustó y jugó mucho mas unificado”, dijo María Esperanza Casullo, politóloga de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, en Argentina. “Todo el mundo hizo lo posible para ganar estas elecciones, y en las provincias donde les había ido muy mal, repuntaron”.Massa también aprovechó su cargo como ministro de Economía e impulsó varias políticas para impulsar su candidatura, entre ellas, programas que devuelven el impuesto sobre las ventas a algunos trabajadores y eliminan el impuesto sobre la renta para otros.Buenos Aires, la capital. La inflación en Argentina roza el 140 por ciento.Sarah Pabst para The New York TimesLa gran perdedora de las elecciones podría ser la ya frágil economía argentinaEstas exenciones fiscales podrían ayudar a Massa a ganar las elecciones, pero son medidas cuestionables en un país que ya está en quiebra y atraviesa una de sus peores crisis económicas en años.La pobreza aumenta, la inflación se acerca al 140 por ciento y el valor del peso argentino se desploma. Este caos económico le ha dado a Milei una posibilidad a la presidencia, a pesar de su inexperiencia, pero algunos economistas temen que sus propuestas de políticas radicales, como la dolarización de la economía, perjudiquen aún más a una economía ya frágil.Sin embargo, Massa lleva más de un año al frente de la economía argentina, justo cuando la situación se ha deteriorado, y su plataforma no incluye planes para cambiar el rumbo de manera significativa. De hecho, ha prometido mantener algunas políticas económicas que los economistas conservadores critican, como las grandes subvenciones al gasto energético de los residentes.Aun así, Massa se ha mostrado en general más favorable al mercado que otros dirigentes peronistas, y como en las elecciones del domingo los peronistas obtuvieron el mayor número de escaños en el Congreso argentino (aunque aún están lejos de ser mayoría), tendrá mucha más capacidad para gobernar que Milei, dijo Martín Rapetti, economista argentino.¿Cómo gobernaría? “Acá entramos en terreno conjetural”, dijo Rapetti. “Massa no ha dicho nada concreto respecto a su programa económico”.La candidata que los mercados favorecían más —Patricia Bullrich, una exministra de Seguridad de derecha— quedó eliminada de la contienda el domingo.Patricia Bullrich quedó fuera de contienda el domingo, y sus partidarios podrían decidir el resultado de la segunda vuelta.Natacha Pisarenko/Associated PressLas próximas cuatro semanas serán una pelea por los votantes de BullrichAunque Bullrich está fuera de la contienda, aún podría decidir la presidencia.A pesar de quedar en tercer lugar, Bullrich obtuvo el 24 por ciento de los votos, y la gran pregunta de la elección es hacia dónde se inclinarán sus 6,2 millones de votantes.Se cree que Milei, como conservador, tiene una ventaja entre esos votantes, y en su discurso del domingo por la noche criticó a los peronistas. Es poco probable que muchos de sus partidarios, tras años de políticas peronistas fracasadas, apoyen a Massa.Sin embargo, muchos otros partidarios de Bullrich son centristas y, para ellos, Milei podría resultar demasiado extremista.La contienda sigue estando abiertaAunque Massa ganó el domingo, su victoria no está para nada garantizada en la segunda vuelta.Existe un sentimiento antiperonista muy extendido en Argentina tras años de escándalos de corrupción y crisis económicas, y Massa tiene además la limitante de haber sido ministro de Economía en una economía en problemas.“Los países no suelen elegir ministros de Economía que están al mando durante una inflación del 140 por ciento”, dijo Winter. “Pero tampoco suelen elegir a personas como Javier Milei”.Milei parece haber llegado a un límite de votantes que realmente quieren que sea presidente. Ahora debe convencer a la mayoría de los electores indecisos para que opten por su visión de un cambio drástico para un país que lleva mucho tiempo resistiéndose al cambio.Ambos candidatos apelaron a la moderación en sus discursos del domingo por la noche e intentarán abrir sus puertas a los partidos políticos que quedaron eliminados de el balotaje. Queda mucha campaña por delante.Lucía Cholakian Herrera More

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    5 Takeaways from Argentina’s Election

    Javier Milei, a libertarian economist often compared to Donald Trump, will face off against Sergio Massa, Argentina’s economy minister, in a runoff next month.After two votes, Argentina’s presidential race now heads into its decisive round with the final two political survivors vying to lead a country where people are desperate for a financial turnaround.They are Javier Milei, a far-right libertarian economist and television pundit who has embraced comparisons to Donald J. Trump, and Sergio Massa, Argentina’s center-left economy minister who oversees an economy that has a nearly 140-percent annual inflation.Mr. Milei won the open primary elections in August and had led the polls for months after, but in the election on Sunday night, Mr. Massa was the clear winner. He captured nearly 37 percent of the vote, compared with 30 percent for Mr. Milei, sending them to a runoff on Nov. 19.Here are five takeaways from Sunday’s vote and the road ahead for Argentina.Mr. Milei captured 30 percent of the vote on Sunday.Sarah Pabst for The New York TimesMilei is in a weaker position than expected.Mr. Milei had entered Sunday as the clear favorite, with some in his campaign predicting that he could win the election outright in the first round.However, he ended the night capturing almost exactly the same percentage of the vote as he did in the primary election in August, and now he faces an opponent in Mr. Massa who looks much stronger than previously thought.Mr. Milei has attracted a lot of attention for his promises to radically overhaul the Argentine government and economy with a plan to eliminate the nation’s central bank and replace its currency with the U.S. dollar.But analysts said that his brash political style, which had drawn comparisons to Mr. Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s former right-wing president, likely turned away many centrist voters.“The supporters who made memes of him with Bolsonaro and Trump didn’t do him any favors,” said Brian Winter, a Latin American analyst and former journalist in Argentina. “Argentines desperately want change, but there’s not enough demand for that brand of conservatism.”Mr. Massa won the largest share of the vote on Sunday, but has the baggage of being the economy minister in a failing economy.Enrique Garcia Medina/EPA, via ShutterstockMassa finished first with old-school politics.Mr. Massa is a two-decade veteran of Argentine politics and the new leader of the Peronist political movement that has held sway in Argentina for decades and has won nine of the last 12 free and fair presidential elections.After finishing third in the primaries, the powerful Peronist political machine came out in force on Sunday. Overall turnout increased from August by eight percentage points to nearly 78 percent on Sunday — and all of that seemed to benefit the Peronists, with the movement’s support increasing from the primary by more than nine percentage points.