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    American carnage: how Trump's mob ran riot in the Capitol

    A rioter leaned back in the chair of the speaker of the House Representatives and brought a brown boot down on the papers left strewn on her desk.
    Elsewhere in the Capitol building, a lectern bearing the gold seal of Congress was ripped away and framed documents were torn from the walls, as Trump banners and Confederate flags were paraded through abandoned hallways.
    It was Wednesday afternoon, 6 January, when Donald Trump’s four-year assault on US democracy reached its inescapable destination, an orgy of violence aimed at the heart of the republic.
    Staffers in some offices barricaded their doors and hid under their desks like one of the active shooter lockdowns the country’s schoolchildren practised when they still went to school. “Where the fuck are the Capitol police?” a staffer texted to a journalist friend. The police were overwhelmed, and the massed ranks of national guard and federal agents who had crushed peaceful Black Lives Matter protests in the summer were nowhere to be seen until evening fell.

    In the corridors outside, Trumpist rioters were able to roam freely, as they looked for members of Congress they saw as enemies. They found their way into the Senate chamber where minutes earlier the election results were being certified. A rioter stepped on to the dais and, according to a reporter on the scene, yelled: “Trump won that election.”
    Police fired teargas as the rioters pushed inside the gleaming white edifice of the Capitol. One woman was shot by the US Capitol police and later died of her injuries, according to the Washington police. Three others died in “medical emergencies” throughout the day, authorities said. . Rioters attacked TV crews outside the building. Several police officers were also injured. Authorities found pipe bombs outside the offices of the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee, as well as a cooler with a long gun and molotov cocktail on the Capitol grounds.

    When the defeated president was first sworn into office almost four years ago, he raised the spectre of “American carnage”. He portrayed it as something that had gone before, but it very soon became clear it was what was still to come.
    As Trump has made clear for months, he has been prepared to wreak carnage on the political system that elevated him to the most powerful office, if it ever threatened to spit him out.
    The party who enabled his rise and then grew terrified of him has been left broken, so divided that the Republicans lost both Senate seats in the southern bastion of Georgia, results confirmed on Wednesday.

    At the moment the Trumpist mob stormed the Capitol, the Republicans had split into duelling factions. A dozen senators and over a hundred representatives were prepared to follow him across the Rubicon and vote against certifying the confirmed results of November’s presidential election.
    The vice-president, Mike Pence, the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell and most Republican senators wanted to jump off the Trump train before it reached its last stop, and tried to put an end to the president’s fevered delusion that the presidency would be handed back to him after electoral defeat.
    It was the declaration from Pence – who had hitherto been assiduously loyal to the leader – that he would follow the constitution and read out the election result, rather than try to change it, that apparently triggered Trump’s wrath, and set in motion the events that led to the storming of the Capitol.
    As senators were being hustled to safety, a leading member of the latter faction, former presidential candidate Mitt Romney, is reported to have told a leader of the loyalists, Ted Cruz, “This is what you’ve gotten” – a clumsy, desperate epitaph for the party the Republicans thought they were.
    The orange genie, who had been out of the bottle for four years granting the Republicans’ every wish, was not going back in without tearing down the palace walls, turning the party’s own supporters against it.
    Less than an hour before the Capitol was breached, Trump had told his supporters: “We want to be so respectful of everybody – bad people. And we are going to have to fight much harder.”
    He told them to march from the White House along the National Mall to the Capitol to “save our democracy”. He even said he would go with them, but it was just another promise he had no intention of keeping, taking his motorcade instead the hundred yards back to the White House.
    Go to the Congress “peacefully and patriotically” he told them, but a matter of minutes later, the barricades outside the Capitol were down and the mob was charging. They had been told, again and again, their nation was at stake, child-trafficking Chinese-run socialists were taking over, and they had to fight harder.
    Those Republicans who failed to overturn the election were “weak” and “pathetic”, allowing Democrats to destroy the country. Trump singled out his formerly loyal deputy. “Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us, and if he doesn’t, that will be a sad day for our country,” Trump yelled from a stage that had been set up a block from the White House, for a crowd that had gathered on the grassy Ellipse below the national monument.
    As the president was speaking, Pence had, however, jumped ship. For the first time, with two weeks of the presidency to run, he did the opposite of what he was being told by his boss.
    Hours after his supporters had stormed the Capitol, Trump released a video telling them: “Go home, we love you, you’re very special.” But he also used the video to repeat his baseless claims about the “fraudulent” vote which he lost.

    As night fell over the capital he tweeted: “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”
    The seeds of violence were disguised inside the husk of the old order. Wednesday itself had appeared to begin like any other American political carnival, with bright flags, exuberant costumes and vendors selling T-shirts and hotdogs. It was only with a closer look, that something far more dystopian was at hand, with a seething potential for violence.
    “Fuck Your Feelings, Trump 2020,” was the message on the fastest-selling T-shirt. Some of the flags declared: “Fuck Biden”. The crowd that sprawled across the Ellipse was a mix of families and the elderly, men and women, young and old. Only about one in 10 was wearing camouflage gear, though that was more than the percentage wearing masks.
    A young couple, Kasey and Mike, were sitting under one of the ornamental cherry trees near the monument, having traveled down from Rhode Island. They spoke with the dreamy smiles of two people in love, sharing a moment in history, but their message was one of looming conflict.
    “People here are mad. They’ve watched so many people destroy our country like that. I don’t think they’re just gonna sit back any more,” Kasey said.
    “I think Trump’s only option he really has left is to call military action into it because he has the right to do that.”
    As Trump finished his speech, the crowd dispersed, thousands streaming along the mall to the Capitol. On a side street some distance from the crowd, a small group of young bearded men in military fatigues and hats lounged patiently, in readiness for what they knew would come later, when the sun set.
    It was unknowable, as the glass was being swept up in the Capitol and the police began to eject the jubilant rioters, whether they were the embodiment of a last spasm of a spent force, or the true face of America’s future.
    • This article was amended on 7 January 2021 to remove an inaccurate term to describe the rioters. More

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    Biden calls on Trump to 'demand an end to this siege' – video

    President-elect Joe Biden denounces the violence at the Capitol, after a mob of Trump supporters storm the building. ‘This is not dissent, it’s disorder, it’s chaos, it borders on sedition, and it must end now,’ Biden said. He then called on outgoing US president Trump to publicly ‘demand an end to this siege’
     Trump tells mob that stormed Congress ‘we love you’ as Biden condemns ‘siege’ – follow live
    ‘Trump blows up US democracy’: the world watches on in horror More

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    America shaken as violent pro-Trump mob storms Capitol building

    [embedded content]
    America was shaken on Wednesday as a mob of Donald Trump supporters staged an insurrection at the US Capitol building in Washington, storming the debating chambers and fighting police in clashes that left one person dead.
    The siege was among the worst security breaches in American history and came after Trump had earlier urged a crowd of protesters to march on the Capitol and undo his November election defeat.
    The violence halted the tallying of electoral college votes to affirm Joe Biden’s victory. Mike Pence, the vice-president, and members of Congress were evacuated to undisclosed locations for their own safety.
    Local police said one person had been shot inside the Capitol building. Later, Dustin Sternbeck, a spokesman for the DC police, told the Washington Post that the woman had died. More

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    Call it what it was: a coup attempt | Rebecca Solnit