“Peronism got scared and acted much more unified,” said María Esperanza Casullo, a political scientist at Argentina’s National University of Rio Negro. “Everyone did everything possible to win these elections, and in provinces where things had gone very badly, they rebounded.”Mr. Massa also took advantage of his position as economy minister and pushed through several policies to aid his candidacy, including programs that return sales tax to certain workers and eliminate income tax for others.Buenos Aires, the capital. Inflation in Argentina is nearing 140 percent.Sarah Pabst for The New York TimesThe loser of the election might be Argentina’s already ailing economy.Those tax breaks might help Mr. Massa win the election, but they are questionable measures in a country that is already broke and struggling through one of its worst economic crises in years.Poverty is rising, inflation is nearing 140 percent and the value of the Argentine peso is plummeting. That economic turmoil has given Mr. Milei an opening to the presidency, despite his inexperience, but some economists worry that his radical policy proposals, like dollarizing the economy, could do even more harm to an already fragile economy.Yet Mr. Massa has led Argentina’s economy for more than a year, just as things have gotten worse, and his platform does not include plans to significantly change course. In fact, he has promised to maintain some economic policies that conservative economists criticize, such as large subsidies for residents’ energy costs.Still, Mr. Massa has generally been more market friendly than other Peronist leaders, and with Sunday’s elections giving the Peronists the most seats in Argentina’s Congress (though still short of a majority), he will have a much better ability to govern than Mr. Milei, said Martín Rapetti, an Argentine economist.But how would he govern? “Here we enter conjectural territory,” Mr. Rapetti said. “Massa has not said anything concrete regarding his economic program.”The candidate that markets liked the most — Patricia Bullrich, a right-wing former security minister — was knocked out of the contest on Sunday.Patricia Bullrich was knocked out of the race on Sunday, and her supporters may decide the outcome of the runoff.Natacha Pisarenko/Associated PressThe next four weeks will be a fight over Bullrich’s voters.While Ms. Bullrich is out of the race, she still could decide the presidency.Despite coming in third, Ms. Bullrich still earned 24 percent of the vote, and where her 6.2 million voters swing is the major question of the race.Mr. Milei, as a conservative, is thought to have the inside track on those voters, and in her concession speech on Sunday night, she criticized the Peronists. Many of her supporters, after years of failed Peronist policies, are unlikely to switch to Mr. Massa.Yet many other Bullrich supporters are centrists, and for them, Mr. Milei could prove to be too extreme.The race is still a tossup.While Mr. Massa won on Sunday, he is far from a sure bet in the runoff.There is ample anti-Peronist sentiment in Argentina after years of corruption scandals and economic crises, and Mr. Massa also has the baggage of being the economy minister in a failing economy.“Countries don’t usually elect finance ministers overseeing 140 percent inflation,” Mr. Winter said. “But they also don’t usually elect people like Javier Milei.”Mr. Milei appears to have hit a ceiling of voters who truly want him to be president. Now he must convince most of the voters in play to bet on his vision of drastic change for a country that has long been resistant to change.Both candidates took a shot at moderation in their speeches on Sunday night and will try to open their doors to the political parties that were eliminated from the final round. There is a lot of campaigning to go.Lucía Cholakian Herrera More

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    Elecciones en Argentina: lo que hay que saber

    Los argentinos votan este domingo para determinar si elegirán a Javier Milei, un economista libertario, quien ha sido llamado un ‘mini Trump’, como el nuevo líder de la nación.Este domingo, los argentinos se dirigen a las urnas para elegir a un nuevo presidente que pueda sacar al país de 46 millones de habitantes de su peor crisis económica en décadas, y sus opciones están entre dos políticos tradicionales y un economista libertario de ultraderecha que acepta con beneplácito las comparaciones con Donald Trump.El economista, Javier Milei, ha liderado las encuestas desde que ganó las elecciones primarias de Argentina en agosto, pero su dominio del debate nacional tiene un margen mucho mayor.Milei, un excomentarista de televisión que cumplió 53 años el domingo, ha recibido una cobertura periodística casi general en Argentina y trastocó la contienda presidencial con una campaña impetuosa y desde una postura de outsider centrada en sus propuestas radicales de eliminar el banco central de Argentina y abandonar su moneda en favor del dólar estadounidense.A continuación, lo que hay que saber sobre las elecciones de este domingo.La deprimente economía argentina es una de las principales fuentes de preocupación de los votantes. El estilo impetuoso y poco convencional de Javier Milei lo ha hecho particularmente popular entre la juventud argentina.Sarah Pabst para The New York TimesLa deprimente economía del país es uno de los temas principalesLas propuestas de Milei han obtenido el respaldo de millones de argentinos porque el país ha estado lidiando con una inflación de tres dígitos durante casi un año, con precios que en la actualidad se incrementan un 138 por ciento anual, mientras el valor del peso argentino se desploma. En abril de 2020, al inicio de la pandemia, con un dólar se compraban 80 pesos, utilizando un tipo de cambio no oficial basado en la percepción que el mercado tiene de la moneda. En algún momento de la semana pasada, con un dólar valía más de 1000 pesos.Sin embargo, a muchos economistas les preocupa que las teorías económicas libertarias de Milei, que tienen poco historial de aplicación en el mundo real, puedan en su lugar infligir un daño aún mayor en una economía ya de por sí frágil, la cual es además una de las más grandes de América Latina.Emmanuel Alvarez Agis, exviceministro de Economía de Argentina durante un gobierno de izquierda, afirmó que las propuestas económicas de Milei serían una especie de experimento. “Y nosotros seríamos los ratones”, añadió. “Nosotros, los 46 millones de habitantes”.Para millones de argentinos, Milei representa un quiebre emocionante —aunque poco ortodoxo— de los políticos y las políticas que no han funcionado. Pero para muchos otros votantes y funcionarios, la retórica combativa de Milei, su cuestionamiento de la ciencia y sus primeras acusaciones sobre fraude electoral son preocupantes.Javier Milei se enfrenta a Sergio Massa, un economista de centroizquierda y ministro de Economía de Argentina.Tomas Cuesta/Getty Images¿Quiénes son los otros candidatos?Milei se enfrenta, entre otros candidatos, a Sergio Massa, ministro de Economía de centroizquierda, y a Patricia Bullrich, exministra de Seguridad de derecha.Massa, de 51 años, representa al partido peronista en el poder, el cual ha liderado a Argentina durante 16 de los últimos 20 años y es responsable de gran parte de la mala gestión económica que ha sumido a la nación en un foso financiero profundo. Massa se ha disculpado por el manejo de la economía por parte de su partido y ha prometido estabilizar la situación como presidente, a través de la inversión en industrias locales y la expansión de la producción de energía.Su partido peronista —liderado en las últimas décadas por los expresidentes de Argentina Néstor Kirchner y Cristina Fernández de Kirchner— tiene una base leal y firme de seguidores, lo que ha ayudado a que Massa esté en segundo lugar en las encuestas más recientes, pero también ha atraído una fuerte oposición en todo el país tras una serie de escándalos de corrupción y crisis económicas.Ese sentimiento antiperonista ha creado una enorme oportunidad para un candidato de derecha este año. Pero hasta el momento, Milei y Bullrich han dividido esos votos.En la contienda presidencial también se encuentra Patricia Bullrich, exministra de Seguridad de derecha.Marcos Brindicci/Getty ImagesBullrich, de 67 años, ha buscado posicionarse como una especie de candidata con sentido común, la cual impulsaría políticas fiscalmente conservadoras que son mucho menos radicales que las de Milei. Bullrich quiere recortar el gasto, prohibir al banco central imprimir más dinero para financiar deudas y simplificar el sistema tributario. Bullrich también ha respaldado un sistema monetario en el que el peso y el dólar “convivan”.Según las encuestas, ambos candidatos parecieran estar luchando para llegar a una segunda vuelta contra Milei el próximo mes, mientras que Milei espera ganar las elecciones directamente el domingo. Si ningún candidato recibe al menos el 45 por ciento de los votos, o el 40 por ciento con un margen de victoria de 10 puntos, los dos primeros lugares se enfrentarán el 19 de noviembre.Cajas de boletas de votación apiladas en un depósito del servicio postal en Buenos Aires. Milei ha denunciado haber sido víctima de fraude electoral en las elecciones primarias, pero no ha aportado pruebas.Luis Robayo/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesLas acusaciones de fraude electoral han entrado en el debate de las votacionesMilei ya ha dado indicios de que si no gana el domingo podría alegar que hubo fraude electoral, al igual que lo hizo en las elecciones primarias.En los últimos días, Milei y su equipo de campaña han declarado una vez más que le robaron hasta cinco por ciento de los votos en las elecciones primarias porque las boletas de su partido fueron robadas de algunos establecimientos de votación, las cuales son necesarias para poder emitir un voto a su favor.Las autoridades electorales no recibieron una denuncia formal. Tanto la Cámara Nacional Electoral como la Dirección Nacional Electoral declararon que no hubo evidencia de algún fraude sistemático en las elecciones primarias.En una entrevista, Marcos Schiavi, titular de la Dirección Nacional Electoral, calificó las denuncias de fraude de Milei como algo “inverosímil y desatinado”. Añadió: “Los planteos se dan solamente de una fuerza política, cuando en la elección hay cinco” partidos que compiten por la presidencia.Ningún otro partido ha denunciado fraude, y Argentina, que celebra 40 años de democracia tras el final de una dictadura militar, ha tenido durante décadas elecciones en buena medida tranquilas.El viernes, un fiscal federal abrió una investigación oficial a partir de los comentarios públicos de Milei y pidió que el partido del candidato presentara evidencia. En respuesta, la campaña de Milei aseguró que pronto enviaría lo que llamo evidencia de fraude, incluidos videos de redes sociales que muestran boletas destruidas o descartadas, así como un clip en el que supuestos operativos peronistas dicen que pretenden “hacer desaparecer las boletas de Milei”.El equipo de campaña de Milei declaró que había reclutado a más de 105.000 voluntarios de las redes sociales para que monitoreen los establecimientos de votación el domingo, en busca de alguna señal de fraude. Este tipo de observadores electorales son usuales en Argentina, y otros partidos también los utilizarán.Franco Antunez, un influente de YouTube, viajó con Milei este mes a un evento de campaña en el que el candidato blandió una motosierra como una metáfora de los cortes profundos que quiere hacer en el gobierno argentino.Sarah Pabst para The New York Times¿Cómo influye Trump en la contienda?Milei ha generado comparaciones con Trump y Jair Bolsonaro, el expresidente de Brasil, quienes impulsaron denuncias falsas de fraudes electorales tras perder la reelección.Si bien Milei tiene una inclinación económica más libertaria, su estilo político belicoso se parece al de Trump y al de Bolsonaro, incluidos sus duros ataques contra la prensa, sus rivales y líderes extranjeros.También ha hecho un llamado a una desregulación del mercado legal de armas y ha cuestionado la ciencia detrás del cambio climático, el cual dijo forma parte de la “agenda socialista” en una entrevista con el expresentador de Fox News Tucker Carlson.El movimiento mundial de extrema derecha se presentó con firmeza en Argentina el fin de semana electoral para apoyar a Milei, entre ellos, representantes de partidos de ultraderecha de Brasil, Chile, España y Francia.Milei también ha llamado la atención por su personalidad excéntrica. Sus simpatizantes le han puesto el apodo de “el Peluca” por su corte de cabello revoltoso (otra similitud con Trump) y han apoyado su amor por sus cinco perros mastines clonados, cuatro de los cuales llevan nombres de economistas conservadores.Su estilo impetuoso y poco convencional ha sido particularmente popular entre la juventud argentina, en parte debido al intenso enfoque de su campaña en las redes sociales para llegar a los votantes. Ese trabajo ha sido realizado en gran medida por un grupo de influentes de internet en edad universitaria, a los que no se les paga y que viajan con Milei para publicar videos de él desde todo el país.Franco Antunez, un influente de YouTube de 21 años con 216.000 seguidores, viajó con Milei este mes a un evento de campaña en el noroeste montañoso de Argentina, en el que el candidato blandió una motosierra como una metáfora de los cortes profundos que quiere hacer en el gobierno argentino.Este tipo de maniobras, junto con su retórica a veces profana contra las élites y la clase política, lo han convertido en el candidato “cool” entre los jóvenes argentinos, dijo Antunez. “Es algo exótico”, dijo Antunez. “Che, este chabón es cool. Es un rockstar, el chabón acá, con una motosierra”.En su evento de cierre de campaña realizado el jueves, Bullrich dijo que Milei era más bien peligroso. “Escúchenme bien las mamás y los papás, para que hablen con sus hijos”, dijo. “Me preocupan las ideas de Milei”. More

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    Argentina Election Decides Between Javier Milei and Others

    Argentines will vote on Sunday on whether to elect Javier Milei, a far-right libertarian economist who has been called a “mini-Trump,” as the nation’s new leader.Argentines head to the polls on Sunday to pick a new president to lead the nation of 46 million out of its worst economic crisis in decades, choosing between two establishment politicians and a far-right libertarian economist who embraces comparisons to Donald J. Trump.The economist, Javier Milei, has led the polls since winning Argentina’s open primary election in August, but he has dominated the national conversation by an even greater margin.Mr. Milei, a former television pundit who turned 53 on Sunday, has received nearly blanket media coverage in Argentina and upended the race with a brash, outsider campaign centered on his radical proposals to eliminate Argentina’s central bank and ditch its currency for the U.S. dollar.Here’s what else you need to know about Sunday’s election.Argentina’s dismal economy is a main source of voter worry. Mr. Milei’s brash, offbeat style has made him particularly popular with Argentina’s youth.Sarah Pabst for The New York TimesThe country’s dismal economy is a top issue.Mr. Milei’s proposals have gained traction with millions of Argentines because the country has been grappling with triple-digit inflation for nearly a year, with prices now rising 138 percent annually, while the value of the Argentine peso plummets. In April 2020, at the start of the pandemic, $1 bought 80 pesos, using an unofficial rate based on the market’s view of the currency. Last week, $1 bought more than 1,000 pesos.Yet many economists worry that Mr. Milei’s libertarian economic theories, which have little history of real-world application, could instead inflict even more damage on an already fragile economy, one of Latin America’s largest.Emmanuel Alvarez Agis, Argentina’s former