    On Wednesday, a coup attempt was led by the president of the United States. A rightwing mob attempted the coup in the form of a violent riot that stormed the Capitol building. They disrupted the proceedings that would have completed the recognition of the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Those proceedings had been disrupted earlier by elected officials bringing forth bad-faith claims that the election was not legitimate and should instead produce a continuation of Trump’s presidency. This too was a coup attempt, an attempt to violate the constitution and override the will of the voters in this election. Inside and outside were two faces of the same thing, and both were fomented by the leaders of the Republican party and by the US president. The mob outside would not exist without the politicians inside. Those insiders will make noises of horror and repudiation, but they own this.Had Mitch McConnell and other Republican leaders recognized the legitimate winner of the election in early November, had there been no challenge to a legitimate election from inside the government, there would have been no mob. Having failed to suppress enough votes to guarantee a Republican presidential victory, the Republican party and the Trump administration decided to try to suppress them retroactively. Trump invited the mob and whipped it up for months and set it off today, as surely as if he’d lit a bomb’s fuse.I call it a coup attempt because, though I assume it will not prevent the Biden presidency, it certainly intended to, and is part of a campaign to delegitimize and thereby weaken the incoming administration. It was a long time coming, building up for years with white rage, especially white male rage fueled by everyone from Trump himself to the National Rifle Association, Fox News and the various rightwing pundits, the Republican party, the various faces of white supremacy, and the far-right groups such as the Proud Boys. It is a rage against the fact that other people might be equal under the law, that women and people of color might also govern as power begins to be distributed more equally, the same rage that attempted to delegitimize a black president with birtherism and obstruction. It is a rage against equality.Democracy is a set of agreements to make decisions together and respect the outcome whether you like them or not. The kind of violence we saw on Capitol Hill is authoritarian, a way to try to force other people to submit to the will of the perpetrators. This violence comes from the white men who were long the only people with power in this country imagining themselves as marginalized and oppressed outsiders because others might also have power and a voice. We saw these kind of men last summer, when they invaded the Michigan capital while carrying semiautomatic rifles and saw them again when a handful of them were arrested for a plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. We saw them in racist shootings from the Texas border to a Pennsylvania synagogue.This coup attempt was built by the more and more uninhibited ideology of violence we have seen again and again, in the mass shootings that became a norm in 21st-century America, the fetishization of guns and gun rights that made the killing machines and the death they inflict far more common, so that death by gun recently overtook death by car as a leading American way to die.As I write, I hear a Republican leader on TV say “Remember we are the party of law and order,” and, of course, the riot going on in the Capitol is technically lawless, but “law and order” as a rightwing slogan means that they are the law and they impose their version of order. Authoritarianism is always an ideology of inequality: I make the rules, you follow them, I change them at will and punish those who don’t obey, or, if I feel like it, those who do because I can. Frank Wilhoit once said: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition … There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” They are demonstrating that nothing binds them and that they expect to have whatever they want. Entitlement is too demure a word for this.Authoritarianism is always an ideology of inequality: I make the rules, you follow them, I punish those who don’t obeyWhat is at stake in America today is the outcome of an election. But it’s also the rule of law and the rights of voters. And in the end it’s also about the authority of facts and evidence and history and science, that no one has the right to override those things for personal gain. Trump’s position all along has been that he in particular has that right. Today it came to a head and became a crisis as a mob sabotaged a constitutionally mandated procedure for the peaceful transition of power. This was always going to happen because Trump’s power was always going to be finite in reach and duration under the law, and because he wants that power to be infinite, he was always at war with the law, and he always had a volunteer army willing to help him take it. Today they acted like an army, a hostile occupying force in the nation’s capital. This is what he wanted and this is what he orchestrated and this is what we got.Trump was the most prolific public liar America has ever seen, and his lies were an essential part of his authoritarianism, a refusal to be bound by facts, even the facts of what he said or did the day before. He demanded a parallel narrative in which he won the election and laid the groundwork long before to claim, if he lost, that it was illegitimate, as he did in 2016. In a recorded video on Wednesday, Trump said to the crowd “We love you” as he told them to go home but also reasserted that the election was stolen, which is why they’re there in the first place. Ivanka Trump apparently deleted a tweet in which she called them “American patriots”.The Trumps and their loyalists in office will disavow the worst of what happened and pretend to be surprised by it and continue feeding it. Conversation about what’s been happening over the past several months has often bought into the false binary that either we have a successful coup, in which they steal the election, or we have a failed coup, but there is something insidious in-between: the delegitimization of the democratic process and the incoming administration. In this in-between state, Trump supporters continue to regard their leader and themselves as above the law and entitled to enforce it however they see fit, on the basis of whatever facts they most enjoy having. They are building a separate reality and appear to wish for a shadow government to beleaguer and undermine the legitimate one. Today, we’ve seen it in action. More

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    Teargas and shots fired as pro-Trump mob rampages through Congress

    This article is more than 1 year old Teargas and shots fired as pro-Trump mob rampages through Congress This article is more than 1 year old Presidential handover collapses into chaos as Trump supporters break through barricades and enter building Pro-Trump mob storms US Capitol – follow live The presidential handover collapsed into chaos on […] More

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    US Capitol in lockdown as Trump supporters clash with police

    The presidential handover collapsed into chaos on Wednesday as an angry mob of Trump supporters stormed the United States Capitol.
    In unprecedented scenes the building was locked down with lawmakers inside as Donald Trump supporters clashed with police, broke through barricades and entered the building.
    As a mob of Trump supporters entered the building, people working inside were ordered by local safety officials to shelter in their offices. Shots were fired, according to ABC News, and a woman was shot although the details were not immediately clear. The National Guard was called to help to secure the Capitol.
    After breaching barricades Trump supporters were seen walking through the building, waving flags and clashing violently with security. One posted pictures purportedly from House speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office where her quickly abandoned laptop appeared to be still on, others took selfies inside the Senate chamber.