deputy minister of the economy under a leftist government, said Mr. Milei’s economic proposals would be a sort of experiment. “And we would be the mouse,” he added. “Forty-six million of us.”To millions of Argentines, Mr. Milei represents an exciting — if an unorthodox — break from policies and politicians that have not been working. But to many other voters and officials, Mr. Milei’s combative rhetoric, his questioning of science and his early claims of voter fraud are worrisome.Mr. Milei is facing off against Sergio Massa, a center-left economist and Argentina’s minister of the economy.Tomas Cuesta/Getty ImagesWho are the other candidates?Mr. Milei is facing off against Sergio Massa, Argentina’s center-left minister of the economy, and Patricia Bullrich, a right-wing former security minister.Mr. Massa, 51, represents the incumbent Peronist party, which has led Argentina for 16 of the last 20 years and is responsible for much of the economic mismanagement that has led the nation into such a deep financial hole. Mr. Massa has taken to apologizing for his party’s handling of the economy and promised to stabilize the situation as president by investing in local industries and expanding energy production.His Peronist party — led in recent decades by Argentina’s leftist former presidents, Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner — has a fiercely loyal base, helping Mr. Massa place second in most recent polls, but it has also drawn strong opposition across the nation after a string of corruption scandals and economic crises.That anti-Peronist sentiment has created a wide opening for a right-wing candidate this year. So far, Mr. Milei and Ms. Bullrich have split that vote.Also in the running for president is Patricia Bullrich, a right-wing former security minister. Marcos Brindicci/Getty ImagesMs. Bullrich, 67, has aimed to position herself as a sort of common-sense candidate who would push fiscally conservative policies that are less radical than Mr. Milei’s. She wants to cut spending, prohibit the central bank from printing more money to finance debts, and simplify the tax system. She also has backed a currency scheme in which the peso and dollar “coexist.”Both candidates appear to be battling to make a runoff against Mr. Milei next month, according to polls, while Mr. Milei is hoping to win the election outright on Sunday. If no candidate receives at least 45 percent of the vote, or 40 percent with a 10-point margin of victory, the top two finishers will face off on Nov. 19.Ballot boxes stacked at a postal service warehouse in Buenos Aires. Mr. Milei has claimed electoral fraud in the primary vote, but has provided no evidence.Luis Robayo/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesVoter fraud accusations have entered the election conversation.Mr. Milei has already signaled that if he does not win on Sunday, he could claim voter fraud, as he did in the primary elections.In recent days, Mr. Milei and his campaign have again said that he was robbed of up to 5 percent of the votes in the primary election because his party’s ballots were stolen from some polling stations, which are needed to cast a vote for him.Election authorities said they never received a formal complaint. Both Argentina’s electoral court and the separate national elections agency said that there was no evidence of systematic fraud in the primary elections.In an interview, Marcos Schiavi, the elections agency chief, called the fraud claims “implausible and out of place.” He added, “These issues are only being put forth by one political party when there are five” parties competing for the presidency.No other party has alleged fraud, and Argentina, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary of democracy since the end of a military dictatorship, has had largely smooth elections for decades.On Friday, a federal prosecutor opened an official investigation based on Mr. Milei’s public comments and called on Mr. Milei’s party to present evidence. In response, his campaign said it would soon send what it said was evidence of fraud, including videos from social media that showed destroyed or discarded ballots, as well as a clip of apparent Peronist operatives saying they aimed to “make Milei’s ballots disappear.”Mr. Milei’s campaign said it had recruited more than 105,000 volunteers from social media to monitor polling stations on Sunday for any sign of fraud. Such poll monitors are common in Argentina, and other parties will also use them.Franco Antunez, a YouTube influencer, traveled with Mr. Milei this month to a campaign event where the candidate wielded a chain saw as a metaphor for the deep cuts he wants to make in the Argentine government.Sarah Pabst for The New York TimesHow Trump factors into the race.Mr. Milei has drawn comparisons to Mr. Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s former president, both of whom pushed false claims of fraud after losing re-election.While Mr. Milei has a more libertarian bent economically, his bellicose political style resembles those of Mr. Trump and Mr. Bolsonaro, with harsh attacks against the press, his rivals and foreign leaders. He has also called for looser gun regulations and questioned the science behind climate change, calling it part of “the socialist agenda” in an interview with the former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.The global far-right movement showed up in force in Argentina over election weekend to support Mr. Milei, including representatives from far-right parties in Brazil, Chile, Spain and France.Mr. Milei has also attracted attention for his eccentric personality. His supporters have nicknamed him “The Wig” for his unruly hairdo (another echo of Mr. Trump) and embraced his love for his five cloned mastiff dogs, four of which are named for conservative economists.His brash, offbeat style has been particularly popular with Argentina’s youth, in part because of his campaign’s intense focus on social media to reach voters. Much of that work has been done by a group of unpaid, college age internet influencers who travel with Mr. Milei to post videos of him from across the nation.Franco Antunez, 21, a YouTube influencer with 216,000 followers, was traveling with Mr. Milei in Argentina’s mountainous northwest this month for a campaign event where Mr. Milei wielded a chain saw as a metaphor for the deep cuts he aims to inflict on the Argentine government.Such stunts, along with his sometimes profane rhetoric against elites and the political class, have made him the “cool” candidate among young Argentines, Mr. Antunez said. “He is something exotic,” Mr. Antunez said. “Hey, this dude is cool, he’s a rock star, this dude here with the chain saw.”Ms. Bullrich, in her closing campaign event on Thursday, said that instead Mr. Milei was dangerous. “Moms and dads, listen to me carefully, so you can talk to your children,” she said. “I’m worried about Milei’s ideas.” More

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    Javier Milei y sus similitudes con Donald Trump

    Se hizo famoso denigrando personas en la televisión. Lanza duros ataques contra sus críticos en línea. Porta un revoltoso corte de cabello que se ha convertido en meme. Y hoy es el líder de la extrema derecha de su país.Donald Trump, y su ascenso a la presidencia estadounidense en 2016, comparte algunas similitudes sorprendentes con el hombre detrás del momento que se desarrolla en la actualidad en Argentina, la nueva sensación política del país, Javier Milei.Milei, un economista libertario y comentarista televisivo, solía ser visto como un actor secundario en la contienda presidencial argentina, al que ni los medios de noticias ni sus rivales tomaban en serio. Pero actualmente, tras una campaña impetuosa y desde una postura de outsider basada en la promesa de que solo él puede solucionar los profundos problemas económicos del país, es el favorito para ganar los comicios este mismo domingo o pasar a una segunda vuelta el próximo mes.Milei, de 52 años, ya ha trastocado la política de su país de 46 millones de habitantes. Sus promesas de eliminar el banco central de Argentina y abandonar su moneda en favor del dolar estadounidense han dominado el debate nacional, y al mismo tiempo han ayudado a impulsar un mayor colapso en el valor del peso argentino.Sin embargo, ha sido su estilo político belicoso el que le ha ganado comparaciones con Trump, así como una preocupación generalizada en Argentina y la región sobre el daño que su gobierno podría infligir en la tercera economía más grande de América Latina.Milei ha atacado a la prensa y al papa; ha declarado que el cambio climático forma parte de la “agenda socialista”; calificó a China, el segundo socio comercial más importante de Argentina, de asesina; prometió la desregulación del mercado legal de armas; afirmó que es víctima de un fraude electoral; cuestionó las elecciones presidenciales más recientes en Estados Unidos y Brasil; y sugirió que los disturbios de extrema derecha que siguieron a esos procesos electorales habían sido complots de la izquierda.Milei rodeado de seguidores en Salta, Argentina. Su campaña impetuosa y desde una perspectiva de outsider lo ha convertido en uno de los favoritos para las elecciones del domingo.Sarah Pabst para The New York Times“Muy claramente es un mini Trump”, dijo Federico Finchelstein, un argentino que dirige el departamento de historia en la New School en Nueva York y estudia a la extrema derecha en todo el mundo.Milei, Trump y Jair Bolsonaro, expresidente de Brasil, son todos practicantes destacados de la corriente moderna de la política de extrema derecha, dijo Finchelstein, marcada por la vulgaridad, los ataques a las instituciones, el descrédito de los medios de comunicación, la desconfianza en la ciencia, el culto a la personalidad y el narcisismo.“Trump es un ícono de esta nueva forma de populismo extremo”, afirmó Finchelstein. “Y Milei quiere emularlo”.Milei ha aceptado con beneplácito las comparaciones con Trump, a quien ha llamado “uno de los mejores presidentes” en la historia de Estados Unidos. Ha utilizado gorras con el eslogan en inglés de “Make Argentina Great Again” (“Haz que Argentina sea grande de nuevo”) y, al igual que Trump, ha forjado su campaña en mayor parte en las redes sociales. Y en los dos meses previos a la votación del domingo, le concedió una entrevista a una personalidad televisiva estadounidense: el expresentador de Fox News, Tucker Carlson.El grupo de campaña de Milei rechazó repetidas solicitudes de entrevista con The New York Times.Partidarios de Milei en la sede de su partido en Salta. El uso de Milei de las redes sociales lo ha hecho especialmente popular entre los argentinos jóvenes.Sarah Pabst para The New York TimesCon dos maestrías en economía, Milei puede llegar a sonar como profesor en ocasiones, cuando opina sobre la política monetaria y una corriente del libertarismo que sigue llamada anarcocapitalismo.Ha llamado al Estado “una organización criminal” que “vive de una fuente coactiva de ingresos llamada impuestos”. Además, afirma que lo impulsa una misión de reducir el gobierno y eliminarlo de las vidas de las personas, comenzando con el banco central argentino.Sus ideales libertarios también lo han hecho menos conservador en algunos temas sociales. Ha dicho que mientras el Estado no tenga que pagar por ello, podría apoyar la legalización de las drogas, la inmigración abierta, el trabajo sexual, los derechos de las personas trans, el matrimonio igualitario y la venta de órganos.Sin embargo, ha calificado al aborto de “asesinato” y ha prometido someterlo a referendo en Argentina, donde ha sido legal desde 2020.Milei sorprendió a las encuestadoras en agosto cuando ganó las elecciones primarias de Argentina, con cerca del 30 por ciento de los votos. Desde entonces ha liderado en las encuestas, superando a sus dos principales rivales: Sergio Massa, político de centroizquierda y ministro de Economía del país; y Patricia Bullrich, exministra de Seguridad de derecha.Milei ha recibido una cobertura periodística casi general durante la campaña, tanto por sus propuestas económicas radicales como por su personalidad excéntrica. Es un autoproclamado profesor de sexo tántrico con cinco perros mastines clonados. Su novia es una imitadora profesional de una de sus archirrivales políticos. Su directora de campaña y principal asesora política es su hermana.Un dólar con la imagen de Donald Trump en la oficina de uno de los asesores de Milei. El candidato ha elogiado la presidencia de Trump.Sarah Pabst para The New York TimesAl igual que Trump, Milei habla sobre la importancia de la imagen, como cuando le dijo a Carlson que su pasado como portero de fútbol semiprofesional y cantante de una banda de versiones de The Rolling Stones conforman una “combinación atractiva en términos de producto televisivo”. Milei hace casi siempre la misma mirada con el ceño y los labios fruncidos en todas las selfies que se toma con los votantes, lo que también hace recordar a Trump.El estilo característico de Milei —una chaqueta de cuero, una melena indomable y patillas largas— está diseñado para evocar al personaje de los cómics Wolverine, según Lilia Lemoine, una artista de cosplay profesional quien también es la estilista de Milei y se está postulando para el Congreso en su fórmula. Esto, según Lemoine, es porque, al igual que Wolverine, “él es un antihéroe”.El resultado es una legión de seguidores que se asemeja a un culto. En un evento reciente en Salta, una ciudad en el noroeste montañoso de Argentina, Milei iba en la caja de una camioneta mientras miles de votantes se empujaban para verlo de cerca. Sus partidarios llevaban pelucas despeinadas, repartían billetes falsos de 100 dólares con su cara y exhibían arte de sus perros, cuatro de los cuales llevan nombres de economistas conservadores.“Sí, todos lo califican por loco, por todo, pero qué mejor que un loco para que saque adelante el país”, dijo María Luisa Mamani, de 57 años, dueña de una carnicería. “Porque los que estuvieron cuerdos no hicieron nada”.Los argentinos han sobrellevado una de las peores crisis financieras del país.Sarah Pabst para The New York TimesMilei tuvo una aparición breve pero no habló. En realidad, el evento fue en gran medida un escenario para generar contenido para redes sociales creado por influentes en edad universitaria a los que no se les paga y que viajan con Milei y lo graban.Ellos lo han ayudado a construir una enorme presencia en línea así como una intensa base de simpatizantes jóvenes. (La edad legal para votar en Argentina es de 16 años).Luján López Villa, un estudiante de último año de bachillerato de 20 años, proveniente de a pequeña localidad de Chicoana, dijo que Milei tenía un apoyo casi unánime entre sus compañeros de clase, porque era el candidato “cool”, a pesar de las advertencias de sus profesores de que sus planes para dolarizar la economía eran peligrosos.