    Members of Congress were told to don gas masks after teargas was deployed inside the building. Outside the building hundreds of supporters barged through police lines and took over the steps of the Capitol. Video showed injured police officers and violent tussles as they stormed the building.
    The move meant that the Senate and the House of Representatives both recessed its debate over congressional certification of Joe Biden’s electoral victory over Trump in November’s presidential election.
    Local media reported that Mike Pence was ushered out of the Senate and taken to a secure location. The Senate doors were closed and locked, and senators told to stay away from the doors and then evacuated.
    Trump, and his allies, have baselessly floated conspiracy theories that the election was somehow fraudulently won by the Biden, though there is no evidence to support this. At a rally before the riot began Trump falsely told supporters once more that the election had been rigged, referring to the counting of ballots in the 2020 election as “explosions of bullshit”.
    “We will never give up, we will never concede. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved,” Trump said.
    Earlier Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, had called for a “trial by combat” accusing Democrats of hiding evidence of malfeasance. “Who hides evidence? Criminals hide evidence. Not honest people,” he told the crowd.
    After Trump’s speech protestors marched towards the Capitol chanting: “Whose Capitol? Our Capitol.”
    The mayor of Washington DC, Muriel Bowser, ordered a curfew in America’s capital city that was set to begin at 6pm local time.
    The process that the protests halted was the certification of the electoral college vote which is typically a ceremonial – and largely perfunctory – affair. However, a group of Republican lawmakers – spurred on by Trump – are trying to turn the usually routine debate into Trump’s last stand and a bid to reverse his election defeat.
    President-elect Joe Biden denounced the violence at the Capitol. “At this hour, our democracy is under unprecedented assault, unlike anything we’ve seen in modern times,” he said.
    Trump, who still has not conceded that he lost the election, has spent the last several weeks attempting to pressure public officials to overturn Biden’s 306-232 election win.
    As the situation worsened Republicans and Democrats called on Trump to tell his supporters to go home. “The violence and destruction taking place at the US Capitol Must Stop and it Must Stop Now,” Pence wrote on Twitter.

    Mike Pence
    The violence and destruction taking place at the US Capitol Must Stop and it Must Stop Now. Anyone involved must respect Law Enforcement officers and immediately leave the building.

    January 6, 2021

    Trump tweeted: “I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”
    Ten minutes earlier he had attacked the vice-president for not having “the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution,” and backing his attempt to usurp the election results.

    Donald J. Trump

    January 6, 2021

    In a video Trump called on his supporters to go home but falsely claimed once more that the election had been “stolen”. “I know your pain, I know your hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us,” he said. “But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. Go home. We love you. You are very special.” More

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    ‘Firearms are not permitted', police warn Trump supporters ahead of protest – video

    As Donald Trump supporters prepare to rally in Washington seeking to bolster the president’s unproven claims of widespread voter fraud, Washington DC’s acting police chief warns that firearms will not be permitted in the US capital. Washington has mobilised the National Guard ahead of planned protests by Trump supporters in the lead-up to the congressional vote affirming Joe Biden’s election victory. Trump protesters warned not to carry guns as Washington DC calls up National GuardEnrique Tarrio, leader of rightwing Proud Boys, arrested ahead of rallies Continue reading… More

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    Trump protesters warned not to carry guns as Washington DC calls up National Guard

    DC police chief says ahead of inauguration protests ‘there are people intent on coming to our city armed’The US capital has mobilised the National Guard ahead of planned protests by Donald Trump supporters in the lead-up to the congressional vote affirming Joe Biden’s election victory.Trump’s supporters are planning to rally on Tuesday and Wednesday, seeking to bolster the president’s unproven claims of widespread voter fraud. Continue reading… More