“Nos quieren cambiar el pensamiento para no votarlo”, dijo. “Igual lo seguimos”.No sorprende que los argentinos estén ansiosos por un cambio. Décadas de mala gestión económica, gran parte de ella en manos del movimiento peronista en el poder, del que Massa es parte, han sumido a la Argentina en un agujero financiero.En abril de 2020, al inicio de la pandemia, con un dólar se compraban unos 80 pesos; un día de la semana pasada, ese mismo dólar podía comprar más de 1000 pesos. Esas cifras están basadas en un tipo de cambio no oficial que refleja mejor la visión del mercado sobre el peso, parte de un sistema bizantino de controles cambiarios que el gobierno utiliza para tratar de mantener los dólares estadounidenses en el país.Seguidores de Milei en Salta. Quiere reducir el gobierno, empezando por eliminar el banco central de Argentina.Sarah Pabst para The New York TimesMilei quiere eliminar esas regulaciones cuando sea presidente, en parte haciendo una transición al dólar.Tanto Milei como varios economistas han dicho que dolarizar la economía muy probablemente requiera de decenas de miles de millones de dólares, pero no se sabe con certeza dónde podría Argentina obtener una inversión de esa escala. El país ya tiene problemas para pagar una deuda de 44.000 millones de dólares al Fondo Monetario Internacional.Milei tampoco tendría mucho apoyo en el Congreso para la dolarización, aunque ha afirmado que tiene pensado someter el tema a un referendo nacional.Emmanuel Alvarez Agis, exviceministro de Economía de Argentina durante un gobierno de izquierda, afirmó que si Milei lograra la dolarización, resolvería en gran medida la inflación, pero produciría una serie de otros problemas, incluida la disminución de los salarios reales, una mayor tasa de desempleo y menor flexibilidad para suavizar los efectos de las crisis económicas.Milei también ha expresado su compromiso con implementar cambios a favor del mercado y con una presencia menor del gobierno, y ha prometido: reducir los impuestos; eliminar regulaciones; privatizar las industrias estatales; cambiar la educación pública a un sistema basado en vouchers y la atención de salud pública a un sistema basado en seguros; reducir el número de ministerios federales de 18 a ocho; y recortar el gasto federal en un 15 por ciento del producto interno bruto de Argentina.Estos profundos recortes del gasto requerirían reducciones significativas en las pensiones, la educación y la seguridad pública, dijo Alvarez Agis. “No creo que estén discutiendo los números de manera seria”, dijo.Carteles de campaña en Salta para otro de los candidatos principales en la elección del domingo, Sergio Massa, el ministro de Economía de centroizquierda.Sarah Pabst para The New York TimesTras meses de campañas de los candidatos, este domingo será la prueba que determinará si los votantes están dispuestos a darle una oportunidad a Milei. Podría ganar las elecciones de forma directa con el 45 por ciento de los votos, o con el 40 por ciento si tiene un margen de diferencia de al menos 10 puntos porcentuales. Si ningún candidato obtiene algunas de esas condiciones, la contienda irá a una segunda vuelta el 19 de noviembre, entre los dos candidatos con más votos.Aunque ganó las elecciones primarias, Milei siguió afirmando que hubo fraude electoral y que sus rivales se robaron boletas de su partido de los establecimientos de votación, evitando que los ciudadanos votaran por él. Milei también afirmó que se encontraron boletas de su partido escondidas en una escuela. Su partido no proporcionó ninguna prueba.Milei dijo que su partido había puesto la denuncia ante las autoridades electorales, pero los funcionarios electorales la cuestionaron.“No hubo denuncia ni impugnación, ni que ocurriera robo de boletas de modo sistemático”, declaró la Cámara Nacional Electoral de Argentina a través de un comunicado. “Nos preocupa que se hagan declaraciones así sin acompañarlas con presentaciones judiciales para investigar”.El equipo de campaña de Milei dijo que había reclutado a 100.000 voluntarios para monitorear las mesas el día de las elecciones. Pero en una entrevista televisiva el jueves, Milei afirmó que todavía le preocupaba el robo de votos.Milei afirmó que el presunto fraude en las primarias le había costado al menos varios puntos porcentuales de apoyo. “Hay unos que dicen que son dos puntos y medio, otros dicen que son tres. Y otros que dicen cinco”, dijo. “Sea al número que sea, puede ser determinante”.Natalie Alcoba More

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    Javier Milei, a ‘Mini-Trump,’ Could Be Argentina’s Next President

    He made his name disparaging people on television. He levels harsh attacks against critics online. He sports an unruly hairdo that has become a meme. And he is now the leader of his country’s far right.Donald J. Trump, and his rise to the American presidency in 2016, shares some striking similarities with the man behind the moment unfolding in Argentina, the nation’s new political sensation, Javier Milei.Mr. Milei, a libertarian economist and television pundit, was once seen as a sideshow in Argentina’s presidential race, not taken seriously by the news media or his opponents. Now — after a brash, outsider campaign based on a promise that he alone can fix the nation’s deep economic woes — he is the favorite to win the election outright on Sunday or head to a runoff next month.Mr. Milei, 52, has already upended the politics of this nation of 46 million. His pledges to eliminate Argentina’s central bank and ditch its currency for the U.S. dollar have dominated the national conversation, while also helping to fuel a further collapse in the value of the Argentine peso.But it has been his bellicose political style that has attracted comparisons with Mr. Trump, as well as widespread concern in Argentina and beyond about the damage his government could inflict on Latin America’s third-largest economy.Mr. Milei has attacked the press and the pope; declared climate change part of “the socialist agenda”; called China, Argentina’s second-largest trade partner, an “assassin”; pledged looser controls on guns; claimed he is the victim of voter fraud; questioned the most recent presidential elections in the United States and Brazil; and suggested that the far-right riots that followed those votes were leftist plots.Mr. Milei surrounded by supporters in Salta, Argentina. His brash, outsider campaign has made him a favorite in Sunday’s election. Sarah Pabst for The New York Times“He is quite clearly a mini-Trump,” said Federico Finchelstein, an Argentine who chairs the history department at the New School in New York and studies the far right around the world.Mr. Milei, Mr. Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s former president, are all leading practitioners of the modern strain of far-right politics, Mr. Finchelstein said, marked by vulgarity, attacks on institutions, discrediting of the news media, distrust of science, a cult of personality and narcissism.“Trump is an icon of this new form of extreme populism,” Mr. Finchelstein said. “And Milei wants to emulate him.”Mr. Milei has embraced comparisons to Mr. Trump, whom he has called “one of the best presidents in the history of the United States.” He has worn “Make Argentina Great Again” hats and, much like Mr. Trump, waged his campaign largely on social media. And in the two months before Sunday’s vote, he granted an interview to one American broadcast personality: the former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.Mr. Milei’s campaign declined repeated requests for an interview with The New York Times.Supporters of Mr. Milei in the headquarters of his party in Salta. Mr. Milei’s use of social media has made him especially popular among younger Argentines.Sarah Pabst for The New York TimesWith two master’s degrees in economics, Mr. Milei can sound professorial at times, opining on monetary policy and a strain of libertarianism he follows called anarcho-capitalism.He has called the state “a criminal organization” that collects taxes “at gunpoint.” And he says he is driven by a mission to shrink government and remove it from people’s lives, starting with Argentina’s central bank.His libertarian ideals have also made him less conservative on some social issues. He has said that as long as the state doesn’t have to pay for it, he could support drug legalization, open immigration, sex work, transgender rights, same-sex marriage and selling organs.Abortion, however, he calls “murder” and promises to put it to a referendum in Argentina, where it has been legal since 2020.Mr. Milei surprised pollsters in August when he won Argentina’s open primaries with about 30 percent of the vote. He has since led his two main challengers in the polls: Sergio Massa, Argentina’s center-left economy minister; and Patricia Bullrich, a right-wing former security minister.Mr. Milei has received nearly blanket news coverage during the campaign, both for his radical economic proposals and his eccentric personality. He is a self-proclaimed tantric-sex teacher with five cloned mastiff dogs. His girlfriend is a professional impersonator of one of his political archrivals. And his campaign manager and chief political adviser is his sister.A dollar note with Donald J. Trump’s image in the office of one of Mr. Milei’s advisers. The candidate has praised Mr. Trump’s tenure as president in the United States. Sarah Pabst for The New York TimesLike Mr. Trump, he speaks about the importance of image, telling Mr. Carlson that his past as a semipro soccer goalie and a singer in a Rolling Stones cover band “make for an attractive television product.” Mr. Milei makes nearly the same furrowed-brow, pursed-lip look for every selfie with voters, also calling to mind Mr. Trump.Mr. Milei’s signature look — a leather jacket, an untamable mop of hair and long sideburns — is designed to conjure the comic-book character Wolverine, according to Lilia Lemoine, a professional cosplay performer who is Mr. Milei’s stylist and is running for Congress on his ticket. Because, like Wolverine, she said, “he is an antihero.”The result is a cultlike following. At a recent event in Salta, a city in Argentina’s mountainous northwest, Mr. Milei rode in a truck bed as thousands of voters pushed in for a closer look. Supporters wore messy wigs, passed out fake $100 bills with his face and displayed art of his dogs, four of which are named for conservative economists.“Yes, everyone describes him as crazy, for everything, but who better than a crazy person to move the country forward?” said María Luisa Mamani, 57, a butcher-shop owner. “Because the sane ones didn’t do anything.”Argentines have weathered one of the country’s worst financial crises.Sarah Pabst for The New York TimesMr. Milei appeared briefly but did not speak. Instead, the event was largely a stage for social-media content created by unpaid college-age influencers who travel with Mr. Milei and film him.They have helped him build an enormous online presence and intense youth following. (The legal voting age in Argentina is 16.) Luján López Villa, 20, a high school senior in the small town of Chicoana, said Mr. Milei had near-unanimous support among her classmates, largely because he was the “cool” candidate, despite warnings from teachers that his plans to dollarize the economy are dangerous.“They want to change our minds,” she said. “We’re going to keep following him.”It is no surprise that Argentines are eager for change. Decades of economic mismanagement, much of it in the hands of Mr. Massa’s incumbent Peronist party, have plunged Argentina into a big financial hole.In April 2020, at the start of the pandemic, $1 bought about 80 pesos; one day last week, $1 bought more than 1,000 pesos. Those figures are under an unofficial exchange rate that best reflects the market’s view of the peso, part of a byzantine system of currency controls the government uses to try to keep U.S. dollars in the country.Supporters of Mr. Milei in Salta. He wants to shrink government, starting with getting rid of Argentina’s central bank.Sarah Pabst for The New York TimesMr. Milei wants to discard those rules as president, partly by switching to dollars.Both Mr. Milei and economists have said that dollarizing the economy will most likely require tens of billions of dollars, but it is not clear where Argentina could get such an investment. The country is struggling to pay a $44 billion debt to the International Monetary Fund. Mr. Milei would also not have much congressional support for dollarization, though he has said that he would put the issue to a national referendum.Emmanuel Alvarez Agis, Argentina’s former deputy economy minister under a leftist administration, said that if Mr. Milei could dollarize, it would mostly solve inflation — but produce a host of other problems, including a decrease in real wages, higher unemployment and less flexibility to soften the effects of economic downturns.Mr. Milei has also promised a pro-market, small-government overhaul, including pledges to: lower taxes; slash regulations; privatize state industries; shift public education to a voucher-based system and public health care to insurance based; reduce the number of federal ministries to eight from 18; and cut federal spending by 15 percent of Argentina’s gross domestic product.Such deep spending cuts would require significant reductions to pensions, education and public safety, Mr. Alvarez Agis said. “I don’t think that they are discussing numbers in a serious way,” he said.Campaign signs in Salta for another top candidate in Sunday’s election, Sergio Massa, Argentina’s center-left economy minister.Sarah Pabst for The New York TimesAfter months of campaigning by the candidates, Sunday will test whether voters are ready to take a chance on Mr. Milei. He could win the election outright with 45 percent of the vote, or 40 percent with a margin of at least 10 percentage points. If no candidate reaches any of those thresholds, the race will go to a runoff on Nov. 19 between the top two finishers.Even though Mr. Milei won the primary, he still claimed fraud, saying rivals stole his parties’ ballots from polling stations, preventing citizens from voting for him. Mr. Milei also said his party’s ballots were found in the trash at a school. His party did not provide any evidence.Mr. Milei said his party had complained to election officials, but election officials disputed that.“There was no complaint or challenge, nor was there any systematic ballot theft,” Argentina’s electoral court said in a statement. “We are concerned that such statements are made without accompanying legal filings to investigate.”Mr. Milei’s campaign said it had recruited 100,000 volunteers to monitor polling stations on Election Day. But in a television interview on Thursday, Mr. Milei said he was still worried about stolen votes.He claimed that the alleged fraud in the primaries had cost him at least several percentage points of support. “Some say two and a half points, others say three, and others say five,” he said. “Whatever the number is, it may be decisive.”Natalie Alcoba More

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    Javier Milei and His 5 Cloned Dogs in Argentina’s Election

    Javier Milei, a far-right libertarian, might soon be Argentina’s next president. He credits his cloned “four-legged children.”After finishing a surprising first in Argentina’s presidential primaries in August, Javier Milei grabbed a microphone in front of a raucous crowd and thanked Conan, Murray, Milton, Robert and Lucas.“Who else?” he said. “My four-legged children.”Mr. Milei, a far-right libertarian who is the favorite in Argentina’s presidential election on Sunday, would head to the country’s presidential offices, the Casa Rosada, not with a spouse and children, but with five mastiffs he has long called his children.He is, of course, speaking figuratively. Technically speaking, however, those five dogs are not traditional offspring of any animal. They are genetic copies of Mr. Milei’s former dog, also named Conan, and were created in a laboratory in upstate New York.Mr. Milei’s five cloned dogs have become objects of fascination in Argentina’s presidential election and a window into his unusual candidacy. For months the national debate has revolved around his ascent, his eccentric personality and his radical economic proposals — like eliminating Argentina’s central bank and replacing its currency with the U.S. dollar — to save the nation of 46 million from one of its worst financial crises in decades.Mr. Milei has made his original dog, Conan, named for the movie “Conan the Barbarian,” a central player in his back story, saying the dog saved his life and spent numerous Christmases alone with him when he felt abandoned by others.He has made the cloned dogs symbols of his libertarian ideals by naming four of them for three conservative American economists: Murray Rothbard, Milton Friedman and Robert Lucas.And at his rallies, he has held aloft paintings of his dogs, which he passes out to the crowd before picking up a roaring chain saw, his go-to metaphor for the deep cuts he wants to deliver to the Argentine government.A supporter holding a replica of a $100 bill featuring Mr. Milei with a chain saw. The tool is a symbol of the deep cuts Mr. Milei wants to make to the Argentine government.Sarah Pabst for The New York TimesMr. Milei has also signaled that cloning could find a place in his government. Last month he said that, if elected, he would appoint an Argentine scientist who has dedicated his career to cloning animals as the chairman of an influential national scientific council.“He is considered the national cloner,” Mr. Milei said of the scientist, Daniel Salamone. “This is the future.” Mr. Milei’s scientific beliefs, including denying humans’ role in climate change, have worried scientists.Mr. Milei is the front-runner in Sunday’s election, but polls suggest that he will not receive enough votes to win outright and avoid a runoff in November.Mr. Milei’s cloned dogs are also an example of a growing trend among wealthy pet owners that is raising tricky ethical questions.A handful of companies in the United States, China and South Korea have cloned hundreds of dogs since the first cloned canine in 2005. Barbra Streisand owns two clones of her Coton de Tulear, while Barry Diller and Diane von Furstenberg have three clones of their Jack Russell terriers.To clone his dogs, Mr. Milei hired PerPETuate, a company run by Ron Gillespie, 75, who got his start in the world of livestock insemination and now runs a “genetic preservation” firm from the Big Island of Hawaii.Mr. Gillespie said he received an email from Mr. Milei in 2014, saying he was interested in cloning Conan. “He said that this dog was his life,” Mr. Gillespie said.For $1,200, Mr. Milei sent a sample of Conan’s tissue to Mr. Gillespie’s business partners, scientists at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Mass., who used that tissue to grow cells full of Conan’s DNA and then cryogenically freeze them. (Some cells remain frozen in Worcester.)The website of PerPETuate prominently features Mr. Milei’s cloned dogs.In 2018, after Conan died, Mr. Milei reached out again. He was ready to pay the $50,000, which was the cost of a procedure that would guarantee him at least one clone.Cloning one dog usually requires more than 100 eggs — or about a year’s worth of eggs from five to 10 canines — which are surgically harvested from donor dogs, Mr. Gillespie said.Dog-cloning technology is largely the same since Dolly the sheep became the first mammal clone in 1997. Scientists remove the nucleus from each donor egg cell, wiping them clean of all their DNA. Into those empty eggs, the scientists insert the cells full of DNA of the animal being cloned.“Then we stimulate the egg cell with a shot of electricity, and that forms a one-cell embryo that immediately begins to multiply,” Mr. Gillespie said.Ten to 15 of those embryos — based fully on the DNA from the dog being cloned — are then implanted into the uterus of a surrogate dog.Some bioethicists and animal-welfare groups question the ethics of pet cloning, both for its use of animals to donate eggs and carry cloned fetuses, as well as the fact that there are already millions of unwanted pets.Jessica Pierce, a bioethicist who studies the relationship between humans and dogs, has said cloning contributes to the creation of “a canine underclass” of surrogates that live sometimes difficult lives to produce clones. “I don’t think it’s too strong to call what we do to reproductive labor dogs a form of incarceration,” she said.Pet cloning companies reject that characterization, saying many surrogate dogs are adopted by loving families.Ms. Pierce said cloning also destroys more embryos than typical dog pregnancies. She said that seemingly puts it at odds with the beliefs of Mr. Milei, who has promised to try to ban abortion because he says life begins at fertilization.Mr. Milei’s campaign declined to comment or make him available for an interview.To clone Mr. Milei’s dogs, Mr. Gillespie contracted ViaGen Pets, based outside Austin, Texas, the only American company cloning dogs. ViaGen declined to say how many eggs it used to clone Conan.ViaGen said that in nearly three out of four cases, cloning a dog produces just one clone.In Mr. Milei’s case, in 2018, it produced five.“He was ecstatic,” Mr. Gillespie said. Once the clones arrived in Argentina, one began responding to “Conan” and seemed to enjoy the same television show as Mr. Milei’s previous dog, so Mr. Milei named the clone Conan, Mr. Gillespie said Mr. Milei told him.Conan “is literally a son to me,” Mr. Milei told an Argentine news site in 2018. The other four clones “are like my grandchildren.”He also has said the dogs are a handful. “My house is like Kosovo,” he said on television in 2018. “In two weeks, they’ve eaten almost four armchairs.” Five years later, he has said the largest of the pack weighs 220 pounds.Mr. Milei’s cloned dogs are a window into his unusual candidacy — and an example of a growing trend among wealthy pet owners that is raising tricky ethical questions.Marcelo Dubini/CarasOn the campaign trail, Mr. Milei has largely kept the dogs at a day care, out of sight. But they have remained a part of the debate.Sergio Massa, Argentina’s economic minister who is polling just behind Mr. Milei in Sunday’s vote, criticized Mr. Milei’s dismissal of global warming by saying that parents are worried about the planet’s future, unlike those “who speak to their dogs like they were their kids.”Argentine news outlets have also reported that Mr. Milei has privately said that he has received strategic advice from his dogs.When asked whether he, in fact, takes advice from his dogs, Mr. Milei has remained coy.“What I do inside my house is my problem,” he told the Spanish newspaper El País. At the closing event of his campaign on Wednesday night, he called his dogs “the best strategists in the world.”Celia Melamed, an Argentine veterinarian who runs a workshop on communicating with animals, said one of her students has been Karina Milei, Mr. Milei’s sister and campaign manager.Ms. Melamed said she can feel the emotions of animals through a sort of metaphysical connection. “If I connect with an animal and it’s afraid, I feel the fear in my body,” she said. “It seems esoteric, and perhaps it is, because so far science has not dealt with this.”Mr. Gillespie, the cloning entrepreneur in Hawaii, said that since learning on Facebook that his client was a politician, he had watched Mr. Milei’s rise with fascination.“As I tell my wife,” he said, “I don’t have a vote in the Argentine election, but I do have five dogs in the race.”Lucía Cholakian Herrera More